Publications by authors named "Srinivasarao Ch"

Poor nutrient use efficiency (NUE) and water use efficiency (WUE) is a predominantly faced problem in semi-arid regions that limit the crop production. This problem can be addressed with the application of zeolite that is a naturally available mineral with very high cation exchange and water holding capacity, which aids in improving NUE and WUE. Moreover, zeolites are safe for the environment and living organisms, and their use in agriculture results in improving physical and chemical properties of soil.

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Maize is one of the important cereal crops grown in rainfed regions of northwestern Himalayas, however, persistent use of chemical fertilizers coupled with poor soil nutrients and water holding capacity due to coarse textured soils poses serious threat to sustaining maize yield and soil health. To address these bottlenecks, a long-term experiment with application of organic manures and mineral fertilizer provides insights to quantify changes in soil organic carbon (SOC), crop yield and rain water use efficiency (RWUE) in rainfed area having low water use efficiency. A twelve years field experiment was conducted under dry sub-humid Inceptisols in northern India to study the potential impacts of organic and mineral fertilization on maize (Zea mays L.

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Decreasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and enhancing soil carbon (C) sequestration in cropland are necessary to achieve carbon neutrality at national scale. The major objective of this study is to quantify the GHG mitigation potential of adopted climate resilient (CR) practices in CR villages using Ex-ACT tool developed by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Intensively cultivated area of Punjab and Haryana was selected for carrying out this study.

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Pulses are an important source of energy and protein, essential amino acids, dietary fibers, minerals, and vitamins, and play a significant role in addressing global nutritional security. The global pulse area, production, and average productivity increased from 1961 to 2020 (60 years). Pulses are usually grown under rainfed, highly unstable, and complex production environments, with substantial variability in soil and environmental factors, high year-to-year output variability, and variation in soil moisture.

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Understanding the spatial spreading patterns of plant-available sulphur (S) (AS) and plant-available micronutrients (available zinc (AZn), available iron (AFe), available copper (ACu), available manganese (AMn) and available boron (AB)) in soils, especially in coastal agricultural soils subjected to various natural and anthropogenic activities, is vital for sustainable crop production by adopting site-specific nutrient management (SSNM) strategies. We studied the spatial distribution patterns of AS, AZn, AFe, ACu, AMn, and AB in cultivated soils of coastal districts of India using geostatistical approaches. Altogether 39,097 soil samples from surface (0 to 15 cm depth) layers were gathered from farm lands of 68 coastal districts.

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Beneficial aspects of endophytic microorganisms have motivated researchers to explore plant endophytic world. The present study was aimed to isolate and characterize the seed-borne endophytic bacteria from diverse maize genotypes. Eighty maize seed endophytic bacteria (MSEB), isolated from 30 maize genotypes, were characterized using polyphasic approach.

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Optimum potassium (K) nutrition in semi-arid regions may help crop plants to overcome constraints in their growth and development such as moisture stress, leading to higher productivity of rainfed crops, thus judicious K management is essential. A study was conducted to evaluate the importance of K nutrition on physiological processes like photosynthesis through chlorophyll a fluorescence and chlorophyll fluorescence induction kinetics (OJIP) of rainfed crops viz., maize (Zea mays L.

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Severe soil organic carbon (SOC) depletion is a major constraint in rainfed agroecosystems in India because it directly influences soil quality, crop productivity and sustainability. The magnitude of soil organic, inorganic and total carbon stocks in the semi-arid bioclimate is estimated at 2.9, 1.

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