We demonstrate an efficient approach for enhancing the spectral broadening of long laser pulses and for efficient frequency redshifting by exploiting the intrinsic temporal properties of molecular alignment inside a gas-filled hollow-core fiber (HCF). We find that laser-induced alignment with durations comparable to the characteristic rotational time scale enhances the efficiency of redshifted spectral broadening compared to noble gases. The applicability of this approach to Yb lasers with (few hundred femtoseconds) long pulse duration is illustrated, for which efficient broadening based on conventional Kerr nonlinearity is challenging to achieve.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe strong coupling between intense laser fields and valence electrons in molecules causes distortions of the potential energy hypersurfaces which determine the motion of the nuclei and influence possible reaction pathways. The coupling strength varies with the angle between the light electric field and valence orbital, and thereby adds another dimension to the effective molecular potential energy surface, leading to the emergence of light-induced conical intersections. Here, we demonstrate that multiphoton couplings can give rise to complex light-induced potential energy surfaces that govern molecular behavior.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe study the near-threshold photodissociation dynamics of NO by a kinematically complete femtosecond pump-probe scheme using a cold target recoil ion momentum spectrometer. We excite NO to the optically bright ÃB state with a 400 nm pulse and probe the ensuing dynamics via strong field single and double ionization with a 25 fs, 800 nm pulse. The pump spectrum spans the NO(XΠ) + O(P) dissociation channel threshold, and therefore, following internal conversion, excited NO is energetically prepared both "above threshold" (dissociating) and "below threshold" (nondissociating).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIonization of an atom or molecule by a strong laser field produces suboptical cycle wave packets whose control has given rise to attosecond science. The final states of the wave packets depend on ionization and deflection by the laser field, which are convoluted in conventional experiments. Here, we demonstrate a technique enabling efficient electron deflection, separate from the field driving strong-field ionization.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe use differential holography to overcome the forward scattering problem in strong-field photoelectron holography. Our differential holograms of H_{2} and D_{2} molecules exhibit a fishbonelike structure, which arises from the backscattered part of the recolliding photoelectron wave packet. We demonstrate that the backscattering hologram can resolve the different nuclear dynamics between H_{2} and D_{2} with subangstrom spatial and subcycle temporal resolution.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe investigate the emergence of subdiffusive transport by obstruction in continuum models for molecular crowding. While the underlying percolation transition for the accessible space displays universal behavior, the dynamic properties depend in a subtle nonuniversal way on the transport through narrow channels. At the same time, the different universality classes are robust with respect to introducing correlations in the obstacle matrix as we demonstrate for quenched hard-sphere liquids as underlying structures.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFQuantum photonics offers much promise for the development of new technologies. The ability to control the interaction of light and matter at the level of single quantum excitations is a prerequisite for the construction of potentially powerful devices. Here we use the rotational levels of a room temperature ensemble of hydrogen molecules to couple two distinct optical modes at the single photon level using femtosecond pulses with 2 THz bandwidth.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe generic mechanisms of anomalous transport in porous media are investigated by computer simulations of two-dimensional model systems. In order to bridge the gap between the strongly idealized Lorentz model and realistic models of porous media, two models of increasing complexity are considered: a cherry-pit model with hard-core correlations as well as a soft-potential model. An ideal gas of tracer particles inserted into these structures is found to exhibit anomalous transport which extends up to several decades in time.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe introduction of femto-chemistry has made it a primary goal to follow the nuclear and electronic evolution of a molecule in time and space as it undergoes a chemical reaction. Using Coulomb Explosion Imaging, we have shot the first high-resolution molecular movie of a to and fro isomerization process in the acetylene cation. So far, this kind of phenomenon could only be observed using vacuum ultraviolet light from a free-electron laser.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe multiphoton ionization rate of molecules depends on the alignment of the molecular axis with respect to the ionizing laser polarization. By studying molecular frame photoelectron angular distributions from N(2), O(2), and benzene, we illustrate how the angle-dependent ionization rate affects the photoelectron cutoff energy. We find alignment can enhance the high energy cutoff of the photoelectron spectrum when probing along a nodal plane or when ionization is otherwise suppressed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe excited state dynamics of isolated sulfur dioxide molecules have been investigated using the time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy and time-resolved photoelectron-photoion coincidence techniques. Excited state wavepackets were prepared in the spectroscopically complex, electronically mixed (B̃)(1)B1/(Ã)(1)A2, Clements manifold following broadband excitation at a range of photon energies between 4.03 eV and 4.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhys Rev Lett
March 2014
The transition between two distinct mechanisms for the laser-induced field-free orientation of CO molecules is observed via measurements of orientation revival times and subsequent comparison to theoretical calculations. In the first mechanism, which we find responsible for the orientation of CO up to peak intensities of 8 × 10(13) W/cm(2), the molecules are impulsively oriented through the hyperpolarizability interaction. At higher intensities, asymmetric depletion through orientation-selective ionization is the dominant orienting mechanism.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRandom number sequences are a critical resource in modern information processing systems, with applications in cryptography, numerical simulation, and data sampling. We introduce a quantum random number generator based on the measurement of pulse energy quantum fluctuations in Stokes light generated by spontaneously-initiated stimulated Raman scattering. Bright Stokes pulse energy fluctuations up to five times the mean energy are measured with fast photodiodes and converted to unbiased random binary strings.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe study the ultrafast relaxation dynamics of uracil excited to the first bright ππ* state (S2) by an ultrafast laser pulse in the deep ultraviolet (central wavelength λ0 = 260 nm). With a unique combination of strong field dissociative ionization measurements, state of the art strong field ionization calculations, and high level ab initio calculations of excited neutral and ionic states at critical points along the neutral potentials, we are able to gain a detailed picture of the relaxation dynamics of the molecule, which resolves earlier disagreements regarding measurements and calculations of the relaxation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn strong-field ionization (SFI) of polyatomic molecules, the participation of multiple electronic ionization channels is emerging as a key aspect. In the molecular frame, each channel is expected to show a characteristic dependence of the SFI yield on the polarization direction of the ionizing field. We apply a new angle- and channel-resolved SFI technique to the polyatomic molecule 1,3-butadiene and compare these molecular-frame measurements with two leading theoretical models.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe bring the methodology of orienting polar molecules together with the phase sensitivity of high harmonic spectroscopy to experimentally compare the phase difference of attosecond bursts of radiation emitted upon electron recollision from different ends of a polar molecule. This phase difference has an impact on harmonics from aligned polar molecules, suppressing emission from the molecules parallel to the driving laser field while favoring the perpendicular ones. For oriented molecules, we measure the amplitude ratio of even to odd harmonics produced when intense light irradiates CO molecules and determine the degree of orientation and the phase difference of attosecond bursts using molecular frame ionization and recombination amplitudes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe study correlations between neutral and ionic states in strong-field molecular ionization. We compare predictions based on Dyson orbital norms and quasistatic semiclassical tunneling theories (Keldysh and molecular orbital Ammosov-Delone-Krainov) with more detailed calculations of strong-field ionization which take into account (i) the Coulomb interaction between the outgoing continuum electron wave packet and the remaining bound electrons and (ii) electron-core interactions that cause distortions of the electronic continuum states during the ionization event. Our results highlight the prominence of electronic rearrangement effects in strong-field ionization with intense ultrafast laser pulses, where the outgoing continuum electron can cause electronic transitions in the parent ion.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhys Rev Lett
September 2012
We produce oriented rotational wave packets in CO and measure their characteristics via high harmonic generation. The wave packet is created using an intense, femtosecond laser pulse and its second harmonic. A delayed 800 nm pulse probes the wave packet, generating even-order high harmonics that arise from the broken symmetry induced by the orientation dynamics.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTwo mechanisms of two-color (ω+2ω) laser-induced field-free molecular orientation, based on the hyperpolarizability and ionization depletion, are explored and compared. The CO molecule is used as a computational example. While the hyperpolarizability mechanism generates small amounts of orientation at intensities below the ionization threshold, ionization depletion quickly becomes the dominant mechanism as soon as ionizing intensities are reached.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSubcycle strong-field ionization (SFI) underlies many emerging spectroscopic probes of atomic or molecular attosecond electronic dynamics. Extending methods such as attosecond high harmonic generation spectroscopy to complex polyatomic molecules requires an understanding of multielectronic excitations, already hinted at by theoretical modeling of experiments on atoms, diatomics, and triatomics. Here, we present a direct method which, independent of theory, experimentally probes the participation of multiple electronic continua in the SFI dynamics of polyatomic molecules.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFConical intersections play a crucial role in the chemistry of most polyatomic molecules, ranging from the simplest bimolecular reactions to the photostability of DNA. The real-time study of the associated electronic dynamics poses a major challenge to the latest techniques of ultrafast measurement. We show that high-harmonic spectroscopy reveals oscillations in the electronic character that occur in nitrogen dioxide when a photoexcited wave packet crosses a conical intersection.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe study whether tunnel ionization of aligned molecules can be used to map out the electronic structure of the ionizing orbitals. We show that the common view, which associates tunnel ionization rates with the electronic density profile of the ionizing orbital, is not always correct. Using the example of tunnel ionization from the CO(2) molecule, we show how and why the angular structure of the alignment-dependent ionization rate moves with increasing the strength of the electric field.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe investigate the dynamics of a single tracer exploring a course of fixed obstacles in the vicinity of the percolation transition for particles confined to the infinite cluster. The mean-square displacement displays anomalous transport, which extends to infinite times precisely at the critical obstacle density. The slowing down of the diffusion coefficient exhibits power-law behavior for densities close to the critical point and we show that the mean-square displacement fulfills a scaling hypothesis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe show that noncollinear high harmonic generation (HHG) can be fully understood in terms of nonlinear optical wave mixing. We demonstrate this by superposing on the fundamental ω1 field its second harmonic ω2 of variable intensity in a noncollinear geometry. It allows us to identify, by momentum conservation, each field's contribution (n1,n2) to the extreme ultraviolet emission at frequency Ω = n1ω1 + n2ω2.
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