This study compared the effect of a 7-day estradiol- and a 7-day GnRH-based FTAI protocol versus a presynchronized GnRH-based FTAI protocol (7 & 7 GnRH) on pregnancy per AI (P/AI) in multiparous postpartum Angus cows. Cows were blocked according to presence/absence of a CL, body condition score, and days postpartum and assigned randomly to one of three treatments: I) 7-day EB (n = 368), estradiol benzoate (EB) and intravaginal progesterone-(P4)-releasing device (IVPD) on Day -10, prostaglandin F (PG), equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) and estradiol cypionate (ECP) at IVPD removal on Day -3 with FTAI done on Day -1 (54 ± 2 h after IVPD removal); II) 7-day GnRH (n = 367), GnRH at IVPD insertion on Day -10, PG and eCG at IVPD removal on Day -3 with GnRH and FTAI on Day 0 (66 ± 2 h after IVPD removal); and III) 7 & 7 GnRH (n = 361), PG at IVPD insertion on Day -17, GnRH on Day -10, IVPD removal, PG and eCG on Day -3 with GnRH and FTAI on Day 0 (66 ± 2 h after IVPD removal). Preovulatory follicle diameter, corpus luteum (CL) presence, CL area, and P4 concentration were determined at IVPD removal, as well as estrus expression at FTAI and P/AI between 35 and 40 days after FTAI.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe aim was to determine changes in clinical parameters, glucose concentration, cortisol and behavior in colony queens in no music conditions compared with exposing to different genres of music. Mixed breed clinically healthy queens ( = 9) were used. Queens were studied under no music conditions (control=CON) and auditory enrichment: Soft Rock (M1), Motown (M2), Pop (M3), Frenchcore (M4) and music that was composed to be species-appropriate for cats (M5).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDespite gene-expression profiling being one of the most common methods to evaluate molecular dysregulation in tissues, the utilization of cell-free messenger RNA (cf-mRNA) as a blood-based non-invasive biomarker analyte has been limited compared to other RNA classes. Recent advancements in low-input RNA-sequencing and normalization techniques, however, have enabled characterization as well as accurate quantification of cf-mRNAs allowing direct pathological insights. The molecular profile of the cell-free transcriptome in multiple diseases has subsequently been characterized including, prenatal diseases, neurological disorders, liver diseases and cancers suggesting this biological compartment may serve as a disease agnostic platform.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study investigated the effect of hCG or GnRH on structural changes of the corpora lutea (CL) and the regulation of the expression of steroidogenic enzymes involved in P secretion in post-ovulatory (po-CL) and accessory CL (acc-CL). Sixty-four ewes were assigned to three groups receiving: 300 IU of hCG (hCG) or 4 µg Buserelin (GnRH) or 1 mL of saline solution (Control) on Day (d) 4 post artificial insemination (FTAI). Laparoscopic ovarian were performed on d 4, 14 and, 21 post-FTAI to determine the numbers of CL.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnlabelled: Control measures are being introduced globally to reduce the prevalence of antibiotic resistance (ABR) in bacteria on farms. However, little is known about the current prevalence and molecular ecology of ABR in bacterial species with the potential to be key opportunistic human pathogens, such as on South American farms. Working with 30 dairy cattle farms and 40 pig farms across two provinces in central-eastern Argentina, we report a comprehensive genomic analysis of third-generation cephalosporin-resistant (3GC-R) , which were recovered from 34.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA retrospective longitudinal study assessing the explanatory and predictive capacity of body condition score (BCS) in dairy cows on disease risk at the individual and herd level was carried out. Data from two commercial grazing herds from the Argentinean Pampa were gathered (Herd A = 2100 and herd B = 2600 milking cows per year) for 4 years. Logistic models were used to assess the association of BCS indicators with the odds for anestrus at the cow and herd level.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: To compare the capacity of a simplified calf health scoring chart (SIM score) with the University of Wisconsin's calf health scoring chart (WIN score) for the diagnosis of calf diarrhea and calf respiratory disease (RD).
Animals And Procedures: Holstein calves (N = 222) were clinically evaluated for diarrhea and RD diagnosis using the WIN and SIM scores. The WIN score was based on fecal consistency for diagnosis of diarrhea (0 = feces of normal consistency to 3 = watery feces; score ≥ 2 = positive diagnosis); and on nasal discharge, ocular discharge, coughing, ear position, and rectal temperature for diagnosis of RD (each clinical sign receives a score of 0 to 3; aggregate score ≥ 5 = positive diagnosis).
The objectives of this study were: 1- to evaluate the association of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV), Bovine Herpes Virus 1 (BoHV-1), and Neospora caninum (N. caninum) with the risk for Late Embryonic Loss (LEL) in grazing dairy cows, 2- to evaluate blood progesterone concentration at the time of LEL occurrence, and 3- to describe a novel ultrasound-guided technique for conceptus sampling. We run a prospective cohort study involving 92 cows (46 LEL and 46 NLEL).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMany studies have been conducted to estimate pregnancy losses between 19 and 34 d after artificial insemination (AI) in dairy cows managed under confinement-based systems, but few studies have examined embryo mortality during this interval in dairy cows managed under gazing systems. The objectives of this prospective cohort study were (1) to assess the diagnostic value of the corpus luteum (CL) blood perfusion (BP) evaluation by Doppler ultrasound (US) to detect nonpregnant cows at 19 to 20 d post-AI, and (2) to assess the rate of potential embryo mortality between 19 to 34 d post-AI. The CL-BP of all cows included in the study (n = 131) was examined on farm by power and color mode of Doppler US and later using an image processing software by a second evaluator.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study aimed to assess 1) the effect of high environmental temperatures on sperm production and 2) the effectiveness of a temperature-humidity index (THI) to predict the degree of thermal stress in a cat model. Semen collection was performed by electroejaculation for 18 mo in 20 tomcats maintained under controlled photoperiod. Still, temperature and humidity were not experimentally manipulated to describe the effect of natural climate conditions on seminal samples.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis work aimed to study the immunolocalization of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its FLT-1 receptor (VEGFR1) in systemically healthy bitches with and without endometritis (END). Thirty-one uterine samples from mixed-breed, systemically healthy diestrous bitches, were included in the study. The bitches were divided into three groups after histological evaluation (normal endometrium [n = 8]; acute-END [n = 8]; subacute-END [n = 5]; chronic-END [n = 10]).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPoor udder health status can have a detrimental effect on milk yield and reproductive performance, leading to reductions in the dairy farm profit. The objective of this retrospective longitudinal study was to assess the associations of somatic cell count (SCC) with daily milk yield and reproductive performance. A database with 1,930,376 lactations from 867 Argentinean grazing dairy herds records collected for 14 years was used.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe main aim of this study was to assess the associations between the timing of lameness clinical case occurrence in lactation with productive and reproductive performances in grazing Holstein cows. A cohort study was carried out on a dataset with records from a commercial dairy herd (Buenos Aires, Argentina) for cows that calved and were dried off from January 2010 through June 2017. The first recorded event of lameness per lactation was considered for the study.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe present study aimed to determine the effect of cat seminal plasma and purified llama ovulation-inducing factor (β-NGF) on ovarian activity in queens. Queens (n = 6) were used for all the treatments in a crossover design with an interval time between treatments of three interestrus intervals. Forty-eight hours after the detection of an estrus vaginal cytology, queens were given cat seminal plasma (subcutaneous or intramuscular), purified llama ovulation-inducing factor (15 or 35 μg), hCG (75 UI), saline, or were mated with a male.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnim Reprod Sci
January 2021
The aim of the present study was to compare the endometrial gene expression of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), nodal growth differentiation factor (NODAL), prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 (PTGS2), oestrogen receptor 1 (ESR1) and progesterone receptor (PGR) in repeat breeder cows (RBC) and non-RBC during diestrus. Endometrial samples were collected by cytobrush technique and stored in RNA stabilizing solution at -20°C until RT-qPCR analysis. Differences in endometrial mRNA expression of selected genes were assessed by ANOVA and simple (r) and the partial correlations (rp) among selected genes were performed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe aim was to study number, volume, apoptosis of corpora lutea (CL), and serum P concentrations in early, middle, and late diestrus of dogs. Thirty-six bitches were ovari-hysterectomized (OVX): Early Diestrus (Group [G]1; OVX 20 days after end of estrus [DEH]); Mid-diestrus (GII; OVX between 21 and 40 days after DEH), and Late-diestrus (GIII; OVX between 41 and 60 days after DEH). Before OVX a blood sample was collected to quantify P.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTierarztl Prax Ausg G Grosstiere Nutztiere
August 2020
Objective: To assess the efficacy of antibiotic usage for the treatment of puerperal metritis (PM) and its association with reproductive performance, a retrospective cohort study including a total of 9168 records of cows from a dairy farm in Argentina was run.
Material And Methods: Cows having a PM3 (metricheck, scale 0-3) and treated with ceftiofur (ceftiofur crystalline free acid, 6.6 mg/kg) at 0-21 days postpartum (p.
Background: In several mammals, subfertility or infertility associated with endometritis was reported. Although there have been studies about endometritis in bitches, the pathophysiological mechanisms are not completely known.
Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the immunohistochemical expression of Cyclooxygenase 2 (COX2) in clinically healthy bitches with normal uterine tissue and bitches with endometritis.
Domest Anim Endocrinol
January 2021
The objective of this study was to evaluate the association between progesterone concentration on Days 4 and 9 of the estrus cycle and endometrial transcriptome at Day 9 in lactating grazing dairy cows. Blood samples were obtained on Days 0, 4, and 9 for progesterone measurement by chemiluminescence. Cows were assigned to one of the following groups (n = 3 per group): cows with low physiological progesterone on Day 4, cows in anestrous, cows with high physiological progesterone on Day 4, and superovulated cows.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: The current study aimed to evaluate the relationship between specific seminal plasma components - cholesterol (CHOL), triacylglycerols (TAG) and total protein (PROT) concentrations - and semen quality in cats. A further aim was to determine the relationship between specific seminal protein bands and semen quality.
Methods: Thirteen toms, 2-5 years of age, were included.
The aim of this work was to assess the agreement between endometrial cytology and uterine biopsy for the diagnosis of endometritis (END), the bacterial populations isolated from the vagina and uterus of bitches having END, and the measurement of C- reactive protein as a diagnostic tool for diagnosis of END in clinically healthy bitches. Fifty privately-owned intact, clinically healthy bitches, in diestrus, without a history of progestin administration, aged between 8 months and 6 years old and weighing between 5 and 28 kg were used in this study. Bitches were included in a program for breeding control at a municipal pet public shelter.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAtaxia Telangiectasia (A-T) is neurodegenerative syndrome caused by inherited mutations inactivating the ATM kinase, a master regulator of the DNA damage response (DDR). What makes neurons vulnerable to ATM loss remains unclear. In this study we assessed on human iPSC-derived neurons whether the abnormal accumulation of DNA-Topoisomerase 1 adducts (Top1ccs) found in A-T impairs transcription elongation, thus favoring neurodegeneration.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDifferent therapeutic strategies have been used with the objective of improve luteal function to reduce embryonic losses. The objective of this work was to study the effect of the administration of GnRH or hCG at Day 4 post fixed time artificial insemination (FTAI) on reproductive efficiency in Merino sheep during the breeding season in North Patagonia. Estrus of multiparous Merino ewes (n = 288) was synchronized by two injections of prostaglandins (PG; 125 μg, Cloprostenol), 14 days apart.
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