Publications by authors named "Sophie Divay"

The onset of the pandemic has exhausted and disenchanted most hospital professionals. It also seems to have accelerated awareness within the nursing group, particularly among the new "mastered" staff. Working conditions continue to deteriorate and career promises seem to be eroding.

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This article retraces some of the dynamics of the nursing occupational group since its advent at the end of the nineteenth century in France. The guiding thread we will follow is the evolution of the institutional education of nurses and senior nurses. Adopting a socio-historical approach will enable us to understand this intricate process.

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[Not Available].

Rech Soins Infirm

January 2020

This article retraces some of the dynamics of the nursing occupational group since its advent at the end of the nineteenth century in France. The guiding thread we will follow is the evolution of the institutional education of nurses and senior nurses. Adopting a socio-historical approach will enable us to understand this intricate process.

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Forty years after the decriminalisation of abortion, what is society's view of this hard-fought right of women? Do they finally have the freedom to control their own bodies? The sociological view put forward here questions the professional positioning of caregivers faced with women requesting an elective abortion.

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Working well together at hospital depends on several factors, on the level of a team as well as that of the ministry in charge of health. How can we encourage and promote cooperation between caregivers? If the hospital is the reflection of society as a whole, an analysis of the functioning of this universe provides a better understanding of the challenges and the missions of each player for the benefit of the patient.

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Professional nurses' group: towards gender diversity or the neutralisation of gender? The nursing profession is essentially feminine. It is interesting to listen to what professionals, and particularly women, have to say about the question. Different opinions emerge and conclusions are established.

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