The more we learn about the algal relatives of embryophytes (land plants), the more complex and fascinating the evolution of key streptophyte traits becomes. With the sequencing of the Klebsormidium nitens genome, a range of molecular traits shared with land plants were found - despite ca. 800 million years of divergence.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe evolution of several hallmark traits of land plants is underpinned by phytochemical innovations. The specialized metabolism of plants can appear like a teeming chaos that has yielded an ungraspable array of chemodiversity. Yet, this diversity is the result of evolutionary processes including neutral evolution, drift, and selection that have shaped the metabolomic networks.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe earliest land plants faced a significant challenge in adapting to environmental stressors. Stress on land is unique in its dynamics, entailing swift and drastic changes in light and temperature. While we know that land plants share with their closest streptophyte algal relatives key components of the genetic makeup for dynamic stress responses, their concerted action is little understood.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHornworts, one of the three bryophyte phyla, show some of the deepest divergences in extant land plants, with some families separated by more than 300 million years. Previous hornwort genomes represented only one genus, limiting the ability to infer evolution within hornworts and their early land plant ancestors. Here we report ten new chromosome-scale genomes representing all hornwort families and most of the genera.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhilos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci
November 2024
Phenolic compounds of land plants are varied: they are chemodiverse, are sourced from different biosynthetic routes and fulfil a broad spectrum of functions that range from signalling phytohormones, to protective shields against stressors, to structural compounds. Their action defines the biology of land plants as we know it. Often, their roles are tied to environmental responses that, however, impacted already the algal progenitors of land plants, streptophyte algae.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhilos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci
November 2024
Immense chemical diversity is one of the hallmark features of plants. This chemo-diversity is mainly underpinned by a highly complex and biodiverse biochemical machinery. Plant metabolic enzymes originated and were inherited from their eukaryotic and prokaryotic ancestors and further diversified by the unprecedentedly high rates of gene duplication and functionalization experienced in land plants.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhilos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci
November 2024
Plant specialized metabolism has a complex evolutionary history. Some aspects are conserved across the green lineage, but many metabolites are unique to certain lineages. The network of specialized metabolism continuously diversified, simplified or reshaped during the evolution of streptophytes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhilos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci
November 2024
The special issue 'The evolution of plant metabolism' has brought together original research, reviews and opinions that cover various aspects from the full breath of plant metabolism including its interaction with the environment including other species. Here, we briefly summarize these efforts and attempts to extract a consensus opinion of the best manner in which to tackle this subject both now and in the future. This article is part of the theme issue 'The evolution of plant metabolism'.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLand plants are astounding processors of information; due to their sessile nature, they adjust the molecular programs that define their development and physiology in accordance with the environment in which they dwell. Transduction of the external input to the respective internal programs hinges to a large degree on molecular signaling cascades, many of which have deep evolutionary origins in the ancestors of land plants and its closest relatives, streptophyte algae. In this Review, we discuss the evolutionary history of the defining factors of streptophyte signaling cascades, circuitries that not only operate in extant land plants and streptophyte algae, but that also likely operated in their extinct algal ancestors hundreds of millions of years ago.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLand plants (embryophytes) came about in a momentous evolutionary singularity: plant terrestrialization. This event marks not only the conquest of land by plants but also the massive radiation of embryophytes into a diverse array of novel forms and functions. The unique suite of traits present in the earliest land plants is thought to have been ushered in by a burst in genomic novelty.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Streptophyta emerged about a billion years ago. Nowadays, this branch of the green lineage is most famous for one of its clades, the land plants (Embryophyta). Although Embryophyta make up the major share of species numbers in Streptophyta, there is a diversity of probably >5000 species of streptophyte algae that form a paraphyletic grade next to land plants.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe plant cuticle is a hydrophobic barrier, which seals the epidermal surface of most aboveground organs. While the cuticle biosynthesis of angiosperms has been intensively studied, knowledge about its existence and composition in nonvascular plants is scarce. Here, we identified and characterized homologs of Arabidopsis thaliana fatty acyl-CoA reductase (FAR) ECERIFERUM 4 (AtCER4) and bifunctional wax ester synthase/acyl-CoA:diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1 (AtWSD1) in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha (MpFAR2 and MpWSD1) and the moss Physcomitrium patens (PpFAR2A, PpFAR2B, and PpWSD1).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLand plants have diversified enzyme families. One of the most prominent is the cytochrome P450 (CYP or CYP450) family. With over 443,000 CYP proteins sequenced across the tree of life, CYPs are ubiquitous in archaea, bacteria, and eukaryotes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStreptophytes are best known as the clade containing the teeming diversity of embryophytes (land plants). Next to embryophytes are however a range of freshwater and terrestrial algae that bear important information on the emergence of key traits of land plants. Among these, the Klebsormidiophyceae stand out.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWater scarcity can be considered a major stressor on land, with desiccation being its most extreme form. Land plants have found two different solutions to this challenge: avoidance and tolerance. The closest algal relatives to land plants, the Zygnematophyceae, use the latter, and how this is realized is of great interest for our understanding of the conquest of land.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPlant terrestrialization brought forth the land plants (embryophytes). Embryophytes account for most of the biomass on land and evolved from streptophyte algae in a singular event. Recent advances have unravelled the first full genomes of the closest algal relatives of land plants; among the first such species was Mesotaenium endlicherianum.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDespite its small size, the water fern Azolla is a giant among plant symbioses. Within each of its leaflets, a specialized leaf cavity is home to a population of nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria (cyanobionts). Although a number of plant-cyanobiont symbioses exist, Azolla is unique in that its symbiosis is perpetual: the cyanobionts are inherited during sexual and vegetative propagation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhotosynthesis, the ability to fix atmospheric carbon dioxide, was acquired by eukaryotes through symbiosis: the plastids of plants and algae resulted from a cyanobacterial symbiosis that commenced more than 1.5 billion years ago and has chartered a unique evolutionary path. This resulted in the evolutionary origin of plants and algae.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSignificant changes have occurred in plant cell wall composition during evolution and diversification of tracheophytes. As the sister lineage to seed plants, knowledge on the cell wall of ferns is key to track evolutionary changes across tracheophytes and to understand seed plant-specific evolutionary innovations. Fern cell wall composition is not fully understood, including limited knowledge of glycoproteins such as the fern arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe filamentous and unicellular algae of the class Zygnematophyceae are the closest algal relatives of land plants. Inferring the properties of the last common ancestor shared by these algae and land plants allows us to identify decisive traits that enabled the conquest of land by plants. We sequenced four genomes of filamentous Zygnematophyceae (three strains of and one strain of ) and generated chromosome-scale assemblies for all strains of the emerging model system .
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe evolution of streptophytes had a profound impact on life on Earth. They brought forth those photosynthetic eukaryotes that today dominate the macroscopic flora: the land plants (Embryophyta). There is convincing evidence that the unicellular/filamentous Zygnematophyceae-and not the morphologically more elaborate Coleochaetophyceae or Charophyceae-are the closest algal relatives of land plants.
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