Publications by authors named "Sonntag B"

This guideline aims to improve and standardize the diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for different types of miscarriages, pregnancies of unclear localization, and ectopic pregnancies in the 1st trimester. In accordance with the requirements for an S2k-guideline, this guideline was compiled following a search of the literature, and the various recommendations and statements were formally agreed upon by an interdisciplinary group of representative experts from Germany (DGGG, etc.), Austria (OEGGG) and Switzerland (SGGG) who met up several times under the aegis of the German Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics ( , DGGG).

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The emotion of boredom has attracted considerable research interest. However, boredom experienced in spiritual contexts (i.e.

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  • Telonemia are ancient marine protists with established evolutionary links to the SAR supergroup, but their ecological roles and distribution in freshwater environments remain under-researched.
  • A global study of over a thousand freshwater metagenomes and 407 samples from lakes revealed a wide distribution of Telonemia, though no new major clades were identified, indicating their diversity is well-represented in current surveys.
  • Findings suggest Telonemia prefer colder, deeper areas of lakes in the Northern Hemisphere, where they can make up 10%-20% of the heterotrophic flagellate population, highlighting their significance in freshwater food webs.
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This official guideline was published and coordinated by the DGGG, OEGGG and SGGG with the involvement of other medical societies. The aim was to provide a consensus-based overview of non-hormonal forms of contraception based on an evaluation of the relevant literature. The first part of these summarized statements and recommendations presents natural family planning methods such as lactational amenorrhea, barrier methods and coitus interruptus.

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This official guideline was published and coordinated by the DGGG, OEGGG and SGGG with the involvement of other medical societies. The aim was to provide a consensus-based overview of non-hormonal forms of contraception based on an evaluation of the relevant literature. The first part of these summarized statements and recommendations presents natural family planning methods such as lactational amenorrhea, barrier methods and coitus interruptus.

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We investigated the food-dependent growth and thermal response of the freshwater ciliate Colpidium kleini using numerical response (NR) experiments. This bacterivorous ciliate occurs in lotic water and the pelagial of lakes and ponds. The C.

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Despite their high abundance and wide distribution in ecosystems, most protists remain unknown to the public. Although science communication approaches were developed in historical times to raise public awareness of these 'enigmatic' taxa, many aspects have not been considered in the spotlight of modern techniques. We present selected ideas and activities on how to attract the public to unicellular eukaryotes.

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Purpose: Psychosocial health (PH) and quality of life (QoL) are important health outcomes. We compared PH and QoL of adolescents conceived with intrazytoplasmatic sperm injection (ICSI) and of naturally conceived controls. The impact of disclosure of ICSI-conception on QoL and PH was quantified.

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Paramecium bursaria is a mixotrophic ciliate species, which is common in stagnant and slow-flowing, nutrient-rich waters. It is usually found living in symbiosis with zoochlorellae (green algae) of the genera Chlorella or Micractinium. We investigated P.

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  • Urotrich ciliates are crucial in freshwater plankton, affecting food webs and consuming significant algal production during blooms.
  • The study focuses on four common urotrich morphotypes, using advanced morphological and molecular techniques to understand their diversity and distribution patterns better.
  • This research aims to enhance future ecological studies by providing detailed insights into urotrich ciliates and their environmental interactions, which will improve data utilization from high throughput sequencing in freshwater ecosystems.
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Background: Using the 6-step approach to curriculum development for medical education, we developed a communication skills training (CST) curriculum for oncology and evaluated this curriculum from the perspective of cancer patients.

Methods: We conducted a qualitative interview study with cancer patients, collecting data using semi-structured face-to-face or telephone interviews with a short standardized survey. We fully transcribed the audiotaped interviews and conducted the content analysis using MAXQDA 2020.

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Network analyses of biological communities allow for identifying potential consequences of climate change on the resilience of ecosystems and their robustness to resist stressors. Using DNA metabarcoding datasets from a three-year-sampling (73 samples), we constructed the protistan plankton co-occurrence network of Lake Zurich, a model lake ecosystem subjected to climate change. Despite several documentations of dramatic lake warming in Lake Zurich, our study provides an unprecedented perspective by linking changes in biotic association patterns to climate stress.

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Species of the genus Coleps are one of the most common planktonic ciliates in lake ecosystems. The study aimed to identify the phenotypic plasticity and genetic variability of different Coleps isolates from various water bodies and from culture collections. We used an integrative approach to study the strains by (i) cultivation in a suitable culture medium, (ii) screening of the morphological variability including the presence/absence of algal endosymbionts of living cells by light microscopy, (iii) sequencing of the SSU and ITS rDNA including secondary structures, (iv) assessment of their seasonal and spatial occurrence in two lakes over a one-year cycle both from morphospecies counts and high-throughput sequencing (HTS), and, (v) proof of the co-occurrence of Coleps and their endosymbiotic algae from HTS-based network analyses in the two lakes.

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Microbial planktonic communities are the basis of food webs in aquatic ecosystems since they contribute substantially to primary production and nutrient recycling. Network analyses of DNA metabarcoding data sets emerged as a powerful tool to untangle the complex ecological relationships among the key players in food webs. In this study, we evaluated co-occurrence networks constructed from time-series metabarcoding data sets (12 months, biweekly sampling) of protistan plankton communities in surface layers (epilimnion) and bottom waters (hypolimnion) of two temperate deep lakes, Lake Mondsee (Austria) and Lake Zurich (Switzerland).

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Research Question: Are there differences in the cardiometabolic health of ICSI-conceived adolescents compared with a control group, taking parental risk factors into account?

Design: ICSI-conceived adolescents (n = 272), their mothers (n = 273) and naturally conceived control adolescents (n = 273) and their mothers (n = 273) provided a blood test and answered a health-related questionnaire. The adolescents also attended a physical examination.

Results: ICSI-conceived males showed significantly higher mean weight (72.

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Study Question: Are there any differences in the pubertal development and reproductive hormone status during adolescence between singletons following ICSI therapy or spontaneous conception (SC)?

Summary Answer: Pubertal development and reproductive hormone levels are largely similar between ICSI and SC adolescents, except for a tendency towards lower inhibin B levels as well as significantly higher estradiol levels and a lower testosterone-to-estradiol-ratio in male adolescents.

What Is Known Already: Previous data are scarce and partly inconclusive regarding pubertal development in female ICSI adolescents as well as demonstrating a tendency towards lower inhibin B serum levels in male ICSI offspring.

Study Design, Size, Duration: Prospective controlled study including 274 singleton ICSI-conceived adolescents (141 girls, 133 boys) followed up for the third time, and 273 SC controls (142 girls, 131 boys) from seven German registration offices (Aachen, Eichstätt, Erfurt, Lübeck, Hamburg, Heidelberg and Schwerin).

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Ciliates represent central nodes in freshwater planktonic food webs, and many species show pronounced seasonality, with short-lived maxima of a few dominant taxa while many being rare or ephemeral. These observations are primarily based on morphospecies counting methods, which, however, have limitations concerning the amount and volume of samples that can be processed. For high sampling frequencies at large scales, high throughput sequencing (HTS) of freshwater ciliates seems to be a promising tool.

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Paramecium populations from a clear and a glacier-fed turbid alpine lake were exposed to solar simulated ultraviolet (UVR) and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) at 8 and 15 °C. The ciliates were tested for DNA damage (comet assay), behavioral changes, and mortality after UVR + PAR exposure. High DNA damage levels (~58% tail DNA) and abnormal swimming behavior were observed, although no significant changes in cell numbers were found irrespective of the lake origin (clear, turbid), and temperatures.

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Background: Physician-patient communication is an essential component of high-quality health care provision for cancer patients. To date, communication skills training programmes have not been systematically implemented in oncology and have low physician participation rates.

Methods: As a part of a needs assessment a written questionnaire was used to explore needs and preferences (structural conditions and content) regarding communication skills training programmes for physicians working in oncology settings in 5 university hospitals in North Rhine, Germany.

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Ciliates in shallow alpine lakes are exposed to high levels of incident solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR). We observed the presence of specific sunscreen compounds, the mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs), in several populations of , a relatively large ciliate species found in such lakes. The populations from 3 highly UV transparent lakes revealed the presence of 7 MAAs (MG, SH, PR, PI, AS, US, and PE) in total concentrations of 3.

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Climate warming is accelerating the retreat of glaciers and recently, many 'new' glacial turbid lakes have been created. In the course of time, the loss of the hydrological connectivity to a glacier causes, however, changes in their water turbidity and turns these ecosystems into clear ones.To understand potential differences in the food-web structure between glacier-fed turbid and clear alpine lakes, we sampled ciliates, phyto-, bacterio- and zooplankton in one clear and one glacial turbid alpine lake, and measured key physicochemical parameters.

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We report a summary of the symposium "Stress and Protists: No life without stress", which was held in September 2015 on the VII European Congress of Protistology in partnership with the International Society of Protistologists (Seville, Spain). We present an overview on general comments and concepts on cellular stress which can be also applied to any protist. Generally, various environmental stressors may induce similar cell responses in very different protists.

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We analyzed the genetic diversity (V4 region of the 18S rRNA) of planktonic microbial eukaryotes in four high mountain lakes including two remote biogeographic regions (the Himalayan mountains and the European Alps) and distinct habitat types (clear and glacier-fed turbid lakes). The recorded high genetic diversity in these lakes was far beyond of what is described from high mountain lake plankton. In total, we detected representatives from 66 families with the main taxon groups being Alveolata (55.

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