Publications by authors named "Solarova Z"

Ovarian tumours are these days one of the biggest oncogynecological problems. In addition to surgery, the treatment of ovarian cancer includes also chemotherapy in which platinum preparations are one of the most used chemotherapeutic drugs. The principle of antineoplastic effects of cisplatin (cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II), CDDP) is its binding to the DNA and the formation of adducts.

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Heat shock proteins (HSPs) represent cellular chaperones that are classified into several families, including HSP27, HSP40, HSP60, HSP70, and HSP90. The role of HSPs in the cell includes the facilitation of protein folding and maintaining protein structure. Both processes play crucial roles during stress conditions in the cell such as heat shock, degradation, and hypoxia.

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Programmed cell death plays a crucial role in maintaining the homeostasis and integrity of multicellular organisms, and its dysregulation contributes to the pathogenesis of many diseases. Programmed cell death is regulated by a range of macromolecules and low-molecular messengers, including ceramides. Endogenous ceramides have different functions, that are influenced by their localization and the presence of their target molecules.

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The erythropoietin receptor (EPOR) is a transmembrane type I receptor with an essential role in the proliferation and differentiation of erythroid progenitors. Besides its function during erythropoiesis, EPOR is expressed and has protective effect in various non-hematopoietic tissues, including tumors. Currently, the advantageous aspect of EPOR related to different cellular events is still under scientific investigation.

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Erythropoietin (EPO) is a glycoprotein cytokine known for its pleiotropic effects on various types of cells and tissues. EPO and its receptor EPOR trigger signaling cascades JAK2/STAT5, MAPK, and PI3K/AKT that are interconnected and irreplaceable for cell survival. In this article, we describe the role of the MAPK and PI3K/AKT signaling pathways during red blood cell formation as well as in non-hematopoietic tissues and tumor cells.

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Phytoalexins are substances with antimicrobial properties produced by plants after being attacked by microorganisms, especially phytopathogenic fungi and viruses. They are also currently being studied for their antitumor effect. We aimed to study the apoptosis-stimulating effect of homobrassinin and thiazino[6,5-b]indol in human ovarian adenocarcinoma A2780 and A2780cis cells via flow cytometric analysis of annexin V/PI, caspase 3 and 9 activity, cytochrome C release, and smac-diablo accumulation.

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A study of the changes in psychophysical function of the human body before and after relaxation sessions and acupuncture application has been conducted. The impact of relaxation sessions on psychophysical performance was studied on a group of university students and postgraduates aged between 18 and 30 years old; the impact of an acupuncture session course - on a group of subjects of a broad age range between 14 and 72, as they underwent rehabilitation therapy for their supportive locomotive apparatus disorders. The recording techniques used included electroencephalography (EEG), psychomotor reaction recording, minute-long time span accuracy reproduction; TST technique (Tactile Solar Test) of meridian and microsystem examination The results of this study suggest that relaxation sessions contribute to the enhancement of neurodynamical performance and mental activity efficiency.

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Lichens produce different classes of phenolic compounds, including anthraquinones, xanthones, dibenzofuranes, depsides and depsidones. Many of them have revealed effective biological activities such as antioxidant, antiviral, antibiotics, antifungal, and anticancer. Although no clinical study has been conducted yet, there are number of in vitro and in vivo studies demonstrating anticancer effects of lichen metabolites.

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Acridine derivatives were first used as antibacterial and antiparasitic agents, later as antimalarial and anti-HIV drugs, and now as potentially anti-cancer agents due to their high cytotoxic activity. Due to their serious adverse effects, new synthetic derivatives were introduced and tested based on modified naturally occurring substances, such as acridone derivatives, which also exhibit potential anti-tumor activity. Most of them are DNA-damaging substances, causing relatively strong and selective destruction of tumor cells.

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Erythropoietin (EPO) is the main hematopoietic hormone acting on progenitor red blood cells via stimulation of cell growth, differentiation, and anti-apoptosis. However, its receptor (EPOR) is also expressed in various non-hematopoietic tissues, including endothelium. EPO is a pleiotropic growth factor that exhibits growth stimulation and cell/tissue protection on numerous cells and tissues.

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Photoactivated hypericin increased production of reactive oxygen species in human breast adenocarcinoma MCF-7 as well as in MDA-MB-231 cells 1h after photodynamic therapy. On the other hand, reactive oxygen species dropped 3h after photodynamic therapy with hypericin, but only in MCF-7 cells, whereas in MDA-MB-231 cells remained elevated. The difference in the dynamics of reactive oxygen species after hypericin activation was related to increased activity of SOD-2 in MCF-7 cells compared to MDA-MB-231 cells.

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Ovarian carcinoma is initially sensitive to platinum-based therapy, but become resistant over time. The study of cancer sensitizing substance is therefore the major challenge for a number of scientific groups. Our experiments were carried out on human ovarian adenocarcinoma A2780cis cells resistant to cisplatin and their response to 2-(4'fluoro-phenylamino)-4H-1,3-thiazine[6,5-b]indole (thiazine[6,5-b]indole) and/or heat shock protein (Hsp) 90 inhibitor 17-dimethylaminoethylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin (17-DMAG) using proliferation assay, cell cycle analysis and monitoring of apoptosis were examined.

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The erythropoietin receptor (EpoR) is a member of the cytokine receptor family. The interaction between erythropoietin (Epo) and EpoR is important for the production and maturation of erythroid cells, resulting in the stimulation of hematopoiesis. The fact that EpoR was also detected in neoplastic cells has opened the question about the relevance of anemia treatment with recombinant Epo in cancer patients.

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The aim of this study was to evaluate the anticancer effect of atranorin (ATR) on murine 4T1 breast carcinoma cells and compare its sensitivity with normal mammary epithelial NMuMG cells in vitro. Anti-tumor and hepatoprotective activity of ATR-therapy was examined on mouse model of 4T1-induced cancer disease. ATR significantly reduced clonogenic ability of carcinoma 4T1 cells at the concentration of 75 μM, but clonogenicity of normal NMuMG cells was not affected by any of ATR concentrations tested.

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Hsp90 is a molecular chaperone that maintains the structural and functional integrity of various client proteins involved in signaling and many other functions of cancer cells. The natural inhibitors, ansamycins influence the Hsp90 chaperone function by preventing its binding to client proteins and resulting in their proteasomal degradation. N- and C-terminal inhibitors of Hsp90 and their analogues are widely tested as potential anticancer agents in vitro, in vivo as well as in clinical trials.

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Erythropoietin (Epo) is a key regulator of erythroid cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. In the form of the recombinant protein, it is widely used to treat various types of anemias, including that associated with cancer and with the myelosuppressive effects of chemotherapy, particularly platinum-based regimens. Our previous studies confirmed the presence of Epo receptors (EpoRs) in ovarian adenocarcinoma cell lines and demonstrated that long-term Epo treatment of A2780 cells resulted in the development of a phenotype exhibiting both enhanced Epo signaling and increased paclitaxel resistance.

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Objective: Morning hypertension is currently the blind spot in the clinical practice of hypertension, home 24-hour blood pressure measurement has been recommended in patients with a high clinic blood pressure and patients with target organ damage.

Aim: To assess whether an increased early morning blood pressure surge, established via a single 24-hour blood pressure monitoring, in treated elderly hypertensive's is related to more prominent target organ damage.

Material And Methods: 310 treated hypertensive patients randomly attended the out-patient clinic of our hypertension centre.

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Erythropoietin (Epo) is a critical regulator of erythroid cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. In the form of a recombinant protein, it is widely used to treat various forms of anemia, including that associated with cancer and with the myelosuppressive effects of chemotherapy. Studies of ovarian cancer cell lines have demonstrated the presence of the Epo receptor (EpoR), but there are disagreements regarding its localization and functionality in these cells.

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In this study we have focused on the response of SKBR-3 cells to both single 17-DMAG treatment as well as its combination with photodynamic therapy with hypericin. Low concentrations of 17-DMAG without any effect on survival of SKBR-3 cells significantly reduced metabolic activity, viability and cell number when combined with photodynamic therapy with hypericin. Moreover, IC concentation of 17-DMAG resulted in significant increase of SKBR-3 cells in G1 phase of the cell cycle, followed by an increase of cells in G2 phase when combined with photodynamic therapy.

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Photodynamic therapy is an alternative method for cancer treatment in which a photosensitizer exposed to a light source of suitable wavelength is excited and can subsequently react through free radical mechanisms. Recently, oxygen free radical-mediated changes in gene expression have been established. The present study shows the effect of photoactivated hypericin on the expression of the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) oncogene at both the mRNA and the protein level in SKBR-3 and MCF-7 breast adenocarcinoma cell lines.

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Recombinant human erythropoietin is widely used to treat anemia associated with cancer and with the myelosuppressive effects of chemotherapy, particularly platinum-based regimens. Erythropoietin is the principal regulator of erythroid cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. Recently, the antiapoptotic and proliferative effects of erythropoietin on nonhematopoietic cells were also established.

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The aim of our work was to determine the expression of glycoprotein 96 (gp96; glucose-regulated protein 94 - GRP94) in 69 samples of breast carcinoma. Enzyme immunohistochemical method was chosen for the detection of gp96 protein and its expression was compared in breast cancer cells versus normal breast cells. We found higher expression of gp96 protein in breast carcinoma cells and low or no expression in normal breast cells.

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Ovarian carcinoma is the leading cause of death among gynecological neoplasms in the world. The chemoresistance is a major obstacle in the effective treatment of ovarian and other cancers. We evaluated the effects of Hsp90 inhibitor geldanamycin (GEL) alone and in combination with cisplatin in cisplatin resistant ovarian adenocarcinoma cell line.

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