Publications by authors named "Sobolewski J"

For ultrasound localization microscopy, the localization of microbubbles (MBs) is an essential part to obtain super-resolved maps of the vasculature. This article analyzes the impact of image discretization and patch size on the precision of different MB localization methods to reconcile different observations from previous studies, provide an estimate of feasible localization precision, and derive guidelines for an optimal parameter selection. For this purpose, the images of MBs were simulated with Gaussian point-spread functions (PSFs) of varying width parameter at randomly generated subpixel positions, and Rician distributed noise was added.

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Background: The use of targeted advertisements on social media platforms (eg, Facebook and Instagram) has become increasingly popular for recruiting participants for online survey research. Many of these surveys offer monetary incentives for survey completion in the form of gift cards; however, little is known about whether the incentive amount impacts the cost, speed, and quality of data collection.

Objective: This experiment addresses this gap in the literature by examining how different incentives in paid advertising campaigns on Instagram for completing a 10-minute online survey influence the response rate, recruitment advertising cost, data quality, and length of data collection.

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In this paper, the characteristics of 40 so far described virophages-parasites of giant viruses-are given, and the similarities and differences between virophages and satellite viruses, which also, like virophages, require helper viruses for replication, are described. The replication of virophages taking place at a specific site-the viral particle factory of giant viruses-and its consequences are presented, and the defence mechanisms of virophages for giant virus hosts, as a protective action for giant virus hosts-protozoa and algae-are approximated. The defence systems of giant viruses against virophages were also presented, which are similar to the CRISPR/Cas defence system found in bacteria and in Archea.

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The Scimitar-horned Oryx (Oryx dammah) is a large terrestrial mammal native to Africa. Since the year 2000, it is classified as extinct in the wild. It is a subject of various conservation projects.

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Anthrax is a serious infection caused by Bacillus anthracis. The anthracis spores are highly resistant and can persist in the environment for several decades. Therefore, anthrax is considered a global health threat affecting wildlife, livestock, and the general public.

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Background: Catestatin (Cts) is a peptide derived from proteolytic cleavage of chromogranin A, which exhibits cardioprotective and anti-inflammatory properties. Cts has been proposed as a potential biomarker for cardiovascular (CV) disease.

Objectives: examining Cts in patients with incidentally discovered adrenocortical adenomas (AI), and its associations with CV risk factors and blood pressure (BP).

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Contaminated soil in urban residential areas is often overlooked as a source of childhood exposure to toxic levels of lead (Pb). We document mean Pb concentrations of 1200 ± 1000 mg/kg, three times the now outdated EPA soil hazard standard of 400 mg/kg, for 370 surface soils collected from 76 homes in the boroughs of Brooklyn and Manhattan of New York City. The mean Pb content of 250 ± 290 mg/kg Pb for 571 surface soils collected from tree pits and public parks was much lower.

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Modern science is becoming increasingly committed to environmentally friendly solutions, mitigating the impact of the developing human civilisation on the environment. One of the leading fields aimed at sustainable agriculture is in vitro meat production. Cellular agriculture aims to provide a source of animal-free meat products, which would decrease worldwide nutritional dependency on animal husbandry, thereby reducing the significant impact of this industry on Earth's climate.

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RF switches, which use a combination of graphene and two-dimensional high-density electron gas (2DEG) in the AlGaN/GaN system, were proposed and studied in the frequency band from 10 MHz to 114.5 GHz. The switches were integrated into the coplanar waveguide, which allows them to be used in any system without the use of, e.

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Background: We conducted a discrete choice experiment (DCE) among young adult cigarette smokers in the period July-August 2018 to examine their preference for cigarillos in response to various packaging-related attributes, including flavor, flavor description, quality descriptors, pack size, and prices.

Methods: A convenience sample of 566 US young adult cigarette smokers aged 18-34, among whom 296 were current little cigar and cigarillo (LCC) smokers, were recruited using Facebook ads and invited to participate in an online (Qualtrics) tobacco survey containing DCE and tobacco use questions. In the experiment, participants chose among two cigarillo products or "neither" (opt-out).

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The effect of BCG vaccination against tuberculosis on the reduction in COVID-19 infection is related to the effect of the BCG vaccine on the immunomodulation of non-specific immunity. In the early stages of the pandemic, countries with universal BCG vaccination programs registered a low number of new cases of COVID-19, with the situation now reversed, as exemplified by India. The high genetic variability of SARS-CoV-2, a known characteristic of RNA viruses, causing the occurrence of SARS-CoV-2 variants may have led to the virus adapting to overcome the initial immune protection.

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Soils retain lead contamination from possible sources such as mining, smelting, battery recycling, waste incineration, leaded gasoline, and crumbling paint. Such contamination is often concentrated in toxic hot spots that need to be identified locally. To address this need, a simple field procedure was designed to screen soil for hazardous Pb for use by the general public.

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Background: "Readability" of consent forms is vital to the informed consent process. The average human hospital consent form is written at a 10th grade reading level, whereas the average American adult reads at an 8th grade level. Limited information currently exists regarding the readability of veterinary general medical or clinical research consent forms.

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Background: Sports activity has become extremely popular among amateurs. Electrocardiography is a useful tool in screening for cardiac pathologies in athletes; however, there is little data on electrocardiographic abnormalities in the group of amateur athletes.

Objectives: The aim of this study was to analyze the abnormalities in resting and exercise electrocardiograms (ECGs) in a group of amateur athletes, and try to determine whether the criteria applied for the general population or for athletes' ECGs should be implemented in this group.

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Objective: Epidemiological analysis of HBV infections in dialysis units of Wielkopolska.

Methods: Studies were carried out in 19 dialysis units, in which patients were treated with intermittent hemodialysis (IHD). Data were collected from 18.

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Using data from 453 adolescents in Wave 2 of the National Survey of Families and Households, we examine how multiple dimensions of nonresident father involvement are associated with different dimensions of child well-being. Father-child relationship quality and responsive fathering are modestly associated with fewer externalizing and internalizing problems among adolescents. The quality of the mother-child relationship, however, has stronger effects on child well-being.

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We describe the successes and challenges faced by federal and local government agencies in the United States as they have attempted in recent years to connect public and environmental health, housing, community development, and building design with environmental, housing, and building laws, codes, and policies. These policies can either contribute to or adversely affect human physical and mental health, with important implications for economic viability, research, policy development, and overall social stability and progress. Policy impediments include tension between housing affordability and health investment that causes inefficient cost-shifting, privacy issues, unclear statutory authority, and resulting gaps in responsibility for housing, indoor air, and the built environment.

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Objective: Home dampness and the presence of mold and allergens have been associated with asthma morbidity. We examined changes in asthma morbidity in children as a result of home remediation aimed at moisture sources.

Design: In this prospective, randomized controlled trial, symptomatic, asthmatic children (n = 62), 2-17 years of age, living in a home with indoor mold, received an asthma intervention including an action plan, education, and individualized problem solving.

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Objective: We sought to determine if specific molds were found in significantly higher concentrations in the water-damaged homes of asthmatic children compared with homes with no visible water damage.

Methods: The mold concentrations in the dust in asthmatic children's bedrooms in water-damaged homes (N = 60) and control homes (N = 22) were measured by mold-specific quantitative polymerase chain reaction.

Results: Two molds, Scopulariopsis brevicaulis and Trichoderma viride, had significantly (P < 0.

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Fungal concentrations were measured in the dust of 6 homes in Cleveland, Ohio, where an infant developed pulmonary hemorrhage (pulmonary hemorrhage homes [PHH]) and 26 reference homes (RH) with no known fungal contamination. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction assays for 82 species (or assay groups) were used to identify and quantify fungal concentrations. The ratios of the geometric means of PHH to RH were >1 for 26 species (group I).

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