Publications by authors named "Snoeckx A"

Cell therapies, including tumor antigen-loaded dendritic cells used as therapeutic cancer vaccines, offer treatment options for patients with malignancies. We evaluated the feasibility, safety, immunogenicity, and clinical activity of adjuvant vaccination with Wilms' tumor protein (WT1) mRNA-electroporated autologous dendritic cells (WT1-mRNA/DC) in a single-arm phase I/II clinical study of patients with advanced solid tumors receiving standard therapy. Disease status and immune reactivity were evaluated after 8 weeks and 6 months.

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Objectives: To elucidate the research training exposure of radiology residents across ESR country members.

Methods: A 30-question survey was constructed by the Radiology Trainee Forum and was distributed among residents and subspecialty fellows of countries members of the ESR. The survey examined the training environment, the status of research training and publications among trainees, the conditions under which research was conducted, and the exposure to activities such as grant proposal preparation and manuscript reviewing.

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  • - The study aimed to assess the effectiveness of advanced deep learning techniques in speeding up knee MRI scans while maintaining image quality and diagnostic accuracy, comparing a new 4-fold accelerated protocol and a 3D superresolution reconstruction against a standard 2-fold accelerated method.
  • - Researchers conducted MRI scans on 19 adult participants using three different protocols in a single session, resulting in over 21,000 images that were evaluated for quality and diagnostic confidence by three readers, including two specialized radiologists.
  • - Statistical analysis was performed to compare the protocols, focusing on image quality and the detection of knee injuries, with the outcomes assessed using Likert scales for both anatomical visibility and confidence in diagnosis.
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Background: This study systematically compares the impact of innovative deep learning image reconstruction (DLIR, TrueFidelity) to conventionally used iterative reconstruction (IR) on nodule volumetry and subjective image quality (IQ) at highly reduced radiation doses. This is essential in the context of low-dose CT lung cancer screening where accurate volumetry and characterization of pulmonary nodules in repeated CT scanning are indispensable.

Materials And Methods: A standardized CT dataset was established using an anthropomorphic chest phantom (Lungman, Kyoto Kaguku Inc.

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Background: Computer Aided Lung Sound Analysis (CALSA) aims to overcome limitations associated with standard lung auscultation by removing the subjective component and allowing quantification of sound characteristics. In this proof-of-concept study, a novel automated approach was evaluated in real patient data by comparing lung sound characteristics to structural and functional imaging biomarkers.

Methods: Patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) aged > 5y were recruited in a prospective cross-sectional study.

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Purpose: To validate the performance of computer-aided detection (CAD) and volumetry software using an anthropomorphic phantom with a ground truth (GT) set of 3D-printed nodules.

Methods: The Kyoto Kaguku Lungman phantom, containing 3D-printed solid nodules including six diameters (4 to 9 mm) and three morphologies (smooth, lobulated, spiculated), was scanned at varying CTDI levels (6.04, 1.

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Benign hyperostosis of the rib is a benign entity consisting of a stress phenomenon that should not be confused with Paget, fibrous dysplasia, or osteoblastic metastasis.

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In 2010, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) created a set of common data elements (CDEs) to help standardize the assessment and reporting of imaging findings in traumatic brain injury (TBI). However, as opposed to other standardized radiology reporting systems, a visual overview and data to support the proposed standardized lexicon are lacking. We used over 4000 admission computed tomography (CT) scans of patients with TBI from the Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI) study to develop an extensive pictorial overview of the NINDS TBI CDEs, with visual examples and background information on individual pathoanatomical lesion types, up to the level of supplemental and emerging information (e.

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Small airway disease is an important pathophysiological feature of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Recently, "pre-COPD" has been put forward as a potential precursor stage of COPD that is defined by abnormal spirometry findings or significant emphysema on computed tomography (CT) in the absence of airflow obstruction. To determine the degree and nature of (small) airway disease in pre-COPD using microCT in a cohort of explant lobes/lungs.

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  • Scientists are creating a new way to check for lung cancer using special scans that use low amounts of radiation.
  • * A group of experts worked together from different countries to make sure the new procedure was safe and worked well after reviewing important topics related to lung health.
  • * They wrote guidelines to help doctors manage unexpected findings during the lung cancer screenings, aiming to keep people safe and make the program cost-effective.
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Background: Screening for lung cancer with low radiation dose computed tomography has a strong evidence base, is being introduced in several European countries and is recommended as a new targeted cancer screening programme. The imperative now is to ensure that implementation follows an evidence-based process that will ensure clinical and cost effectiveness. This European Respiratory Society (ERS) task force was formed to provide an expert consensus for the management of incidental findings which can be adapted and followed during implementation.

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Numerous studies have assessed the performance of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in detecting tears of the knee menisci using arthroscopy results as the gold standard, but few have concentrated on the nature of discordant findings. The purpose of this study was to analyze the discordances between 3T MRI and arthroscopic evaluation of the knee meniscus. Medical records of 112 patients who underwent 3T MRI and subsequent arthroscopy of the knee were retrospectively analyzed to determine the accuracy of diagnoses of meniscal tear.

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Article Synopsis
  • - The European Council endorsed a stepwise approach for implementing lung cancer screening using low radiation dose computed tomography (LDCT) based on strong evidence, emphasizing the need for an evidence-based and cost-effective process.
  • - A collaborative group of various European societies conducted a thorough review of the literature to create a technical standard for a high-quality lung cancer screening program, focusing on ten key components essential for effective implementation.
  • - The resulting technical standard includes 53 statements for screening implementation while identifying areas needing further research, helping ensure that lung cancer screening is reliable and beneficial for patients as per the European Council's recommendations.
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Surgical resection is still the standard treatment for early-stage lung cancer. A multimodal treatment consisting of chemotherapy, radiotherapy and/or immunotherapy is advised for more advanced disease stages (stages IIb, III and IV). The role of surgery in these stages is limited to very specific indications.

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Background: Good's syndrome (GS) is an adult-onset acquired immunodeficiency, in which patients present with thymoma and hypogammaglobulinemia (HGG). GS is characterized by low to absent peripheral B cells and impaired T-cell mediated immunity, often resulting in various (opportunistic) infections and concurrent autoimmune disorders. In this case report, we present a case of a patient with GS and coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection after surgical removal of a thymoma.

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This statement from the European Society of Thoracic imaging (ESTI) explains and summarises the essentials for understanding and implementing Artificial intelligence (AI) in clinical practice in thoracic radiology departments. This document discusses the current AI scientific evidence in thoracic imaging, its potential clinical utility, implementation and costs, training requirements and validation, its' effect on the training of new radiologists, post-implementation issues, and medico-legal and ethical issues. All these issues have to be addressed and overcome, for AI to become implemented clinically in thoracic radiology.

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To facilitate both the detection and the interpretation of findings in chest X-rays, comparison with a previous image of the same patient is very valuable to radiologists. Today, the most common approach for deep learning methods to automatically inspect chest X-rays disregards the patient history and classifies only single images as normal or abnormal. Nevertheless, several methods for assisting in the task of comparison through image registration have been proposed in the past.

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Lung cancer is the most common and deadliest cancer in the world, and its incidence is expected to grow. Nonetheless, this growth can be contained through smoking cessation programs and effective lung cancer screening programs. In 2018, Belgium had the seventh highest incidence of lung cancer in the world, with lung cancer incidence accounting for 11.

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With the widespread use of computed tomography (CT), subsolid nodules are more frequently encountered in daily practice. We present the case of a 74-year-old man with a large persistent well-defined subsolid nodule on CT. Although the lesion had a predominant ground-glass appearance on CT, F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) showed moderate FDG uptake.

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Diffuse idiopathic pulmonary neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia (DIPNECH) is an underrecognized and misdiagnosed cause of multiple lung nodules in combination with mosaic attenuation.

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Postesophagectomy chylothorax is a therapeutic dilemma. Understanding anatomy and leakage site is essential, although imaging techniques for thoracic lymphatics are challenging and not always available. We describe a patient with a left-sided thoracic duct and chylothorax after esophagectomy.

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This paper describes where and how sex matters in today's management of lung cancer. We consecutively describe the differences between males and females in lung cancer demographics; sex-based differences in the immune system (including the poorer outcomes in women who are treated with immunotherapy but no chemotherapy); the presence of oncogenic drivers and the response to targeted therapies according to sex; the greater benefit women derive from lung cancer screening and why they get screened less; and finally, the barriers to smoking cessation that women experience. We conclude that sex is an important but often overlooked factor in modern-day thoracic oncology practice.

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Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in Europe. Screening by means of low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) can shift detection to an earlier stage and reduce lung cancer mortality in high-risk individuals. However, to date, Poland, Croatia, Italy, and Romania are the only European countries to commit to large-scale implementation of targeted LDCT screening.

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Randomized-controlled trials have shown clear evidence that lung cancer screening with low-dose CT in a high-risk population of current or former smokers can significantly reduce lung-cancer-specific mortality by an inversion of stage distribution at diagnosis. This paper will review areas in which there is good or emerging evidence and areas which still require investment, research or represent implementation challenges. The implementation of population-based lung cancer screening in Europe is variable and fragmented.

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