Objective: Hyponatremia after SAH was the object of several studies with conflicting results. The aim of this study was to determine a predictive correlation of hyponatremia with delayed cerebral ischemia (DCI) and poor clinical outcome.
Material And Methods: We have used a retrospective hospital chart review of 82 patients with SAH treated from August 2008 to August 2010.
Introduction: Laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation in patients undergoing surgical procedures under balanced general endotracheal anesthesia may provoke a sympathetic response with tachycardia and hypertension.
Material And Methods: Various pharmacological agents, such as anesthetics, analgesics, adrenergic blockers, can modify the hemodynamic response. This investigation evaluated the effects of three different doses of remifentanil on the cardiovascular response to laryngoscopy and orotracheal intubation.