Publications by authors named "Skachkova T"

The results of 3D culturing of human thyroid follicle-like structures in a gel based on platelet lysate at the gel-air interface are presented. During culturing up to 4 months, no new follicle-like structures were formed and none were destroyed. During the first 2 months, most follicle-like structures increased in size; then, their grown decelerated, but they retained viability.

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Etiologic diagnostics of sepsis is one of the most difficult problems of contemporary medicine due to a wide variety of sepsis causative agents, many of which are components of normal human microflora. Disadvantages of contemporary "golden standard" of microbiologic diagnostics of sepsis etiology by seeding of blood for sterility are duration of cultivation, limitation in detection of non-cultivable forms of microorganisms, significant effect of preliminary empiric antibiotics therapy on results of the analysis. Methods of molecular diagnostics that are being actively developed and integrated during the last decade are deprived of these disadvantages.

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We conducted a series of polymerase chain reactions (PCRs) in order to detect bacteria (7 species) and viruses (17 species) in middle ear fluid (MEF) and nasopharynx (Nph) of children with acute otitis media (AOM; n=179). Bacterial and viral nucleic acids were detected in MEF of 78.8% and 14.

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The reagents kit is developed to identify and quantitatively detect DNA of methicillin sensitive and methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus, methicillin resistant coagulase negative Staphylococcus spp. in biological material using technique of polymerase chain reaction with hybridizational fluorescent detection and having higher analytical and diagnostic characteristics. The application of the given reagents kit makes it possible to optimize the epidemiologic monitoring of propagation of methicillin resistant strains of Staphylococcus spp.

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The most active hypocholesterolemic preparation, affecting the absorption of 3H1-cholesterol in small intestine of rats with experimental hypercholesterolemia, proved to be I-hydroxyecdisterone; the activity was gradually decreased in the following series of preparations: ecdisterone, steroid sapogenine allyogenone, ciasterone and ecdisterone 25 acetate. Thus, the hypocholesterolemic activity of the preparations was increased with an increase in the content of hydroxy groups in the molecules. After daily administration of ecdisterone at a dose of 2.

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