Publications by authors named "Simone Baumann-Pickering"

The oceanographic conditions of the Southern California Bight (SCB) dictate the distribution and abundance of prey resources and therefore the presence of mobile predators, such as goose-beaked whales (). Goose-beaked whales are deep-diving odontocetes that spend a majority of their time foraging at depth. Due to their cryptic behavior, little is known about how they respond to seasonal and interannual changes in their environment.

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Sperm whales exhibit sexual dimorphism and sex-specific latitudinal segregation. Females and their young form social groups and are usually found in temperate and tropical latitudes, while males forage at higher latitudes. Historical whaling data and rare sightings of social groups in high latitude regions of the North Pacific, such as the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) and Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands (BSAI), suggest a more complex distribution than previously understood.

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Passive acoustic monitoring is an essential tool for studying beaked whale populations. This approach can monitor elusive and pelagic species, but the volume of data it generates has overwhelmed researchers' ability to quantify species occurrence for effective conservation and management efforts. Automation of data processing is crucial, and machine learning algorithms can rapidly identify species using their sounds.

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Where's Whaledo is a software toolkit that uses a combination of automated processes and user interfaces to greatly accelerate the process of reconstructing animal tracks from arrays of passive acoustic recording devices. Passive acoustic localization is a non-invasive yet powerful way to contribute to species conservation. By tracking animals through their acoustic signals, important information on diving patterns, movement behavior, habitat use, and feeding dynamics can be obtained.

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Protected areas are typically managed as a network of sites exposed to varying anthropogenic conditions. Managing these networks benefits from monitoring of conditions across sites to help prioritize coordinated efforts. Monitoring marine vessel activity and related underwater radiated noise impacts across a network of protected areas, like the U.

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Localization and tracking of marine animals can reveal key insights into their behaviors underwater that would otherwise remain unexplored. A promising nonintrusive approach to obtaining location information of marine animals is to process their bioacoustic signals, which are passively recorded using multiple hydrophones. In this paper, a data processing chain that automatically detects and tracks multiple odontocetes (toothed whales) in three dimensions (3-D) from their echolocation clicks recorded with volumetric hydrophone arrays is proposed.

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Marine soundscapes provide the opportunity to non-invasively learn about, monitor, and conserve ecosystems. Some fishes produce sound in chorus, often in association with mating, and there is much to learn about fish choruses and the species producing them. Manually analyzing years of acoustic data is increasingly unfeasible, and is especially challenging with fish chorus, as multiple fish choruses can co-occur in time and frequency and can overlap with vessel noise and other transient sounds.

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Successful conservation and management of marine top predators rely on detailed documentation of spatiotemporal behavior. For cetacean species, this information is key to defining stocks, habitat use, and mitigating harmful interactions. Research focused on this goal is employing methodologies such as visual observations, tag data, and passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) data.

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Widespread use of unregulated acoustic technologies in maritime industries raises concerns about effects on acoustically sensitive marine fauna worldwide. Anthropogenic noise can disrupt behavior and may cause short- to long-term disturbance with possible population-level consequences, particularly for animals with a limited geographic range. Ultrasonic antifouling devices are commercially available, installed globally on a variety of vessel types, and are marketed as an environmentally-friendly method for biofouling control.

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Three killer whale ecotypes are found in the Northeastern Pacific: residents, transients, and offshores. These ecotypes can be discriminated in passive acoustic data based on distinct pulsed call repertoires. Killer whale acoustic encounters for which ecotypes were assigned based on pulsed call matching were used to characterize the ecotype-specific echolocation clicks.

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Passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) has proven a powerful tool for the study of marine mammals, allowing for documentation of biologically relevant factors such as movement patterns or animal behaviors while remaining largely non-invasive and cost effective. From 2008-2019, a set of PAM recordings covering the frequency band of most toothed whale (odontocete) echolocation clicks were collected at sites off the islands of Hawai'i, Kaua'i, and Pearl and Hermes Reef. However, due to the size of this dataset and the complexity of species-level acoustic classification, multi-year, multi-species analyses had not yet been completed.

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Worldwide, the frequency (pitch) of blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) calls has been decreasing since first recorded in the 1960s. This frequency decline occurs over annual and inter-annual timescales and has recently been documented in other baleen whale species, yet it remains unexplained. In the Northeast Pacific, blue whales produce two calls, or units, that, when regularly repeated, are referred to as song: A and B calls.

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A combination of machine learning and expert analyst review was used to detect odontocete echolocation clicks, identify dominant click types, and classify clicks in 32 years of acoustic data collected at 11 autonomous monitoring sites in the western North Atlantic between 2016 and 2019. Previously-described click types for eight known odontocete species or genera were identified in this data set: Blainville's beaked whales (Mesoplodon densirostris), Cuvier's beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris), Gervais' beaked whales (Mesoplodon europaeus), Sowerby's beaked whales (Mesoplodon bidens), and True's beaked whales (Mesoplodon mirus), Kogia spp., Risso's dolphin (Grampus griseus), and sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus).

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Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) are a cosmopolitan species but are only found in ice-free regions of the ocean. It is unknown how their distribution might change in regions undergoing rapid loss of sea ice and ocean warming like Baffin Bay in the eastern Canadian Arctic. In 2014 and 2018, sperm whales were sighted near Eclipse Sound, Baffin Bay: the first recorded uses of this region by sperm whales.

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Small explosive charges, called seal bombs, used by commercial fisheries to deter marine mammals from depredation and accidental bycatch during fishing operations, produce high level sounds that may negatively impact nearby animals. Seal bombs were exploded underwater and recorded at various ranges with a calibrated hydrophone to characterize the pulse waveforms and to provide appropriate propagation loss models for source level (SL) estimates. Waveform refraction became important at about 1500 m slant range with approximately spherical spreading losses observed at shorter ranges.

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An empirical model for wind-generated underwater noise is presented that was developed using an extensive dataset of acoustic field recordings and a global wind model. These data encompass more than one hundred years of recording-time and capture high wind events, and were collected both on shallow continental shelves and in open ocean deep-water settings. The model aims to explicitly separate noise generated by wind-related sources from noise produced by anthropogenic sources.

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This work demonstrates the effectiveness of using humans in the loop processes for constructing large training sets for machine learning tasks. A corpus of over 57 000 toothed whale echolocation clicks was developed by using a permissive energy-based echolocation detector followed by a machine-assisted quality control process that exploits contextual cues. Subsets of these data were used to train feed forward neural networks that detected over 850 000 echolocation clicks that were validated using the same quality control process.

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Mid-frequency active sonar (MFAS), used for antisubmarine warfare (ASW), has been associated with multiple beaked whale (BW) mass stranding events. Multinational naval ASW exercises have used MFAS offshore of the Mariana Archipelago semi-annually since 2006. We report BW and MFAS acoustic activity near the islands of Saipan and Tinian from March 2010 to November 2014.

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Passive acoustic monitoring has become an important data collection method, yielding massive datasets replete with biological, environmental and anthropogenic information. Automated signal detectors and classifiers are needed to identify events within these datasets, such as the presence of species-specific sounds or anthropogenic noise. These automated methods, however, are rarely a complete substitute for expert analyst review.

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True's beaked whales () were encountered on two separate shipboard surveys on 24 July 2016 and 16 September 2017 in the western North Atlantic Ocean. Recordings were made using a hydrophone array towed 300 m behind the ship. In 2016, three different groups were sighted within 1500 m of the ship; clicks were recorded for 26 min.

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Discrimination of bioacoustic signals to the species or population level is critical for using passive acoustic monitoring to study cetacean ecology. Risso's dolphins off southern California have distinctive peaks and notches in their echolocation clicks, but it was unknown whether Risso's dolphins from other geographic areas have similarly distinctive click spectra and whether populations are acoustically distinct. This study investigates using clicks for species and population identification by characterizing the spectral structure of Risso's dolphin echolocation clicks recorded over wide-ranging geographic regions including the U.

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Understanding trophic relationships among marine predators in remote environments is challenging, but it is critical to understand community structure and dynamics. In this study, we used stable isotope analysis of skin biopsies to compare the isotopic, and thus, trophic niches of three sympatric delphinids in the waters surrounding Palmyra Atoll, in the Central Tropical Pacific: the melon-headed whale (Peponocephala electra), Gray's spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris longirostris), and the common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). δ15N values suggested that T.

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This study investigated the effects of using duty-cycled passive acoustic recordings to monitor the daily presence of beaked whale species at three locations in the northwest Atlantic. Continuous acoustic records were subsampled to simulate duty cycles of 50%, 25%, and 10% and cycle period durations from 10 to 60 min. Short, frequent listening periods were most effective for assessing the daily presence of beaked whales.

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Beaked whales are deep diving elusive animals, difficult to census with conventional visual surveys. Methods are presented for the density estimation of beaked whales, using passive acoustic monitoring data collected at sites in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) from the period during and following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill (2010-2013). Beaked whale species detected include: Gervais' (Mesoplodon europaeus), Cuvier's (Ziphius cavirostris), Blainville's (Mesoplodon densirostris) and an unknown species of Mesoplodon sp.

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Many terrestrial and marine species have a diel activity pattern, and their acoustic signaling follows their current behavioral state. Whistles and echolocation clicks on long-term recordings produced by melon-headed whales () at Palmyra Atoll indicated that these signals were used selectively during different phases of the day, strengthening the idea of nighttime foraging and daytime resting with afternoon socializing for this species. Spectral features of their echolocation clicks changed from day to night, shifting the median center frequency up.

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