Publications by authors named "Simona Casano"

To evaluate the effect of gender and puberty on cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) in obese children and adolescents. One thousand four hundred and nine obese patients [age 9.7 (2.

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According to enhanced long-term survival rates of these patients, interest in fertility preservation for young women facing gonadotoxic therapies is increasing. Women who carry a mutation in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene have a specifically increased lifetime risk of developing breast and tubo-ovarian cancer. Moreover, they are at high risk of undergoing premature infertility due to the medical interventions that are often performed in order to reduce cancer risk or treat an already existing malignancy.

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Interest in fertility preservation for young women facing gonadotoxic therapies is increasing according to enhanced long-term survival rates of these patients. Women who carry a mutation in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene have a specifically increased lifetime risk of developing breast and tubo-ovarian cancer. Moreover, they are at high risk of undergoing premature infertility due to the medical interventions that are often performed in order to reduce cancer risk or treat an already existing malignancy.

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Purpose: The aim of this study is to ascertain the awareness of hospital gynecologists about the effects of woman's age on spontaneous fecundity and on the efficacy of assisted reproduction techniques (ARTs).

Methods: One hundred fifty-six gynecologists working in public or private Italian hospitals, without specific experience in reproductive medicine and ART, were administered a multiple-choice answer questionnaire addressing (a) the effect of age on woman's spontaneous fecundity, (b) the tools to estimate the ovarian follicular reserve, and (c) the outcome of ART in women above 40 years.

Results: Approximately half of the interviewed gynecologists indicated the woman's age limit for successful reproduction between 44 and 50 years; fertility lifespan was believed to be prolonged by oral contraception, pro-fertility medical treatments, or ART.

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Objective: To investigate efficacy and safety of a controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) protocol in which a single dose of Corifollitropin-alfa (CFα) was administered on day 4 of a GnRH-antagonist cycle.

Design: Cohort case-control study.

Setting: University Hospital.

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Fertility preservation programs (FPPs) based on oocyte or ovarian tissue cryostorage may be offered to women facing oncostatic treatments at risk of precocious ovarian insufficiency. The way in which FPPs are presented to patients affects their decision to join them. We studied herein 48 young women to whom a FPP was proposed, aiming at clarifying the emotional aspects involved.

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This communication reports a novel technical solution for the orthotopic transplant of cryostored-thawed ovarian tissue. The described technique was applied to three young women with iatrogenic ovarian failure. An echogenic thread that is reabsorbed after 6 months was used to fasten the thawed ovarian small fragments before grafting them onto the atrophic ovary.

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Objective: To compare the effectiveness of two stimulation protocols in non-polycystic ovary (PCO) high responders undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Design: Prospective randomized trial.

Setting: A Reproductive Medicine and IVF Unit of a University Hospital and a private IVF Clinic.

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In the last decades, several steps have been made aiming at rendering human IVF more successful on one side, more tolerable on the other side. The "mild" ovarian stimulation approach, in which a lower-than-average dose of exogenous gonadotropins is given and gonadotropin treatment is started from day 2 to 7 of the cycle, represents a significant step toward a more patient's friendly IVF. However, a clear view of its virtues and defects is still lacking, because only a few prospective randomized trials comparing "mild" vs.

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Over the last century, most industrialized countries have experienced a progressive increase in maternal age at first pregnancy and a reduction of fertility rate, with important social and economic consequences. Moreover in Italy a very restrictive law on assisted reproductive technologies was introduced in 2004, limiting its effectiveness and causing a strong public debate that unfortunately focused more on the political and ethical implications of the law than on the medical and technical aspects of assisted reproduction. The present study performed an epidemiological investigation among the students of Turin University in the year 2006/07 in order to assess three aspects: the factors affecting the decision to become parents, their level of consciousness about human reproduction and their level of knowledge about the legal rules that regulate assisted reproduction in Italy.

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Background: Anti-thyroid antibodies (ATA), even if not associated with thyroid dysfunction, are suspected to cause poorer outcome of in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Methods: We retrospectively analyzed: (a) the prevalence of ATA in euthyroid infertile women, (b) IVF outcome in euthyroid, ATA+ patients, and (c) the effect of adjuvant treatments (levothyroxine alone or associated with acetylsalicylic acid and prednisolone) on IVF results in ATA+ patients. One hundred twenty-nine euthyroid, ATA+ women undergoing IVF were compared with 200 matched, ATA-controls.

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The assessment of oocyte quality in human in vitro fertilization (IVF) is getting increasing attention from embryologists. Oocyte selection and the identification of the best oocytes, in fact, would help to limit embryo overproduction and to improve the results of oocyte cryostorage programs. Follicular fluid (FF) is easily available during oocyte pick-up and theorically represents an optimal source on non-invasive biochemical predictors of oocyte quality.

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