The Trajetorias dataset is a harmonized set of environmental, epidemiological, and poverty indicators for all municipalities of the Brazilian Legal Amazon (BLA). This dataset is the result of a scientific synthesis research initiative conducted by scientists from several natural and social sciences fields, consolidating multidisciplinary indicators into a coherent dataset for integrated and interdisciplinary studies of the Brazilian Amazon. The dataset allows the investigation of the association between the Amazonian agrarian systems and their impacts on environmental and epidemiological changes, furthermore enhancing the possibilities for understanding, in a more integrated and consistent way, the scenarios that affect the Amazonian biome and its inhabitants.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study aimed to analyze overweight trend and obesity in adults from Rio Branco, Acre, Western Brazilian Amazon, from 2006 to 2020. This is a time series study, with data from Surveillance System for Risk and Protective Factors for Chronic Diseases by Telephone Survey (VIGITEL). To estimate annual percentage change (APC) and 95% confidence intervals, the software Jointpoint Regression Analysis v.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Cognitive Reserve (CR) hypothesis was introduced to account for the variability in cognitive performance of patients with similar degrees of brain injury or pathology. The individual variability of CR is modulated by the interaction of innate capacities and exposures throughout life, which can act as protectors against neuropathology's clinical effects. Individuals with higher CR appear to have better cognitive performance after a brain injury.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Amazon biome is under severe threat due to increasing deforestation rates and loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services while sustaining a high burden of neglected tropical diseases. Approximately two thirds of this biome are located within Brazilian territory. There, socio-economic and environmental landscape transformations are linked to the regional agrarian economy dynamics, which has developed into six techno-productive trajectories (TTs).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAppl Neuropsychol Adult
September 2022
This research is an integrative review of scientific evidence differentiating between cognitive reserve (CR) and brain maintenance concepts. Thus, we have examined how CR socio-behavioral proxies (i.e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) is considered a gold-standard, evidence-based and cost-effective approach to improve cognitive function and quality of life of people with mild to moderate dementia.
Aims: To validate CST for the Portuguese population and test its effectiveness.
Methods: A single-blind, multi-center, randomized controlled trial recruited 112 older people with dementia.
Introduction: The Amazon tropical rainforest has the most dense and diverse ecosystem worldwide. A few studies have addressed rodent-borne diseases as potential hazards to humans in this region.
Methods: A retrospective survey was conducted using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detecting mammarenavirus and orthohantavirus antibodies in 206 samples collected from rural settlers of the Brazilian Western Amazonian region.
After publication of the article [1], it has been brought to our attention that the y-axis of Fig. 6 has been labeled incorrectly. It should read "linear predictor".
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: In the process of geographical retraction of malaria, some important endemicity pockets remain. Here, we report results from a study developed to obtain detailed community data from an important malaria hotspot in Latin America (Alto Juruá, Acre, Brazil), to investigate the association of malaria with socioeconomic, demographic and living conditions.
Methods: A household survey was conducted in 40 localities (n = 520) of Mâncio Lima and Rodrigues Alves municipalities, Acre state.
Objective:: To estimate the prevalence of child undernutrition and associated factors in a municipality with high nutritional risk in Brazil.
Methods:: This cross-sectional, population-based study was conducted with a sample of 478 children aged under 5 years in the city of Jordão, Acre, Brazil. The following indicators were calculated: weight for age (W/A), height for age (H/A), and weight for height (W/H), using the growth curves of the WHO as reference, which adopts a cutoff of -2 z scores for identification of malnourished children.
The aim of this study was to analyze the prevalence of malaria-attributable anemia in the urban population of Mâncio Lima, Acre State, Brazil. This was a non-concurrent cohort study of 1,167 persons followed for the three months prior to the interview using data from the SIVEP-Malaria database. Anemia frequency and prevalence rates were calculated in patients with and without a recent history of malaria, according to target variables.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study analyzed the evolution of socioeconomic, sanitary, and personal factors as well as spatiotemporal changes in the prevalence of helminthiasis and giardiasis in urban Amazonian children between 2003 and 2011. Child age, lack of sanitation, and lack of access to bottled water were identified as significant associated factors for helminthiasis and giardiasis. There was an overall improvement in socioeconomic and sanitary conditions in the city resulting in decreased helminth prevalences from 12.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Attention to prenatal care and child delivery is important for the health of women and children, but in the Amazon these indicators tend to be historically unfavorable, in part by geographical and political isolation. In 2003 both Brazilian and Peru governments have finished paving an international road connecting remotes areas in the Brazilian Amazon to the Pacific coast in Peru.
Methods: The situation of prenatal care and child delivery with mothers of children under 5 years old living in the urban area of Assis Brasil, Acre was assessed in two cross-sectional studies performed in 2003 and 2011, corresponding to the period before and after the Pacific highway construction.
Cien Saude Colet
June 2016
Despite the process of nutritional transition in Brazil, in some places, such as the Amazon region, stunting is still an important public health problem. We identified the prevalence and factors associated with stunting in children under five years old residing in the urban area of Assis Brasil. A survey was conducted in which a questionnaire on socioeconomic, maternal and children's conditions was applied, and height or length was measured.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction. Children under 5 years of age are more susceptible to developing morbidities such as diarrhea, respiratory infections, anemia, and malnutrition. The objective of the study is to evaluate the prevalence of reported morbidities in this age group in the city of Iñapari (Peru) and the access to health services in this municipality.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMalaria is a disease that generates a broad spectrum of clinical features. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical spectrum of malaria in semi-immune populations. Patients were recruited in Mâncio Lima, a city situated in the Brazilian Amazon region.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Hepatitis A is still a neglected health problem in the world. The most affected areas are the ones with disadvantaged socioeconomic conditions. In Brazil, seroprevalence studies showed that 64.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFish farming in the Amazon has been stimulated as a solution to increase economic development. However, poorly managed fish ponds have been sometimes associated with the presence of Anopheles spp. and consequently, with malaria transmission.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSide effects of antimalarial drug can overlap with malaria symptoms. We evaluated 50 patients with vivax malaria in Mâncio Lima, Acre, treated with chloroquine and primaquine. Patients were evaluated for the presence of 21 symptoms before and after treatment and for reported side effects of these drugs after treatment was started.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The Amazon region has the highest seroprevalence of hepatitis A virus (HAV) in Brazil.
Methods: In the present study, the seroprevalence of total HAV antibodies in two groups, composed of 147 and 254 children between 1 and 5 years old in Assis Brasil, Acre, was measured in 2003 and 2010, respectively, and compared with socio-economic changes in the city.
Results: In 2003, the HAV seroprevalence rate was 26.
This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of serum IgG dengue in children in an Amazonian population, to assess the seroconversion rate in 12 months, and to estimate how many seropositive children had a prior clinical diagnosis of dengue. We conducted a population-based study between 2010 and 2011, with children aged 6 months to 12 years that were living in the urban area of a small town in the Brazilian Amazon. The prevalence of IgG antibodies against dengue antigens was determined by indirect ELISA technique, and seronegative children were reexamined after 12 months to determine seroconversion rates.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMayaro virus (MAYV) is widely distributed throughout South America and is the etiologic agent of Mayaro fever, an acute febrile illness often presenting with arthralgic manifestations. The true incidence of MAYV infection is likely grossly underestimated because the symptomatic presentation is very similar to that of dengue fever and other acute febrile tropical diseases. We report the complete genome sequence of a MAYV isolate detected from an Acrelândia patient presenting with fever, chills, and sweating, but with no arthralgia.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Equity Health
November 2014
Introduction: Vaccines are very important to reduce morbidity and mortality by preventable infectious diseases, especially during childhood. Optimal coverage is not always achieved, for several reasons. Here we assessed vaccine coverage for the first 12 months of age in children between 12 and 59 months old, residing in the urban area of a small Amazonian city, and factors associated with incomplete vaccination.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: New frontier settlements across the Amazon Basin pose a major challenge for malaria elimination in Brazil. Here we describe the epidemiology of malaria during the early phases of occupation of farming settlements in Remansinho area, Brazilian Amazonia. We examine the relative contribution of low-density and asymptomatic parasitemias to the overall Plasmodium vivax burden over a period of declining transmission and discuss potential hurdles for malaria elimination in Remansinho and similar settings.
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