Publications by authors named "Silje Fevang"

Objective: Aim of the study was to evaluate the patient pathway from referral to assessment and diagnosis of pre-schoolers referred to a Child and Adolescent Mental Health Clinic (CAMHC) in Norway.

Method: Following data were collected retrospectively from medical records over a 2-year study period: data from clinical interviews for diagnostic evaluation, observation findings in kindergartens and the CAMHC, and results from medical examinations. The times taken from referral to first contact with the CAMHC, then to the first evaluation, and finally to diagnosis were assessed.

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Unlabelled: Predicting physical activity in a national cohort of children born extremely preterm.

Objectives: To compare physical activity among school-aged children born extremely preterm or with extremely low birthweight (EP/ELBW) to term-born children, and to identify early predictors for physical inactivity in the EP/ELBW-children.

Methods: A national cohort born during 1999-2000 at gestational age < 28 weeks or birthweight <1000 g and term-born controls were assessed.

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Objective: Neonatal diabetes has been shown to be associated with high neuropsychiatric morbidity in a genotype-phenotype-dependent manner. However, the specific impact of different mutations on intellectual functioning is still insufficiently characterized. Specifically, only a small number of subjects with developmental delay have been comprehensively assessed, creating a knowledge gap about patients carrying the heaviest burden.

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Objective: To investigate development and predictors of mental health problems from five to eleven years of age in children born extremely preterm (EP).

Method: In a national Norwegian cohort of children born before a gestational age of 28 weeks or with a birthweight <1000 g mental health was assessed by parents at five and eleven years of age using The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. A Total Difficulties Score ≥ 90th percentile (TDS90) for a reference group was used as a measure of a mental health problem.

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Prematurely born children have been reported to have more sleep problems throughout childhood than children born at term. The aim of this study was to explore if prenatal or neonatal factors can predict sleep problems at age 11 years in children born extremely preterm (EPT). A prospective observational study of all infants who were born EPT in Norway in 1999 and 2000.

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Prenatal exposure to substances may influence a child's neurodevelopment and impact on subsequent mental health. In a hospital-based population of school-aged children prenatally exposed to opiates and a number of illicit substances (n = 57), we evaluated mental health symptoms associated with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorders (ASD) using the Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham Questionnaire, revision IV (SNAP-IV) and the Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire (ASSQ) and compared the scores to a reference group which comprised children from the population-based Bergen Child Study (n = 171). Prenatally exposed children had significantly higher SNAP-IV scores associated with ADHD symptoms in both areas of inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity and also reported a higher ASSQ score related to an increased number of symptoms associated with ASD, compared with the reference group.

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Aim: This study explored whether extremely preterm (EPT) children had different sleep characteristics in childhood than children born at term and how neurodevelopmental disabilities (NDD) affected sleep in children born EPT.

Methods: A Norwegian national cohort of 231 children born EPT from 1999 to 2000 and separate study data on 556 children born at term in 2001 were compared. Parental questionnaires mapped the children's current sleep habits at 11 years of age, namely the prevalence of sleep problems throughout childhood until this age and five categories of sleep problems.

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The aims were to investigate mental health problems with the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) in children born extremely preterm/extremely low birth weight (EP/ELBW) without severe disabilities compared to controls, and to identify peri-, or neonatal factors possibly predicting later mental health problems. A national Norwegian cohort of 11-year-old EP/ELBW children, excluding those with intellectual disabilities, non-ambulatory cerebral palsy, blindness and/or deafness, was assessed. Parents and teachers completed the SDQ.

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Objective: To describe the prevalence and gender characteristics of mental health problems in extremely preterm/extremely low birth weight (EP/ELBW) children without intellectual disabilities, blindness, deafness, or severe cerebral palsy compared with a reference group at 11 years of age.

Methods: In a national cohort of EP/ELBW children, mental health was assessed by parental and teacher report by using the Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire, the Swanson, Noland, and Pelham Questionnaire IV (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder), the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders, symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and a total difficulties score from the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire. Pervasive rating was defined as both parent and teacher scoring the child ≥95th percentile (≥90th percentile for total difficulties score) of the reference group, which was the population-based Bergen Child Study.

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