Routine mammography screening in a 63-year-old woman showed a small breast mass with indistinct borders. Ultrasound showed a triangle mass, 12 mm in size, which had somewhat unclear anterior borders with focal strong high echoes at their center, multiple punctate echogenic foci in the internal low echoes, and slightly attenuated posterior echoes. Magnetic resonance images (MRI) of the tumor showed a hypointense pattern both on T1- and fat-suppressed T2-weighted images.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFElastosis, rarely observed in breast cancers, is a condition in which degradation products of elastin fibers, one of the fiber components, accumulate in the tumor. However, its image findings remain uncertain. A 78-year-old woman with a breast mass was referred to our hospital.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCase Rep Gastroenterol
February 2025
Introduction: Diagnostic physicians tend to judge a low-dense area on computed tomography (CT) as central necrosis when it has no contrast enhancement and locates in the center of large tumors.
Case Presentation: An 80-year-old woman was referred to our hospital due to the detection of an abdominal mass on ultrasound (US). CT showed a well-demarcated oval mass, 11 cm in size, with a central low-density area.
A 40-year-old woman with a left breast mass was referred to our hospital. Mammography showed only a mass shadow. An ultrasound showed a 30mm oval mass with distinct borders, focal cystic parts, enhanced posterior echoes, and very low internal echoes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA 25-year-old unmarried woman with sex experience was referred to our hospital for the treatment of mild pneumothorax. On pneumothorax recurrence, thoracoscopy showed no cystic lesions on the visceral pleura but small defects and slightly elevated brownish multiple lesions on the diaphragm, leading to the presumed diagnosis of catamenial pneumothorax. The patient, therefore, underwent complete resection of the diaphragmatic lesions and extensive covering of the diaphragm using a polyglycolic acid sheet with 50 mL of autologous blood application.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA 30-year-old woman with ulcerative colitis on mesalazine therapy developed a breast mass seven months after her first child delivery. Breast massage to the affected breast and drainage of the abscess cavity only resulted in skin necrosis just above the breast mass followed by skin defect formation larger than 10cm in size. A pathological study of the exposed breast tissue led to the diagnosis of granulomatous mastitis (GM).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA 61-year-old woman underwent an emergent operation with sigmoid colon cancer resection, colostomy, and ileostomy on colon perforation. The low ileostoma, caused by intra-abdominal bad conditions, had irritated the surrounding skin after surgery, intermittently forcing the patient to fast for a certain period. Six months after the operation, under the judgment that re-ileostomy, essential for hospital discharge, seemed very difficult through another laparotomy, we attempted to make the ileostoma higher not with pulling the ileum from the abdomen but with lowering the surrounding skin using skin flap formation techniques.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRadiol Case Rep
January 2025
Case Rep Oncol
September 2024
Introduction: Nipple retraction has long been regarded as an absolute contraindication factor for nipple preservation in breast cancer surgery.
Case Presentation: A 62-year-old woman was referred to our hospital for the treatment of breast cancer with slight nipple retraction. Imaging findings showed neither direct cancer infiltration to the nipple-areolar complex nor lymphadenopathy.
A 66-year-old woman with metastatic mucinous breast cancer was referred to our hospital. The patient had lymph node and multiple lung metastases judged as progressive disease. Positron emission tomography showed radio tracer uptake neither in the axillary lymph nodes nor in the lung metastases.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRadiol Case Rep
November 2024
No studies have reported breast cancer cases developed in the chronic expanding hematoma (CEH). Case presentation: A 47-year-old woman was referred to our hospital for the treatment of a large breast mass. Ultrasound showed that the tumor had an intra-cystic tumor pattern.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Apocrine adenoma of the breast is extremely rare and its typical images remain uncertain.
Case Presentation: A 66-year-old woman was incidentally found of her left breast tumor with computed tomography for ascending colon cancer staging work. Mammography showed a well-demarcated oval mass.
Background: Due to its indolent biology and high estrogen receptor positivity of mucinous breast cancer, vast majority of locally advanced mucinous breast cancer (LABC) are treated with first-line endocrine therapy.
Case Presentation: A 50-year-old woman was referred to our hospital for the treatment of her huge breast tumor. Computed tomography showed an oval solid tumor, 17 cm in size, and lymph node swelling in both the axilla and parasternum.
Radiol Case Rep
October 2024
A 62-year-old woman showed an elevation of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) level 15 years after the left breast cancer, i.e., tubule forming type luminal micro invasive cancer, operation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA 44-year-old woman was referred to our hospital for the examination and treatment of a presumed gallbladder tumor. Both ultrasound and computed tomography showed an intracystic tumor but failed to point out the discontinuity between the cystic lesion and the gallbladder. Magnetic resonance imaging, however, could clearly depict the presumed intracystic tumor and the discontinuity between the gallbladder and the target lesion.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA 10-year-old girl was admitted to our hospital due to acute pancreatitis. Computed tomography showed an intra-gastric mass containing multiple small air bubbles. Ultrasound showed a well-circumscribed large oval mass with a broad acoustic shadow.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA 73-year-old woman was pointed out of her right breast tumor on screening computed tomography (CT). Mammography showed distortion of the mammary gland and skin retraction. Ultrasound (US) showed an irregular tumor with hyperechoic haloes adjacent to the anterior tumor borders.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA 69-year-old woman with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection was referred to our hospital due to liver enzyme abnormalities. Four years after anti-HCV therapy, the patient with sustained virologic response and no clinical symptoms developed an oval hepatic mass with mixed high and low internal echoes near the portal vein on ultrasound. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the liver lesion showed a slightly hypo intense pattern on T1-weighted images, a hyper intense pattern both on T2- and diffusion-weighted images, a slight rim enhancement pattern with no intra-lesional enhancement up to the late phase, and a very low intense pattern on hepatobiliary phase images.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCase Rep Oncol
December 2023
A 56-year-old woman was referred to our hospital due to dry mouth. Diagnostic upper gastrointestinal endoscopy showed slightly elevated lesions both on the anterior wall and lesser curvature in the upper part of the stomach. Biopsy-proven tuble-forming atypical cells in the two lesions led us to treat the presumed early gastric cancers with endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRadiol Case Rep
February 2024
A 67-year-old man with abdominal pain and vomiting was referred to our hospital for the treatment of ileus. Enhanced computed tomography (CT) showed marked dilatation of the ileum and a presumed cecal tumor. After the intestinal decompression using nasogastric tube, a colonoscopy showed a type 3 tumor in the cecum.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA 71-year-old man with slight fever and dull abdominal pain was referred to our hospital. He had been receiving methotrexate (MTX) to treat his rheumatoid arthritis for more than 6 years but stopped taking MTX after admission due to the rapid aggravation of his liver function. Computed tomography (CT) showed multiple liver lesions with late enhancement, highly suggesting them to be cholangiocarcinomas.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA 54-year-old woman with a left breast mass was referred to our hospital. Mammography showed a mass, 2.1cm in size, with micro-lobulated boarders.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA 74-year-old women with abdominal pain emergently visited our hospital in a shock status. After hemodynamics stabilization with intravenous fluid/albumin administration and blood transfusion, image evaluation showed perihepatic presumed blood retention and an intrahepatic large tumor. Angiography showed a tumor stain in the liver and no active leakage of the contrast medium from the tumor.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAn 82-year-old man developed a hypervascular renal tumor, 2 cm in size, and multiple liver tumors. Liver tumors had obscured tumor margins on ultrasonography. Positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) showed no areas of avid radiotracer uptake in the liver.
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