Noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computers provide a new experimental platform for investigating the behaviour of complex quantum systems. We show that currently available NISQ devices can be used for versatile quantum simulations of chaotic systems. We introduce a classical-quantum hybrid approach for exploring the dynamics of the chaotic quantum kicked top (QKT) on a quantum computer.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFQuantum key agreement enables remote participants to fairly establish a secure shared key based on their private inputs. In the circular-type multiparty quantum key agreement mode, two or more malicious participants can collude together to steal private inputs of honest participants or to generate the final key alone. In this work, we focus on a powerful collusive attack strategy in which two or more malicious participants in particular positions, can learn sensitive information or generate the final key alone without revealing their malicious behaviour.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe propose a feasible and efficient dynamic multiparty quantum private comparison protocol that is fully secure against participant attacks. In the proposed scheme, two almost-dishonest third parties generate two random keys and send them to all participants. Every participant independently encrypts their private information with the encryption keys and sends it to the third parties.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFQuantum-classical correspondence in chaotic systems is a long-standing problem. We describe a method to quantify Bohr's correspondence principle and calculate the size of quantum numbers for which we can expect to observe quantum-classical correspondence near periodic orbits of Floquet systems. Our method shows how the stability of classical periodic orbits affects quantum dynamics.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe present a complete hyperentangled Bell state analysis protocol for two-photon four-qubit states that are simultaneously entangled in the polarization and time-bin degrees of freedom. The 16 hyperentangled states can be unambiguously distinguished via two steps. In the first step, the polarization entangled state is distinguished deterministically and nondestructively with the help of the cross-Kerr nonlinearity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys
March 2015
We identify signatures of chaos in the dynamics of discord in a multiqubit system collectively modelled as a quantum kicked top. The evolution of discord between any two qubits is quasiperiodic in regular regions, while in chaotic regions the quasiperiodicity is lost. As the initial wave function is varied from the regular regions to the chaotic sea, a contour plot of the time-averaged discord remarkably reproduces the structures of the classical stroboscopic map.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe propose two schemes for concentration of hyperentanglement of nonlocal multipartite states which are simultaneously entangled in the polarization and spatial modes. One scheme uses an auxiliary single-photon state prepared according to the parameters of the less-entangled states. The other scheme uses two less-entangled states with unknown parameters to distill the maximal hyperentanglement.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe find quantum signatures of chaos in various metrics of information gain in quantum tomography. We employ a quantum state estimator based on weak collective measurements of an ensemble of identically prepared systems. The tomographic measurement record consists of a sequence of expectation values of a Hermitian operator that evolves under repeated application of the Floquet map of the quantum kicked top.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe explore the dynamics of entanglement in classically chaotic systems by considering a multiqubit system that behaves collectively as a spin system obeying the dynamics of the quantum kicked top. In the classical limit, the kicked top exhibits both regular and chaotic dynamics depending on the strength of the chaoticity parameter kappa in the Hamiltonian. We show that the entanglement of the multiqubit system, considered for both the bipartite and the pairwise entanglement, yields a signature of quantum chaos.
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