Background: Unripe cervix prevents entering the endometrial cavity during intrauterine procedures. Mechanical dilatation of cervical canal might cause undesirable complications.
Objective: To investigate the substitute of mechanical intervention with chemical treatment by administering hyoscine to patients.
Background: This study aims to examine whether specific maternal breast variations (such as flat nipple, inverted nipple, large breast or/and large nipple) are barriers for weight gain in breastfed infants during the first seven days of life.
Methods: In this prospective cohort study, 100 healthy term neonates were followed from birth to day seven in two groups; Group A: fifty neonates born to mothers with specified breast variations and Group B: fifty neonates born to mothers without such breast variations ("normal breasts"). All neonates were the first child of their families and there was no sex ratio difference between the two groups.