Original data (Cs and Cs, and sampling location) of marine products in Fukushima Prefecture monitored during 2011-2015 (n = 32,492) were analyzed to present an updated detailed description of radiocesium contamination after the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident and to examine taxon/habitat-specific decreasing trends in different areas. Furthermore, marine species data presented by the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) during 2012-2015 (n = 5458) were analyzed to evaluate the decreasing trends of Cs inside and outside (within a 20 km radius) of the FDNPP port. Monitoring results by Fukushima Prefecture show that percentages of samples higher than the Japanese regulatory limit of 100 Bq kg-wet (>RL%) were higher, whereas those below the detection limit (