Publications by authors named "Shiloh Dede Osae"

Vegetables cultivated in soil irrigated with untreated groundwater and municipal-waste-dominated (MWD) stream can elevate the concentration of heavy metals (Cd, Fe, Zn, Hg, Cr, and Ni) in edible parts of the crop, affecting food safety and public health worldwide. This study assessed the quality, sources, and distribution of heavy metals in surface soils, MWD stream and groundwater, and edible tissues of leafy and non-leafy vegetables from a major urban farm in the Sekondi-Takoradi metropolis, Ghana. Human health risk due to exposure to the metals in frequently consumed vegetables were investigated.

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The existence of pesticides, such as organochlorine pesticides, parathion-ethyl, methamidophos which is banned globally and some current-use non-banned pesticides of organophosphorus and synthetic pyrethroids in freshwater sources is an ecological and public health concern in many countries, including Ghana. Prompted by this concern, the exposure levels and risk assessment of these pesticides to humans and non-target organisms via groundwater and surface water sources in an agricultural catchment dominated by cocoa crops in the Ankobra Basin, Ghana, were investigated. The individual concentrations of the banned pesticides in the surface water and groundwater samples varied from < LOD to 0.

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In recent times, surface water resource in the Western Region of Ghana has been found to be inadequate in supply and polluted by various anthropogenic activities. As a result of these problems, the demand for groundwater by the human populations in the peri-urban communities for domestic, municipal and irrigation purposes has increased without prior knowledge of its water quality. Water samples were collected from 14 public hand-dug wells during the rainy season in 2013 and investigated for total coliforms, Escherichia coli, mercury (Hg), arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd) and physicochemical parameters.

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