Publications by authors named "Shillo Pallai"

Background: Identifying distinct mechanisms and biomarkers for painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) is required for advancing the treatment of this major global unmet clinical need. We previously provided evidence in calf skin biopsies that disproportion between reduced sensory small nerve fibers and increased blood vessels may distinguish painful from non-painful DPN. We proposed that overexposure of the reduced nerve fibers in DPN to increased hypoxemia-induced vasculature and related algogenic factors, e.

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Alterations in the structure, function, and microcirculation of the thalamus, a key brain region involved in pain pathways, have previously been demonstrated in patients with painless and painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN). However, thalamic neurotransmitter levels including γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) (inhibitory neurotransmitter) and glutamate (excitatory neurotransmitter) in different DPN phenotypes are not known. We performed a magnetic resonance spectroscopy study and quantified GABA and glutamate levels within the thalamus, in a carefully characterized cohort of participants with painless and painful DPN.

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Objective: Despite increasing evidence demonstrating structural and functional alterations within the central nervous system in diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN), the neuroanatomical correlates of painful and painless DPN have yet to be identified. Focusing on structural MRI, the aims of this study were to 1) define the brain morphological alterations in painful and painless DPN and 2) explore the relationships between brain morphology and clinical/neurophysiological assessments.

Research Design And Methods: A total of 277 participants with type 1 and 2 diabetes (no DPN [n = 57], painless DPN [n = 77], painful DPN [n = 77]) and 66 healthy volunteers (HVs) were enrolled.

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Painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy can be intractable with a major impact, yet the underlying pain mechanisms remain uncertain. A range of neuronal and vascular biomarkers was investigated in painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy (painful-DPN) and painless-DPN and used to differentiate painful-DPN from painless-DPN. Skin biopsies were collected from 61 patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D), and 19 healthy volunteers (HV).

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Aims/hypothesis: The aim of this work was to investigate whether different clinical pain phenotypes of diabetic polyneuropathy (DPN) are distinguished by functional connectivity at rest.

Methods: This was an observational, cohort study of 43 individuals with painful DPN, divided into irritable (IR, n = 10) and non-irritable (NIR, n = 33) nociceptor phenotypes using the German Research Network of Neuropathic Pain quantitative sensory testing protocol. In-situ brain MRI included 3D T1-weighted anatomical and 6 min resting-state functional MRI scans.

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Aims/hypothesis: Distal diabetic sensorimotor polyneuropathy (DSP) is a common complication of diabetes with many patients showing a reduction of intraepidermal nerve fibre density (IENFD) from skin biopsy, a validated and sensitive diagnostic tool for the assessment of DSP. Axonal swelling ratio is a morphological quantification altered in DSP. It is, however, unclear if axonal swellings are related to diabetes or DSP.

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Painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) is difficult to manage, as treatment response is often varied. The primary aim of this study was to examine differences in pain phenotypes between responders and nonresponders to intravenous lidocaine treatment using quantitative sensory testing. The secondary aim was to explore differences in brain structure and functional connectivity with treatment response.

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Article Synopsis
  • The review highlights the rising prevalence of diabetes and its complications, particularly the incidence of diabetic distal symmetrical polyneuropathy (DPN), which affects about 25% of diabetes patients.
  • Recent findings indicate that factors like gender, clinical characteristics, biomarkers, brain imaging, genetics, and skin biopsies can help differentiate between painful (painful-DPN) and painless DPN, with painful-DPN often linked to female patients and small fiber dysfunction.
  • Further research is needed to better understand the causes of neuropathic pain in DPN, which may lead to new and effective treatments.
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The prevalence of diabetes mellitus and its chronic complications continue to increase alarmingly. Consequently, the massive expenditure on diabetic distal symmetrical polyneuropathy (DSPN) and its sequelae, will also likely rise. Up to 50% of patients with diabetes develop DSPN, and about 20% develop neuropathic pain (painful-DSPN).

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Background: Epidemiological studies in patients with neuropathic pain demonstrate a strong association with psychiatric conditions such as anxiety; however, the precipitating pathology between these symptoms remains unclear. To investigate this, we studied the effects of lifelong stress on levels of neuropathic pain-like behavior and conversely, the effects of chronic neuropathic injury on anxiety-like status in male and female mice. In addition, we assayed this link in painful and painless diabetic peripheral neuropathy patients.

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Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) is a common disabling complication of diabetes. Almost half of the patients with DPN develop neuropathic pain (NeuP) for which current analgesic treatments are inadequate. Understanding the role of genetic variability in the development of painful DPN is needed for improved understanding of pain pathogenesis for better patient stratification in clinical trials and to target therapy more appropriately.

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In a recent cluster analysis, it has been shown that patients with peripheral neuropathic pain can be grouped into 3 sensory phenotypes based on quantitative sensory testing profiles, which are mainly characterized by either sensory loss, intact sensory function and mild thermal hyperalgesia and/or allodynia, or loss of thermal detection and mild mechanical hyperalgesia and/or allodynia. Here, we present an algorithm for allocation of individual patients to these subgroups. The algorithm is nondeterministic-ie, a patient can be sorted to more than one phenotype-and can separate patients with neuropathic pain from healthy subjects (sensitivity: 78%, specificity: 94%).

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Disabling neuropathic pain (NeuP) is a common sequel of diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN). We aimed to characterise the sensory phenotype of patients with and without NeuP, assess screening tools for NeuP, and relate DPN severity to NeuP. The Pain in Neuropathy Study (PiNS) is an observational cross-sectional multicentre study.

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Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) affects up to 50% of patients with diabetes and is a major cause of morbidity and increased mortality. Its clinical manifestations include distressing painful neuropathic symptoms and insensitivity to trauma that result in foot ulcerations and amputations. Several recent studies have implicated poor glycemic control, duration of diabetes, hyperlipidemia (particularly hypertryglyceridaemia), elevated albumin excretion rates, and obesity as risk factors for the development of DPN.

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Clinical methods of detecting diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) are not objective and reproducible. We therefore evaluated if SUDOSCAN, a new method developed to provide a quick, non-invasive and quantitative assessment of sudomotor function can reliably screen for DPN. 70 subjects (45 with type 1 diabetes and 25 healthy volunteers [HV]) underwent detailed assessments including clinical, neurophysiological and 5 standard cardiovascular reflex tests (CARTs).

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Diabetic 'peripheral' neuropathy (DPN) is one of the common sequelae to the development of both type-1 and type-2 diabetes mellitus. Neuropathy has a major negative impact on quality of life. Abnormalities in both peripheral vasculature and nerve function are well documented and, in addition, evidence is emerging regarding changes within the central nervous system (CNS) that are concomitant with the presence of DPN.

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