Neurofilament accumulation is associated with many neurodegenerative diseases, but it is the primary pathology in giant axonal neuropathy (GAN). This childhood-onset autosomal recessive disease is caused by loss-of-function mutations in gigaxonin, the E3 adaptor protein that enables neurofilament degradation. Using a combination of genetic and RNA interference approaches, we found that dorsal root ganglia from mice lacking gigaxonin have impaired autophagy and lysosomal degradation through 2 mechanisms.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFElectrophiles and reactive oxygen species (ROS) play a major role in modulating cellular defense mechanisms as well as physiological functions, and intracellular signaling. However, excessive ROS generation (endogenous and exogenous) can create a state of redox imbalance leading to cellular and tissue damage (Ma and He, 2012) [1]. A growing body of research data strongly suggests that imbalanced ROS and electrophile overproduction are among the major prodromal factors in the onset and progression of several cerebrovascular and neurodegenerative disorders such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), stroke, Alzheimer's disease (AD), Parkinson's disease (PD), and aging (Ma and He, 2012; Ramsey et al.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSulforaphane (SFN) has been shown to protect the brain vascular system and effectively reduce ischemic injuries and cognitive deficits. Given the robust cerebrovascular protection afforded by SFN, the objective of this study was to profile these effects in vitro using primary mouse brain microvascular endothelial cells and focusing on cellular redox, metabolism and detoxification functions. We used a mouse MitoChip array developed and validated at the FDA National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR) to profile a host of genes encoded by nuclear and mt-DNA following SFN treatment (0-5 µM).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Globally, tobacco use causes approximately 6 million deaths per year, and predictions report that with current trends; more than 8 million deaths are expected annually by 2030. Cigarette smokings is currently accountable for more than 480,000 deaths each year in United States (US) and is the leading cause of preventable death in the US. On average, smokers die 10 years earlier than nonsmokers and if smoking continues at its current proportion among adolescents, one in every 13 Americans aged 17 years or younger is expected to die prematurely from a smoking-related illness.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRecently published in vitro and in vivo findings strongly suggest that BBB impairment and increased risk for stroke by tobacco smoke (TS) closely resemble that of type-2 diabetes (2DM) and develop largely in response to common key modulators such oxidative stress (OS), inflammation and alterations of the endogenous antioxidative response system (ARE) regulated by the nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor (Nrf2). Preclinical studies have also shown that nicotine (the principal e-liquid's ingredient used in e-cigarettes) can also cause OS, exacerbation of cerebral ischemia and secondary brain injury. Herein we provide evidence that likewise to TS, chronic e-Cigarette (e-Cig) vaping can be prodromal to the loss of blood-brain barrier (BBB) integrity and vascular inflammation as well as act as a promoting factor for the onset of stroke and worsening of post-ischemic brain injury.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBlood-brain barrier (BBB) damage is a critical neurovascular complication of diabetes mellitus that adversely affects the CNS health and function. Previously, we showed the protective role of NF-E2 related factor-2 (Nrf2), a redox sensitive transcription factor, in regulation of BBB integrity. Given the pathogenic role of mitochondrial oxidative stress in diabetes-related microvascular complications, we focused on assessing: 1) the impact of diabetes on brain Nrf2 in correlation with BBB permeability and 2) Nrf2-dependent regulation of the mitochondrial transporter ABCB10, an essential player in mitochondrial function and redox balance at BBB endothelium.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IIT Kanpur) possesses a PuBe neutron source facility with an initial activity of 5 Ci, dated September 1966 (nearly 50 years ago). An understanding of the present activity and the rate of its change will allow implementation of proper radiological safety procedures and future radiological safety planning. Knowing the absolute neutron flux will help us in future neutron activation studies.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCigarette smoking (CS) is associated with vascular endothelial dysfunction in a causative way primarily related to the TS content of reactive oxygen species (ROS), nicotine, and inflammation. TS promotes glucose intolerance and increases the risk of developing type-2 diabetes mellitus (2DM) with which it shares other pathogenic traits including the high risk of cerebrovascular and neurological disorders like stroke via ROS generation, inflammation, and blood-brain barrier (BBB) impairment. Herein we provide evidence of the role played by nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor (Nrf2) in CS-induced cerebrobvascular/BBB impairments and how these cerebrovascular harmful effects can be circumvented by the use of metformin (MF; a widely prescribed, firstline anti-diabetic drug) treatment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFExpert Opin Drug Discov
January 2017
The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a dynamic biological interface which actively controls the passage of substances between the blood and the central nervous system (CNS). From a biological and functional standpoint, the BBB plays a crucial role in maintaining brain homeostasis inasmuch that deterioration of BBB functions are prodromal to many CNS disorders. Conversely, the BBB hinders the delivery of drugs targeting the brain to treat a variety of neurological diseases.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIt is well known that tobacco consumption is a leading cause of preventable deaths worldwide and has been linked to major diseases ranging from cancer to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, atherosclerosis, stroke and a host of neurological/neurodegenerative disorders. In the past decade a number of alternative vaping products have hit the market, rapidly gaining consumers especially among the younger population. Electronic nicotine delivery systems or e-cigarettes have become the sought-after product due to the belief that they are much safer than traditional cigarettes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this study, we sought to investigate how concomitant hyperglycemia influences the impact of combination antiretroviral therapy on blood-brain barrier (BBB) endothelial function. Immortalized human brain microvascular endothelial cell line (hCMEC/D3) was exposed to azidothymidine (AZT; a nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor) and/or indinavir (IND; protease inhibitor) in normal glycemic (5.5mM) or hyperglycemic (HG; 25mM) media containing D-glucose for 24-72h.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBlood Brain Barrier (BBB) exposed to realistic concentrations (comparable to a chronic heavy smoker) of Cigarette Smoke Extract (CSE) triggers a strong endothelial inflammatory response which can lead to the onset of neurological disorders. The involvement of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) in this inflammatory cascade is evident from the up-regulation of nuclear factor erythroid 2 related factor 2 (Nrf-2), a transcription factor involved in anti-oxidant response signaling in CSE exposed endothelial cells. We have shown that pre-treatment with α-tocopherol and/or ascorbic acid is highly protective for the BBB, thus suggesting that, prophylactic administration of antioxidants can reduce CSE and/or inflammatory-dependent BBB damage.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Diabetes and tobacco smoking are significant public health concerns which have been shown to independently impact the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Since smoking is a risk factor for diabetes and shares some of the common pathological pathways leading to metabolic abnormalities, it is hypothesized that their combination would produce additive or synergistic BBB dysfunction. Therefore, the objective of this study was to assess this hypothesis and evaluate the magnitude of these effects in vitro using hCMEC/D3 cells; a well-established human BBB endothelial cell line.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Tobacco smoke (TS) toxicity to the brain microvasculature is still an understudied area till date. NF-E2 related factor (Nrf2) is a key transcription factor responsible for activating the antioxidant response element (ARE) genes following an oxidative insult. Till date, several studies targeting the blood brain barrier (BBB) have shown some protective role of Nrf2 in ischemia-reperfusion (IR) injury, however, its functional role in chronic smokers subjected to a life-long oxidative stress has never been addressed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA host of diabetes-related insults to the central nervous system (CNS) have been clearly documented in type-1 and -2 diabetic patients as well as experimental animal models. These host of neurological disorders encompass hemodynamic impairments (e.g.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe blood-brain barrier (BBB) maintains the brain homeostasis and dynamically responds to events associated with systemic and/or rheological impairments (e.g., inflammation, ischemia) including the exposure to harmful xenobiotics.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Both active and passive tobacco smoke (TS) potentially impair the vascular endothelial function in a causative and dose-dependent manner, largely related to the content of reactive oxygen species (ROS), nicotine, and pro-inflammatory activity. Together these factors can compromise the restrictive properties of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and trigger the pathogenesis/progression of several neurological disorders including silent cerebral infarction, stroke, multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease. Based on these premises, we analyzed and assessed the toxic impact of smoke extract from a range of tobacco products (with varying levels of nicotine) on brain microvascular endothelial cell line (hCMEC/D3), a well characterized human BBB model.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Cerebrovascular complications involving endothelial dysfunction at the blood-brain barrier (BBB) are central to the pathogenesis of diabetes-related CNS disorders. However, clinical and experimental studies have reported contrasting evidence in relation to the effects of hyperglycemia on BBB permeability and function. Similarly the effect of hypoglycemia on BBB integrity is not well understood.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDust is considered as one of the most widespread air pollutants. The objective of the study was to analyse the effect of dust load (DL) on the leaf attributes of the four tree species planted along the roadside at a low pollution Banaras Hindu University (BHU) campus and a highly polluted industrial area (Chunar, Mirzapur) of India. The studied leaf attributes were: leaf area, specific leaf area (SLA), relative water content (RWC), leaf nitrogen content (LNC), leaf phosphorus content (LPC), chlorophyll content (Chl), maximum stomatal conductance (Gs(max)), maximum photosynthetic rate (A (max)) and intrinsic water-use efficiency (WUEi).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNuclear receptors and pioneer factors drive the development and progression of prostate cancer. In this disease, aggressive disease phenotypes and hormone therapy failures result from resurgent activity of androgen receptor (AR) and the upregulation of coactivator protein p300 and pioneer factors (e.g.
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