Background: Preferences of patients with advanced cancer are well studied in Western countries but less so in Asian communities where end-of-life discussions can be seen as taboo. This may lead to patients receiving care that is incongruent with their wishes as their disease progress. It is important for healthcare providers to have a better understanding of patients' experiences and preferences especially in a multicultural country like Malaysia with its diverse beliefs and values to facilitate better planning for future medical care.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Pain Palliat Care Pharmacother
April 2020
Methadone has been increasingly used in the treatment of refractory cancer pain with different conversion methods and ratios described.A retrospective chart review of patients on methadone for cancer pain was conducted to assess its use as the primary opioid, focusing on pain characteristics, opioid rotation indication, previous analgesics, adverse effects and final methadone dose in comparison with the pre-rotation Morphine Equivalent Daily Dose (MEDD).Eight patients were rotated to methadone due to refractory moderate-severe cancer pain and achieved good pain relief.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnaerobic gram-positive bacilli can occasionally be implicated in infections but are difficult to identify in culture by conventional biochemical methods. We report a case of liver abscesses caused by Eggerthella lenta, identified via 16S rRNA sequencing in a previously healthy patient, successfully treated with percutaneous drainage and ertapenem.
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