Publications by authors named "Shearman R"

The Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) is developing a new transfer instrument to extend its centralized services for assessing the international equivalence of radioactive standards to new radionuclides. A liquid scintillation counter using the triple/double coincidence ratio method is being studied and tested in the CCRI(II)-P1.Co-60 pilot study.

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Over the Texas-Louisiana Shelf in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, the eutrophic, fresh Mississippi/Atchafalaya river plume isolates saltier waters below, supporting the formation of bottom hypoxia in summer. The plume also generates strong density fronts, features of the circulation that are known pathways for the exchange of water between the ocean surface and the deep. Using high-resolution ocean observations and numerical simulations, we demonstrate how the summer land-sea breeze generates rapid vertical exchange at the plume fronts.

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Gaseous fission products have been produced via thermal neutron irradiation of a highly-enriched uranium target and extracted using a custom gas processing system for measurement on a prototype, high-resolution β - γ coincidence detection system. The gas was extracted and measured in two stages in order to measure the prompt and β-delayed fission products. This paper presents an overview of the system used to produce gaseous fission products, and the results of the advanced coincidence spectrometry techniques used to identify and quantify decays from the radionuclides produced, including the noble gases Kr, Kr, Kr, Xe, Xe, Xe and Xe, as well as I and Rb.

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Accurate measurement of naturally occurring radionuclides in blast furnace slag, a by-product of the steel industry, is required for compliance with building regulations where it is often used as an ingredient in cement. A matrix reference blast furnace slag material has been developed to support traceability in these measurements. Raw material provided by a commercial producer underwent stability and homogeneity testing, as well as characterisation of matrix constituents, to provide a final candidate reference material.

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The β decay of ^{208}Hg into the one-proton hole, one neutron-particle _{81}^{208}Tl_{127} nucleus was investigated at CERN-ISOLDE. Shell-model calculations describe well the level scheme deduced, validating the proton-neutron interactions used, with implications for the whole of the N>126, Z<82 quadrant of neutron-rich nuclei. While both negative and positive parity states with spin 0 and 1 are expected within the Q_{β} window, only three negative parity states are populated directly in the β decay.

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The Gulf Stream front separates the North Atlantic subtropical and subpolar ocean gyres, water masses with distinct physical and biogeochemical properties. Exchange across the front is believed to be necessary to balance the freshwater budget of the subtropical gyre and to support the biological productivity of the region; however, the physical mechanisms responsible have been the subject of long-standing debate. Here, the evolution of a passive dye released within the north wall of the Gulf Stream provides direct observational evidence of enhanced mixing across the Gulf Stream front.

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The ^{12}C+^{12}C fusion reaction plays a critical role in the evolution of massive stars and also strongly impacts various explosive astrophysical scenarios. The presence of resonances in this reaction at energies around and below the Coulomb barrier makes it impossible to carry out a simple extrapolation down to the Gamow window-the energy regime relevant to carbon burning in massive stars. The ^{12}C+^{12}C system forms a unique laboratory for challenging the contemporary picture of deep sub-barrier fusion (possible sub-barrier hindrance) and its interplay with nuclear structure (sub-barrier resonances).

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High-energy tailing is an often-overlooked component in high-purity germanium gamma-ray spectrometry when performing the non-linear least squares fit of a full-energy peak. This component comes from the incomplete restoration of the baseline prior to the next pulse being processed and therefore is an issue of increased count rates. In the current work, the impact of this oversight is shown through the dynamics and decay characteristics of Ra and its radioactive decay progeny.

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The National Physical Laboratory has recently been in the process of commissioning a multi-detector γ ray array - the National Nuclear Array (NANA). In this study we have sought to exploit the NANA and the excellent timing characteristics of its intrinsic LaBr(Ce) scintillation detectors for use as a primary standardisation system. For this initial investigation, the absolute standardisation of Co has been performed by the γ-γ coincidence technique using NANA and the result compared to the established 4π(LS)-γ Digital Coincidence Counting (DCC) system.

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Fast-neutron-induced fission of ^{238}U at an energy just above the fission threshold is studied with a novel technique which involves the coupling of a high-efficiency γ-ray spectrometer (MINIBALL) to an inverse-kinematics neutron source (LICORNE) to extract charge yields of fission fragments via γ-γ coincidence spectroscopy. Experimental data and fission models are compared and found to be in reasonable agreement for many nuclei; however, significant discrepancies of up to 600% are observed, particularly for isotopes of Sn and Mo. This indicates that these models significantly overestimate the standard 1 fission mode and suggests that spherical shell effects in the nascent fission fragments are less important for low-energy fast-neutron-induced fission than for thermal neutron-induced fission.

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We present a brief report on the progress towards the construction of the National Nuclear Array (NANA), a gamma-ray coincidence spectrometer for discrete-line nuclear structure and decay measurements. The proposed spectrometer will combine a gamma-ray energy resolution of approximately 3% at 1MeV with sub-nanosecond timing discrimination between successive gamma rays in mutually coincident decay cascades. We also review a number of recent measurements using coincidence fast-timing gamma-ray spectroscopy for nuclear structure studies, which have helped to inform the design criteria for the NANA spectrometer.

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From mid-May to August 2011, extreme runoff in the Columbia River ranged from 14,000 to over 17,000 m(3)/s, more than two standard deviations above the mean for this period. The extreme runoff was the direct result of both melting of anomalously high snowpack and rainfall associated with the 2010-2011 La Niña. The effects of this increased freshwater discharge were observed off Newport, Oregon, 180 km south of the Columbia River mouth.

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Fifteen buffalograss, Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelm, genotypes and 94 diploid full-sib progeny were evaluated for western chinch bug, Blissus occiduus Barber (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae), resistance in two separate studies. The experimental design for each study was a completely randomized design.

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Limbed vertebrates have functionally integrated postcranial axial and appendicular systems derived from two distinct populations of embryonic mesoderm. The axial skeletal elements arise from the paraxial somites, the appendicular skeleton and sternum arise from the somatic lateral plate mesoderm, and all of the muscles for both systems arise from the somites. Recent studies in amniotes demonstrate that the scapula has a mixed mesodermal origin.

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Glyphosate is a broad spectrum herbicide which has been widely used for non-selective weed control in turfgrass management. Festuca arundinacea cv. Falcon was shown to be one of the tolerant turfgrass species in response to varying levels of glyphosate [5% (1.

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Developing a better understanding of associations among ploidy level, geographic distribution, and genetic diversity of Cynodon accessions could be beneficial to bermudagrass breeding programs, and would enhance our understanding of the evolutionary biology of this warm season grass species. This study was initiated to: (1) determine ploidy analysis of Cynodon accessions collected from Turkey, (2) investigate associations between ploidy level and diversity, (3) determine whether geographic and ploidy distribution are related to nuclear genome variation, and (4) correlate among four nuclear molecular marker systems for Cynodon accessions' genetic analyses. One hundred and eighty-two Cynodon accessions collected in Turkey from an area south of the Taurus Mountains along the Mediterranean cost and ten known genotypes were genotyped using sequence related amplified polymorphism (SRAP), peroxidase gene polymorphism (POGP), inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR), and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD).

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The vertebrate musculoskeletal system comprises the axial and appendicular systems. The postcranial axial system consists of the vertebrae, ribs and associated muscles, and the appendicular system comprises the muscles and skeleton of the paired appendages and their respective girdles. The morphology, proportions, and arrangements of these parts have undergone tremendous variation during vertebrate history.

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Knowledge of amphibian shoulder development is requisite for further understanding of gnathostome pectoral girdle evolution. Fish and amniotes share few pectoral girdle elements, but modern amphibians exhibit a unique combination of traits that bridge the morphological gap between these two groups. I analyzed patterns of chondrogenesis, ossification, and bone histology of the pectoral girdles of two anuran species (Xenopus laevis and Bombina orientalis) and two urodele species (Ambystoma mexicanum and Desmognathus aeneus) to provide new insight into the evolution of the tetrapod pectoral girdle.

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Article Synopsis
  • Researchers identified and quantified genes in creeping red fescue responding to rust infection using the mRNA differential display technique.
  • The induced genes were found to be related to known resistance proteins from other plants like Arabidopsis and barley.
  • The study provides new insights into how creeping red fescue's metabolic pathways change in response to rust infection.
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Current knowledge of resistance (R) genes and their use for genetic improvement in buffalograss (Buchloe dactyloides [Nutt.] Engelm.) lag behind most crop plants.

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Characterizing and inferring the buffalograss [Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelm.] genome organization and its relationship to geographic distribution are among the purposes of the buffalograss breeding and genetics program.

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Buffalograss (Buchloë dactyloides (Nutt.) Englem), a C4 turfgrass species, is native to the Great Plains region of North America. The evolutionary implications of buffalograss are unclear.

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This article describes the growth of the anuran pectoral girdle of Rana pipiens and compares skeletal development of the shoulder to that of long bones. The pectoral girdle chondrifies as two halves, each adjacent to a developing humerus. In each, the scapula and coracoid form as single foci of condensed chondrocytes that fuse, creating a cartilaginous glenoid bridge articulating with the humerus.

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Plant germplasm collections may offer genetic variability useful in identifying insect resistance. The goal of this project was to evaluate buffalograss genotypes [Buchloë dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelm.

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Buffalograss [ Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt.) Englem.] is the only native grass that is being used extensively as a turfgrass in the Great Plains region.

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