Semin Vasc Surg
September 2010
Prospective randomized clinical trials that support operative correction of atherosclerotic renovascular disease or catheter-based intervention compared with optimal medical management are lacking. Despite various limitations in study design, each of the five randomized trials reported to date had demonstrated no apparent benefit for renal artery intervention compared with medical management. Three ongoing randomized trials promise to provide additional data and the results of these latter studies will likely dictate future reimbursement through the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: New training paradigms in vascular surgery necessitate medical student interest in vascular disease. We examined the effects of incorporation of a vascular disease educational program during the second year of the medical school curriculum on student acquisition of knowledge and interest in the treatment of vascular disease.
Methods: We developed and administered a new educational program on vascular disease and delivered the program to all second-year medical students.
Purpose: Reports of duplex sonography scan criteria for recurrent renal arterial (RA) stenosis after endoluminal stenting have suggested that criteria for native arteries may overestimate recurrent disease. This retrospective report examines the utility of renal duplex sonography (RDS) scans to define the presence of significant (ie, ≥ 60%) renovascular disease (RVD) after percutaneous angioplasty and endoluminal stenting (PTAS).
Methods: Demographic, duplex, and angiographic data were reviewed and compared.
Background: Atherosclerotic renovascular disease is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) events. This study examines associations between Doppler-derived parameters from the renal artery and renal parenchyma and all-cause mortality and fatal and nonfatal CVD events in a cohort of elderly Americans.
Study Design: Cohort study.
Study Objective: To determine the outcome in patients with sleep complaints and normal polysomnograms (PSG).
Background: PSG is used in the evaluation of persons with sleep complaints. There is a small amount of literature available on patients with sleep complaints and normal PSGs.
Background And Objectives: The Pringle maneuver has been shown to increase ablation size during radiofrequency ablation (RFA). Efficacy of laparoscopic Pringle in proximity to major vasculature has not been well described. Laparoscopic RFA was performed in proximity to major hepatic vessels to examine effects of the Pringle on ablation size and vascular damage.
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