Publications by authors named "Shaun P Collin"

In the open ocean, achieving camouflage is complicated by the fact that the downwelling light is generally much brighter than the upwelling light, which means that any object, even if its ventral surface is white due to countershading, will appear as a dark silhouette when viewed from below. To overcome this, many marine species employ counterillumination, whereby light is emitted from photophores on their ventral surface to replace the downwelling light blocked by their body. However, only a single behavioral study has tested the efficacy of counterillumination as an anti-predation strategy.

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Bioimaging is changing the field of sensory biology, especially for taxa that are lesser-known, rare, and logistically difficult to source. When integrated with traditional neurobiological approaches, developing an archival, digital repository of morphological images can offer the opportunity to improve our understanding of whole neural systems without the issues of surgical intervention and negate the risk of damage and artefactual interpretation. This review focuses on current approaches to bioimaging the peripheral (sense organs) and central (brain) nervous systems in extant fishes (cartilaginous and bony) and non-avian reptiles in situ.

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Sleep is a prominent physiological state observed across the animal kingdom. Yet, for some animals, our ability to identify sleep can be masked by behaviors otherwise associated with being awake, such as for some sharks that must swim continuously to push oxygenated seawater over their gills to breathe. We know that sleep in buccal pumping sharks with clear rest/activity cycles, such as draughtsboard sharks (Cephaloscyllium isabellum, Bonnaterre, 1788), manifests as a behavioral shutdown, postural relaxation, reduced responsiveness, and a lowered metabolic rate.

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The Australian lungfish, Neoceratodus forsteri (Krefft 1870), is the sole extant member of the Ceratodontidae within the Dipnoi, a small order of sarcopterygian (lobe-finned) fishes, that is thought to be the earliest branching species of extant lungfishes, having changed little over the last 100 million years. To extend studies on anatomical adaptations associated with the fish-tetrapod transition, the ultrastructure of the cornea and iris is investigated using light and electron (transmission and scanning) microscopy to investigate structure-function relationships and compare these to other vertebrate corneas (other fishes and tetrapods). In contrast to previous studies, the cornea is found to have only three main components, comprising an epithelium with its basement membrane, a stroma with a Bowman's layer and an endothelium, and is not split into a dermal (secondary) spectacle and a scleral cornea.

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The Shorthead lamprey Mordacia mordax (Mordaciidae, Agnatha) represents one of the earliest stages of vertebrate evolution. This study investigates the ultrastructural anatomy of the cornea, iris and anterior chamber in the eyes of this species in both the downstream and upstream migrant phases of its protracted lifecycle to assess the morphological and quantitative changes associated with growth, corneal function and vision. Using light and both scanning and transmission electron microscopy, the cornea is found to be divided into dermal and scleral components separated by a mucoid layer.

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The lobe-finned fish, lungfish (Dipnoi, Sarcoptergii), have persisted for ~400 million years from the Devonian Period to present day. The evolution of their dermal skull and dentition is relatively well understood, but this is not the case for the central nervous system. While the brain has poor preservation potential and is not currently known in any fossil lungfish, substantial indirect information about it and associated structures (e.

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Despite lizards using a wide range of colour signals, the limited variation in photoreceptor spectral sensitivities across lizards suggests only weak selection for species-specific, spectral tuning of photoreceptors. Some species, however, have enhanced short-wavelength sensitivity, which probably helps with the detection of signals rich in ultraviolet and short wavelengths. In this study, we examined the visual system of Tiliqua rugosa, which has an ultraviolet/blue tongue, to gain insight into this species' visual ecology.

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Sharks represent the earliest group of jawed vertebrates and as such, they may provide original insight for understanding the evolution of sleep in more derived animals. Unfortunately, beyond a single behavioural investigation, very little is known about sleep in these ancient predators. As such, recordings of physiological indicators of sleep in sharks have never been reported.

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Extant lampreys (Petromyzontiformes) are one of two lineages of surviving jawless fishes or agnathans, and are therefore of critical importance to our understanding of vertebrate evolution. Anadromous lampreys undergo a protracted lifecycle, which includes metamorphosis from a larval ammocoete stage to an adult that moves between freshwater and saltwater with exposure to a range of lighting conditions. Previous studies have revealed that photoreception differs radically across the three extant families with the Pouched lamprey possessing a complex retina with the potential for pentachromacy.

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Shark bites on humans are rare but are sufficiently frequent to generate substantial public concern, which typically leads to measures to reduce their frequency. Unfortunately, we understand little about why sharks bite humans. One theory for bites occurring at the surface, e.

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The cornea is a specialized component of the vertebrate eye that provides protection, refractive power, transparency for optical imaging and mechanical support. However, the corneas of birds have received little attention with no comprehensive study of their functional morphology. Using light microscopy and both scanning and transmission electron microscopy, the first description of the ultrastructure of all of the main components of the cornea in two different-sized individuals of the Little Penguin Eudyptula minor is presented.

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Oceans have become substantially noisier since the Industrial Revolution. Shipping, resource exploration, and infrastructure development have increased the anthrophony (sounds generated by human activities), whereas the biophony (sounds of biological origin) has been reduced by hunting, fishing, and habitat degradation. Climate change is affecting geophony (abiotic, natural sounds).

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Lampreys are extant members of the agnathan (jawless) vertebrates that diverged ~500 million years ago, during a critical stage of vertebrate evolution when image-forming eyes first emerged. Among lamprey species assessed thus far, the retina of the southern hemisphere pouched lamprey, Geotria australis, is unique, in that it possesses morphologically distinct photoreceptors and expresses five visual photopigments. This study focused on determining the number of different photoreceptors present in the retina of G.

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There is currently a limited understanding of the morphological and functional organization of the olfactory system in cartilaginous fishes, particularly when compared to bony fishes and terrestrial vertebrates. In this fish group, there is a clear paucity of information on the characterization, density, and distribution of olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) within the sensory olfactory epithelium lining the paired olfactory rosettes, and their functional implications with respect to the hydrodynamics of incurrent water flow into the nares. This imaging study examines the brownbanded bamboo shark (Elasmobranchii) and combines immunohistochemical labeling using antisera raised against five G-protein α-subunits (Gα, Gα , Gα , Gα , Gα ) with light and electron microscopy, to characterize the morphological ORN types present.

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The corneal ultrastructure of the pre- and post-metamorphic stages of the neotenic axolotl Ambystoma mexicanum is examined using light microscopy and both scanning and transmission electron microscopy to reveal whether there are any morphological changes associated with a switch in lifestyle. Although the complement of corneal layers remains the same, there are significant quantitative changes in corneal, epithelial and stromal thickness, epithelial and endothelial cell size and density, and the thickness of Bowman's layer and Desçemet's membrane. Microholes in the epithelium and vertical sutures within the stroma are predominant features in the pre-metamorphic stage but are rarely seen in the post-metamorphic stage.

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The volume of the olfactory bulbs (OBs) relative to the brain has been used previously as a proxy for olfactory capabilities in many vertebrate taxa, including fishes. Although this gross approach has predictive power, a more accurate assessment of the number of afferent olfactory inputs and the convergence of this information at the level of the telencephalon is critical to our understanding of the role of olfaction in the behaviour of fishes. In this study, we used transmission electron microscopy to assess the number of first-order axons within the olfactory nerve (ON) and the number of second-order axons in the olfactory peduncle (OP) in established model species within cartilaginous (brownbanded bamboo shark, Chiloscyllium punctatum [CP]) and bony (common goldfish, Carassius auratus [CA]) fishes.

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The size (volume or mass) of the olfactory bulbs in relation to the whole brain has been used as a neuroanatomical proxy for olfactory capability in a range of vertebrates, including fishes. Here, we use diffusible iodine-based contrast-enhanced computed tomography (diceCT) to test the value of this novel bioimaging technique for generating accurate measurements of the relative volume of the main olfactory brain areas (olfactory bulbs, peduncles, and telencephalon) and to describe the morphological organisation of the ascending olfactory pathway in model fish species from two taxa, the brownbanded bamboo shark Chiloscyllium punctatum and the common goldfish Carassius auratus. We also describe the arrangement of primary projections to the olfactory bulb and secondary projections to the telencephalon in both species.

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Sleep is known to occur in most, if not all, animals studied thus far. Recent studies demonstrate the presence of sleep in flatworms and jellyfish, suggesting that this behaviour evolved early in the evolution of animals. Sharks are the earliest known extant, jawed vertebrates and may play an important role in understanding the evolutionary history of sleep in vertebrates, and yet, it is unknown whether they sleep.

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Sharks are an interesting group of vertebrates, as many species swim continuously to "ram" oxygen-rich seawater over their gills (ram ventilators), whereas other species "pump" seawater over their gills by manipulating buccal cavity volume while remaining motionless (buccal pumpers). This difference in respiratory physiology raises the question: What are the implications of these differences in lifestyle for circadian rhythms? We investigated the diel activity patterns of 5 species of sharks, including 3 ram ventilating species: the school shark (), the spotted estuary smooth-hound (), and the spiny dogfish (); and 2 buccal pumping species: the Port Jackson () and draughtsboard () sharks. We measured the amount, duration, and distance traveled while swimming over multiple days under a 12:12 light:dark light regime for all species and used modified light regimes for species with a clear diel rhythm in activity.

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Contrast-enhanced X-ray imaging provides a non-destructive and flexible approach to optimizing contrast in soft tissues, especially when incorporated with Lugol's solution (aqueous IKI), a technique currently referred to as diffusible iodine-based contrast-enhanced computed tomography (diceCT). This stain exhibits high rates of penetration and results in excellent contrast between and within soft tissues, including the central nervous system. Here, we present a staining method for optimizing contrast in the brain of a cartilaginous fish, the brownbanded bamboo shark, , and a bony fish, the common goldfish, , using diceCT.

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This review in memoriam of Jack Pettigrew provides an overview of past and current research into the phenomenon of multistable perception across multiple animal species. Multistable perception is characterized by two or more perceptual interpretations spontaneously alternating, or rivaling, when animals are exposed to stimuli with inherent sensory ambiguity. There is a wide array of ambiguous stimuli across sensory modalities, ranging from the configural changes observed in simple line drawings, such as the famous Necker cube, to the alternating perception of entire visual scenes that can be instigated by interocular conflict.

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Ecological factors such as spatial habitat complexity and diet can explain variation in visual morphology, but few studies have sought to determine whether visual specialisation can occur among populations of the same species. We used a small Australian freshwater fish (the western rainbowfish, ) to determine whether populations showed variation in eye size and eye position, and whether this variation could be explained by environmental (light availability, turbidity) and ecological (predation risk, habitat complexity, invertebrate abundance) variables. We investigated three aspects of eye morphology - (1) eye size relative to body size, (2) pupil size relative to eye size and (3) eye position in the head - for fish collected from 14 sites in a major river catchment in northwest Western Australia.

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In this study, we investigated the visual system of the Port Jackson shark Heterodontus portusjacksoni, a shallow-dwelling benthic species and generalist predator endemic to the temperate coastal waters around southern Australia. Measurements of retinal spectral sensitivity in juvenile sharks, made using single flash and heterochromatic flicker photometry under conditions of dark- or light-adaptation, indicated a peak sensitivity at around 500 nm, with no evidence of a spectral shift with increasing levels of light adaptation. Histological sections of the retina revealed a heavily rod dominated retina containing only a few small cell profiles in the photoreceptor layer that might represent a sparse cone population or may be immature rods.

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In this study, we assessed eye morphology and retinal topography in two flamingo species, the Caribbean flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber) and the Chilean flamingo (P. chilensis). Eye morphology is similar in both species and cornea size relative to eye size (C:A ratio) is intermediate between those previously reported for diurnal and nocturnal birds.

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