These days when integrated circuit (IC) designers are facing an uphill task in limiting energy/heat dissipation, reversible computing is emerging as a potential candidate with vast application in fields like nanotechnology, quantum-dot cellular automata, and low power IC. Optical reversible logics have turned up to offer high speed and low energy computations with almost no loss of input information when a certain (arithmetic or logical) operation is performed. This paper explores an optical implementation of an optimized Fredkin gate that is employed to design an $ N:2^N $ reversible decoder.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe continuous quest for reversible computation that could be extensively used in applications such as digital signal processing, quantum computing, quantum-dot cellular automata, and nanotechnology has recently discovered its optical implementation as light tenders high-speed computing with the slightest information loss. The electro-optic effect of a lithium-niobate-based Mach-Zehnder interferometer is explored to configure a 4×4 modified Fredkin gate, capable of furnishing as many as 16 logical combinations, and thus showing potential of curbing the area overhead. The optical design is carried out using the beam propagation method.
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