Mental health advisory teams (MHATs) conduct comprehensive mental health surveillance of US service members in combat environments. Since 2003, six teams have deployed to Iraq and four have deployed to Afghanistan, and results have played a key role influencing behavioural health policy. The repeated deployments of the teams have provided opportunities for processes to be refined, and this refinement has led to a scientifically rigorous and replicable approach.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis article outlines the U.S. Army's effort to empirically validate and assess the Comprehensive Soldier Fitness (CSF) program.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe U.S. Army Master Resilience Trainer (MRT) course, which provides face-to-face resilience training, is one of the foundational pillars of the Comprehensive Soldier Fitness program.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFScores on the University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test, a measure of the functional integrity of the orbitofrontal cortex, were used to predict the vulnerability to cognitive declines during 77 hr of sleep deprivation. Twenty-one healthy volunteers completed the Smell Identification Test at rested baseline followed by repeated psychomotor vigilance testing throughout each night. Participants with better smell identification abilities sustained faster speeds and fewer lapses on the second and third nights of sleep deprivation than participants with lower scores.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCognitive abilities such as vigilance, attention, memory, and executive functioning can be degraded significantly following extended periods of wakefulness. Although much evidence suggests that sleep-loss induced deficits in alertness and vigilance can be reversed or mitigated by stimulants such as caffeine, it is not clear how these compounds may affect other higher level cognitive processes such as emotional perception and judgment. Following 47 h of sleep deprivation, the study examined the effect of three stimulant medications (modafinil 400 mg, dextroamphetamine 20 mg, caffeine 600 mg) or placebo on the ability of 54 healthy participants to discriminate and label simple emotional expressions versus complex affect blends (created by morphing photographs of two different affective facial expressions).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSleep deprivation impairs a variety of cognitive abilities including vigilance, attention, and executive function. Although sleep loss has been shown to impair tasks requiring visual attention and spatial perception, it is not clear whether these deficits are exclusively a function of reduced attention and vigilance or if there are also alterations in visuospatial perception. Visuospatial perception and sustained vigilance performance were therefore examined in 54 healthy volunteers at rested baseline and again after one night of sleep deprivation using the Judgment of Line Orientation Test and a computerized test of psychomotor vigilance.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStudy Objectives: Sleep loss consistently impairs performance on measures of alertness, vigilance, and response speed, but its effects on higher-order executive functions are not well delineated. Similarly, whereas deficits in arousal and vigilance can be temporarily countered by the use of several different stimulant medications, it is not clear how these compounds affect complex cognitive processes in sleep-deprived individuals.
Design: We evaluated the effects of double-blind administration of 3 stimulant medications or placebo on the ability to appreciate humor in visual (cartoons) or verbal (headlines) stimuli presented on a computer screen following 49.
Brain imaging studies demonstrate that sleep deprivation reduces glucose metabolism and blood flow in the prefrontal cortex, and such reductions are associated with impairments in cognitive functioning. Although some of the greatest metabolic declines occur within the orbitofrontal cortex, little is known about the effects of sleep loss on the types of processes mediated by this region, including emotion, motivation, feeding, and olfaction. The present study tested odor identification accuracy when individuals were well rested and again following 24 h of wakefulness.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe present study examined performance during 3 hr. of simulated sentry duty with and without the intermittent administration of low-level sensory stimuli (odor or vibration). For odor and control conditions, target-detection latency increased steadily over the course of the 3-hr.
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