Anal Chim Acta
December 2024
Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc
July 2024
Depression is a serious mental disease that causes grievous harm to human health and quality of life. The vesicular exocytosis of noradrenaline (NE), rather than its intrinsic intracellular concentration, is more associated with depression. Based on the reports on exocytosis of NE, it is reasonable to assume that the viscosity of cells has an important effect on the release of NE.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDue to the serious harm of depression to human health and quality of life, an accurate diagnosis of depression is warranted. For the complex etiology of depression, a single biomarker diagnostic method often leads to misdiagnosis. As noradrenaline and HClO are closely related to depression, a "dual-locked" fluorescence probe R-NE-HClO for diagnosing of depression through the simultaneous detection of noradrenaline and HClO was designed and synthesized.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBoth imbalance of HS production and the change of viscosity in cells are associated with many diseases such as inflammation, Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson's disease. Thus, the development of two-channel fluorescent probes for the detection of HS and viscosity is of great significance for the study of pathogenic mechanisms. Herein, we design a two-channel NIR fluorescent probe RHO-DCO-DNP, which was able to selectively respond to HS in one channel (λex = 580 nm, λem = 760 nm) and to viscosity in another channel (λex = 400 nm, λem = 585 nm).
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