Publications by authors named "Shameem K"

Introduction Human errors are a leading cause of disability and death among hospitalized patients. Globally, various strategies have been employed to reduce errors and to improve the quality of patient care. One such novel effort never attempted before is the Health-QUEST (Quality Upgradation Enabled by Space Technology) initiative which aims at translating the best quality and safety practices of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) into the realm of emergency care.

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Sea urchins are marine invertebrates belonging to phylum Echinodermata, recognized as relevant biological tool for assessing environmental pollution. In the present study, we assessed the bioaccumulation potential of different heavy metals by two sea urchin species, Stomopneustes variolaris Lamarck, 1816 and Echinothrix diadema Linnaeus, 1758, collected from a harbour region, along the south west coast of India, during four different sampling periods for 2 years, from the same sea urchin bed. Heavy metals like Pb, Cr, As, Cd, Co, Se, Cu, Zn, Mn and Ni were analysed from water, sediment and different body parts of sea urchins, such as shell, spine, tooth, gut and gonad.

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Fifty four sediment samples representing pre and post-monsoon seasons were collected along a transect from off Kochi, lying between the latitudes 9°57'59.5″-9°54'30.4″ and longitudes 76°11'7.

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This study investigates the influence of upwelling induced seasonal hypoxia in the sediment-water interface on the distribution, bioavailability and geochemical partitioning of selected trace metals in surficial sediments along the southwest coast of India based on two successive cruises. The first cruise was during the southwest monsoon (SWM) season when coastal waters exhibited intermittent bottom hypoxia due to upwelling. The second cruise during the northeast monsoon (NEM) season was characterised by a uniformly warm and well-oxygenated water column in the study region.

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Distribution and ecological risks of Phthalic acid esters (PAEs) are poorly studied in estuarine environments in India. An attempt is made to chart the sources and assess the ecological risk of six PAE congeners (∑PAEs), present in dissolved and particulate forms in a tropical ecosystem (Cochin Estuary, India). Terrestrial input, as attested by a clear seasonality with substantial enrichment during monsoon (2-28 μg/L and 31-1203 μg/g; dissolved and particulate PAEs respectively) and post-monsoon (1-7 μg/L and 7-321 μg/g; dissolved and particulate PAEs respectively), was identified as the primary source.

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Bothryonopa sahyadrica n. sp., an atypical new species of the genus from southern Western Ghats biodiversity hot-spot in India is described and illustrated.

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Classification of plastics is of great importance in the recycling industry as the littering of plastic wastes increases day by day as a result of its extensive use. In this paper, we demonstrate the efficacy of a combined laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS)-Raman system for the rapid identification and classification of post-consumer plastics. The atomic information and molecular information of polyethylene terephthalate, polyethylene, polypropylene, and polystyrene were studied using plasma emission spectra and scattered signal obtained in the LIBS and Raman technique, respectively.

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Members of the Old World hispine tribe, Coelaenomenoderini, are documented on host plants of Arecaceae, Cyperaceae, and Zingiberales. A few species are renowned pests of oil palm, especially in Africa. The host plants and natural history of Javeta pallida Baly, 1858, the only Indian species of the tribe, is reported for the first time.

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The study of phosphorous dynamics in mangrove ecosystems of the northern Kerala coast aims to delineate its relationships with other biogeochemical parameters. Our intension is to check the validity of the hypothesis that these mangrove ecosystems act as an efficient trap of organic phosphorous by acting as P sink. The dissolved inorganic phosphate displayed higher concentration in monsoon that could be correlated with higher P leaching from mangrove litter as well as terrigenous input during wet season.

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A three-dimensional obturation and complete coronal and apical seal is one the important aims of root canal treatment. Since microorganisms may remain in the root canal system after instrumentation, a tight apical seal is desired to prevent bacteria and their by-products from invading the apex. A perfect apical seal is also desired to prevent apical percolation.

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Background: The orthodontist seeks an archwire-bracket combination that has both good biocompatibility and low friction. Hence, the aim of this multicenter in vitro study was to evaluate and compare the frictional resistance generated between titanium (Ti), stainless steel (SS), ceramic and ceramic with metal insert (CMI) brackets with SS wires of varying dimensions in a specially designed apparatus.

Materials And Methods: The material used in this study were Ti, SS, Ceramic and CMI with 0.

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Behavioural novelties observed in adult leaf beetles of two new Orthaltica Crotch species include: 1) the use of low cost leaf-hole shelters, either in pre-formed holes produced by larger beetles that fed on the same leaf, or artificially created holes as part of an experiment; and 2) the use of faeces to partition the hole. Two new southern Indian species of the genus Orthaltica are described and illustrated: Orthaltica syzygium and Orthaltica terminalia. Host plants are identified for both species.

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