Background And Aims: Pre and postnatal environmental exposures can influence gene expression and significantly contribute to the development of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Bangladesh, recognized as the world's most polluted country, faces a dearth of comprehensive studies focusing on environmental factors associated with ASD. In this observational case-control study, an exploration was conducted into the relationships between ASD risk and exposure to maternal passive smoking and environmental factors within Bangladesh.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPer- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have become ubiquitous chemicals that pose potentially serious threats to both human health and the integrity of the ecosystem. This review compiles current knowledge on PFAS contamination in estuaries, focusing on sources, abundance, distribution, fate, and toxic mechanisms. It also addresses the health risks associated with these compounds and identifies research gaps, offering recommendations for future studies.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study was carried out to determine the current state of the physicochemical water quality parameters and the effects of urbanization over 50 years in the peripheral rivers by using primary and secondary data adjacent to Dhaka city. These rivers and waterways had DO levels much below the recommended standard of Bangladesh, and occasionally, they even approached 0. This suggests that the water in these rivers is highly polluted and unfit for aquatic life.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMonthly 24-h real-time high-resolution monitoring was conducted for 1 year to investigate the carbon dioxide (CO) dynamics in the lower Brahmaputra River. The partial pressure of CO (pCO) was observed between 136 and 1213 µatm. The pCO was almost 1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study aims to identify continuous water quality changes and identify fluorescence properties from urban rivers to marine zones. Various types of natural and anthropogenic sources derived dissolved organic matter (DOM) have been identified in this study. These include soil-derived DOM, plant remnants, and soluble particles produced when organic material partially decomposes and is released by microorganisms, such as bacteria, algae, and plants.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMicroplastic (MP) pollution has gained considerable attention in various ecosystems; however, it has received relatively less attention in freshwater-riverine environments than in other ecosystems. The Ganges River Delta, one of the world's most densely populated areas, is a potential source of MP pollution in the freshwater ecosystem. MPs were identified throughout the year in the lower Ganges River water.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe aim of the study is to investigate the leaching of fluorescent dissolved organic matter (fDOM) from microplastics. In addition, this study identifies the connection between fDOM and microplastics in the aquatic environment. Three-dimensional excitation-emission matrix identified five fluorophores, that is, peak A, M, T, T, and W, and the parallel factor analysis modeling identified five components, that is, tryptophan-like, p-hydroxy acetophenone, humic acid (C-like), detergent-like, and fulvic acid (M-like) in the urban surface water.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAntibiotics, one of the significant emerging contaminants, are intensifying their continual spread out into the environment and affecting human health and the ecosystem in the developing country Bangladesh. This study characterizes widely used fluoroquinolone (FQ) antibiotics, formulates the method to spectrally distinguish them from ubiquitous, and important reactive, adsorbent, and altering catalytic macromolecule humic substances (HS), and further quantifies them using fluorescence spectroscopy. The presence of identical fluorophore at Excitation/Emission = 225-230/285-295 nm wavelength, possession of fluorescence spectra at short emission wavelength (<350 nm) during 275 nm excitation, different emission maxima, and various fluorescing components in antibiotics identified through three-dimensional excitation-emission matrix (EEM) and parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) models distinguished them from the humic substance as well as from each other.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe widespread application of antibiotics in human and veterinary medicine has led to the pervasive presence of antibiotic residues in the environment, posing a potential hazard to public health. This comprehensive review aims to scrutinize the fate and impact of antibiotic residues, with a particular focus on the context of developing nations. The investigation delves into the diverse pathways facilitating the entry of antibiotics into the environment and meticulously examines their effects on human health.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMicroplastic (MP) pollution is an emerging environmental problem, due to its universal dispersion. In the present study, we determined the MP pollution in water, sediment, and fish samples of three different urban lakes of Bangladesh to assess the bioaccumulation of MPs from the lake environment to fish's edible (flesh) and inedible tissue (gut), ecological risk and consequent human exposure to MPs by fish consumption. A total of forty-three fishes were collected from Jahangirnagar Co-Operative Housing Society (JCHS), Dhanmondi Lake (DL), and Saturia Thana Lake (MST).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study was carried out on a negligible anthropogenically impacted Indo-Bangla transboundary river basin (Atrai, Bangladesh) to elicit radionuclides' and elemental distributions. Thirty sediment samples were collected from the Bangladesh portion of the river, and instrumental neutron activation analysis and HPGe γ-Spectrometry techniques were used to determine environmental radionuclides (e.g.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study aimed to assess pollution and daily-to-seasonal dynamics of the partial pressure of CO (pCO) and CO degassing flux concerning the fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM) from tropical lakes. A membrane-enclosed pCO sensor and water quality multimeter analyzer was deployed to continuously record daily and seasonal variations in pCO and CO degassing flux in three lakes in Savar, Dhaka. During both wet and dry seasons, all lake water was supersaturated with CO in contrast to the atmospheric equilibrium (~400 μatm).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Bangladesh-Sundarbans is the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) articulated by UNESCO, is under different anthropogenic stress. The present study focused on the status of estuarine biogeochemistry of the dissolved organic matter (DOM) of the Bangladesh-Sundarbans using different optical methods. Four fluorophores: Peak A (230-265/408-488 nm), Peak M (290/414 nm), Peak C (365/488 nm), and Peak W (320/410 nm), and three fluorescent dissolved organic matter (fDOM) components (two humic-like, one detergent-like) were identified in the Sundarban mangrove Rivers by Excitation-Emission Matrix (EEM) and Parallel Factor (PARAFAC) analyses.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study has been conducted on an anthropogenically less influenced transboundary river (Atrai: Indo-Bangladesh) to comprehend the inherent geochemistry and identify potential elemental sources. In doing so, across the Bangladeshi portion, 30 river-bed samples were culled and studied by neutron activation analysis to quantify the abundances of 15 geochemically and toxicologically significant elementals (Na, Al, K, Ti, Cr, Mn, Co, Zn, As, Rb, Sb, Cs, Ba, Th, and U). The results revealed that the mean concentrations (μg/g) of Rb (154.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study focused on the current situation and management after the end-of-life solar photovoltaic (PV) module in Bangladesh. The solar PV cells have a lifetime to serve properly, which is about 15-25 years from installation. Solar PV cell has recycling potentiality as well as the risk of producing hazardous wastes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFluorescent dissolved organic matter (fDOM) in the Brahmaputra River water was characterized using excitation-emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy (EEM) and parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) model. EEM and PARAFAC model identified five fluorophores (Peak A, C, M, T, Tuv) and four fDOM components (two humic-, tryptophan-, and tyrosine-like) in the Brahmaputra River water. DOC varied between 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study investigates pollution levels, source apportionment, ecological, and human health risks associated with toxic metals (Pb, As, Hg, Cr, and Cd) in road dust from the most populated Dhaka city and a connected major highway in Bangladesh. The mean concentration of Pb, Hg, and Cd were 1.3, 29.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnthropogenic perturbations are increasing uncertainties in estimating CO emissions via air-water CO flux (F) from large rivers of the Indian subcontinent. This study aimed to provide an improved estimate of the total F from the subcontinental rivers by combining calculations of the partial pressure of CO (pCO) in eight major rivers with new measurements in the Ganges and Godavari. The average pCO in the two newly surveyed rivers, including tributaries, wastewater drains, and impoundments, were 3-6 times greater than the previously reported values.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study was carried out to characterize the biogeochemical and physicochemical properties of landfill leachate from Matuail Sanitary landfill site, Dhaka, Bangladesh. In addition, the study also aimed to identify the photodegradation of landfill leachate under natural sunlight. The leachate pH was slightly alkaline (7.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnlabelled: Dumping of solid waste in the non-engineered landfill is very common in the developing countries. Among the different disadvantages of this kind of landfilling, leachate is the major concern to public health, which is a toxic byproduct generated from the landfill; and can percolate to the ground water and consequently migrate in surface water. Using systematic review on published data, the present study endeavors to compare the leachate contamination potential of four major landfills of Bangladesh, named Amin Bazar, Matuail, Mogla Bazar and Rowfabad; which are situated in 3 of the 6 big mega cities of Bangladesh and assessed the effects of leachate leakage on surrounding water body as well as on human health.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFChicken is one of the major protein sources and more affordable for the population of Bangladesh. Its quality monitoring is of high priority for food safety and public health risk assessment. This study determined metals (Fe, Cu, Zn, As, Ni, Cr, Sr, Hg, and Pb) in chickens from different farms of a high production area of Dhaka, Bangladesh, using an energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer to calculate the health risk through chickens consumption.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMicroplastic (MP) contamination in fish species is one of the emerging environmental problems due to the proliferation of plastic pollution in the environment. The occurrence of MPs in the freshwater of Bangladesh is currently unreported, and in contrast to other counties of the world, little is known about the occurrence of this contaminant in freshwater fishes. Hence, this study investigated the abundance, characteristics, and variation of MPs in different commercial freshwater fish species from Bangladesh.
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