Publications by authors named "Sh G Aliev"

Forty-two patients aged 20-60 years with colonic tuberculosis underwent surgical intervention. At the same time, the following types of surgical intervention were used: exploratory laparatomy in 15 patients, colectomy, ileostomy in 8, right-sided hemicolectomy with ileotransverse anastomosis in 7, right-sided hemicolectomy with abdominoanal resection of the rectum in 3, left-sided hemicolectomy by bringing down a transverse colonic segment into the anal canal with ileotransverse anastomosis in 2, ileotranverse anastomosis in 3, initial colonic resection in 2, and colonic resection with ileosigmoidal anastomosis in 2 patients. The purpose of the study was to elaborate the optimum type of an operation depending on the site of a process.

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In Daghestan in the focus of the flood-plain swamp type 64 persons fell ill with tularemia in 1999. During the epizootological survey 8 Francisella tularensis strains were isolated from vectors and carriers and in 7 samples taken from open water reservoirs, as well as in 1 sample obtained from Ixodes ticks, tularemia antigen was detected. Humans were infected mainly by the transmissive route, as found in 71.

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