Quantifying genetic structure and levels of genetic variation are fundamentally important to predicting the ability of populations to persist in human-altered landscapes and adapt to future environmental changes. Genetic structure reflects the dispersal of individuals over generations, which can be mediated by species-level traits or environmental factors. Dispersal distances are commonly positively associated with body size and negatively associated with the amount of degraded habitat between sites, motivating the investigation of these potential drivers of dispersal concomitantly.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnderstanding how urbanization alters functional interactions among pollinators and plants is critically important given increasing anthropogenic land use and declines in pollinator populations. Pollinators often exhibit short-term specialization and visit plants of the same species during one foraging trip. This facilitates plant receipt of conspecific pollen-pollen on a pollinator that is the same species as the plant on which the pollinator was foraging.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPremise: Understanding how environmental stress affects the strength of mutualisms is critically important given observed and projected environmental changes. In particular, the frequency and duration of drought have been increasing worldwide. We investigated how water availability affects plant traits that mediate a pollination mutualism.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe process of speciation involves the accumulation of reproductive isolation (RI) between diverging lineages. Selection can favor increased RI via the process of reinforcement, whereby costs to hybridization impose selection for increased prezygotic RI. Reinforcement results in phenotypic divergence within at least one taxon, as a result of costly hybridization between sympatric taxa.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHabitat destruction threatens biodiversity by reducing the amount of available resources and connectivity among geographic areas. For organisms living in fragmented habitats, population persistence may depend on dispersal, which maintains gene flow among fragments and can prevent inbreeding within them. It is centrally important to understand patterns of dispersal for bees living in fragmented areas given the importance of pollination systems and recently documented declines in bee populations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAllozyme analyses have suggested that Neotropical orchid bee (Euglossini) pollinators are vulnerable because of putative high frequencies of diploid males, a result of loss of sex allele diversity in small hymenopteran populations with single locus complementary sex determination. Our analysis of 1010 males from 27 species of euglossine bees sampled across the Neotropics at 2–11 polymorphic microsatellite loci revealed only five diploid males at an overall frequency of 0.005 (95% CIs 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe establishment of new species by hybridization is difficult because it requires the development of reproductive isolation (RI) in sympatry to escape the homogenizing effects of gene flow from the parental species. Here we investigated the role of two pre- and two postzygotic mechanisms of RI in a system comprising two interdependent Pogonomyrmex harvester ant lineages (the H1 and H2 lineages) of hybrid origin and one of their parental species (P. rugosus).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe investigated the extent to which workers reproduce in a dependent-lineage population of the monogynous harvester ant Pogonomyrmex barbatus. Dependent-lineage populations contain two interbreeding, yet genetically distinct mitochondrial lineages, each associated with specific alleles at nuclear loci. Workers develop from matings between lineages, and queens develop from matings within lineages, so queens must mate with males of both lineages to produce daughter queens and workers.
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