Publications by authors named "Setati M"

The need for African-specific microbiome reference genomes is critical as their absence limits research in health, agriculture, and sustainability. Current global guidelines often do not take into account the region's unique needs. This commentary advocates for Africa-focused microbiome initiatives and community-driven genome projects to better reflect the continent's ecological and demographic diversity, leading to more applicable outcomes.

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Apples and strawberries hold significant commercial and nutritional value but face pre- and post-harvest spoilage due to infections by While spoilage is conventionally managed using synthetic chemicals, there is a growing interest in utilising yeasts as biological control agents. This study aimed to assess the antifungal potential of non- yeasts , , and against three strains (B05.10, IWBT-FF1, and PPRI 30807) on agar plates and in post-harvest trials on apples and strawberries.

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Hyphopichia pseudoburtonii, is emerging as a potential biocontrol agent against various phytopathogens. These traits have been attributed to the production of various antifungal compounds in the presence of target pathogens. However, the broad molecular mechanisms involved in the antifungal activity are not yet understood.

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Redox metabolism is pivotal in anaerobic fermentative processes such as winemaking where it results in the production of many metabolites that contribute to the aroma and flavour of wine. Key to this system are NAD and NADP, which play essential roles as cofactors in maintaining cellular redox balance and regulating metabolism during fermentation. This review comprehensively explores redox metabolism under winemaking conditions, highlighting the influence of factors such as oxygen availability and vitamins including B3 and B1.

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The use of non-Saccharomyces yeasts in winemaking is gaining traction due to their specific phenotypes of technological interest, including their unique profile of central carbon metabolites and volatile compounds. However, the lack of knowledge about their physiology hinders their industrial exploitation. The intracellular redox status, involving NAD/NADH and NADP/NADPH cofactors, is a key driver of yeast activity during fermentation, notably directing the formation of metabolites that contribute to the wine bouquet.

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Environmental conditions significantly impact the metabolism of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a Crabtree-positive yeast that maintains a fermentative metabolism in high-sugar environments even in the presence of oxygen. Although the introduction of oxygen has been reported to induce alterations in yeast metabolism, knowledge of the mechanisms behind these metabolic adaptations in relation to redox cofactor metabolism and their implications in the context of wine fermentation remains limited. This study aimed to compare the intracellular redox cofactor levels, the cofactor ratios, and primary metabolite production in S.

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Fermenting grape juice provides a habitat for a well-mapped and evolutionarily relevant microbial ecosystem consisting of many natural or inoculated strains of yeasts and bacteria. The molecular nature of many of the ecological interactions within this ecosystem remains poorly understood, with the partial exception of interactions of a metabolic nature such as competition for nutrients and production of toxic metabolites/peptides. Data suggest that physical contact between species plays a significant role in the phenotypic outcome of interspecies interactions.

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Anaerobic alcoholic fermentation, particularly in high-sugar environments, presents metabolic challenges for yeasts. Crabtree-positive yeasts, including Saccharomyces cerevisiae, prefer fermentation even in the presence of oxygen. These yeasts rely on internal NAD+ recycling and extracellular assimilation of its precursor, nicotinic acid (vitamin B3), rather than de novo NAD+ production.

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The maintenance of the balance between oxidised and reduced redox cofactors is essential for the functioning of many cellular processes in all living organisms. While the electron transport chain plays a key role in maintaining this balance under respiratory conditions, its inactivity in the absence of oxygen poses a challenge that yeasts such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae overcome through the production of various metabolic end-products during alcoholic fermentation. In this study, we investigated the diversity occurring between wine yeast species in their management of redox balance and its consequences on the fermentation performances and the formation of metabolites.

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Geographic origin and terroir are very important parameters for wine and significantly impact price. Incorrect declarations are known to occur intentionally to increase profit, thus, measures for control are required. Accompanying paperwork has been shown to be unreliable, thus, control of the product itself is required.

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Article Synopsis
  • The study investigates how different strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae manage redox balance during alcoholic fermentation, focusing on the ratios of redox cofactors NAD(H) and NADP(H).
  • Strain differences in redox cofactor levels were noted, with NADP(H) ratios stable while NAD(H) levels significantly decreased through fermentation.
  • The changing NAD/NADH ratio influenced the production of fermentation end-products, potentially guiding future research in selecting yeast strains for improved wine aroma.
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Microbial diversity in vineyards and in grapes has generated significant scientific interest. From a biotechnological perspective, vineyard and grape biodiversity has been shown to impact soil, vine, and grape health and to determine the fermentation microbiome and the final character of wine. Thus, an understanding of the drivers that are responsible for the differences in vineyard and grape microbiota is required.

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Grapes harbour a plethora of non-conventional yeast species. Over the past two decades, several of the species have been extensively characterised and their contribution to wine quality is better understood. Beyond fermentation, some of the species have been investigated for their potential as alternative biological tools to reduce grape and wine spoilage.

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COVID-19 is a priority health research agenda item in South Africa. The World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, which requires all countries to respond and share data with others. Responses included the implementation of measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and protect health systems from being overwhelmed by seriously ill patients.

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Globally, 7.4 million hectares of arable land is planted with grapevine with a farm gate value of $68.3 billion.

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Microbial multispecies ecosystems are responsible for many biotechnological processes and are particularly important in food production. In wine fermentations, in addition to the natural microbiota, several commercially relevant yeast species may be co-inoculated to achieve specific outcomes. However, such multispecies fermentations remain largely unpredictable because of multilevel interactions between naturally present and/or co-inoculated species.

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Anecdotal evidence suggests that spontaneous alcoholic fermentation of grape juice is becoming a more popular option in global wine production. Wines produced from the same grape juice by inoculation or spontaneous fermentation usually present distinct chemical and sensorial profiles. Inoculation has been associated with more similar end-products, a loss of typicity, and lower aroma complexity, and it has been suggested that this may be linked to suppression of the local or regional wine microbial ecosystems responsible for spontaneous fermentations.

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The general interest in microbial ecology has skyrocketed over the past decade, driven by technical advances and by the rapidly increasing appreciation of the fundamental services that these ecosystems provide. In biotechnology, ecosystems have many more functionalities than single species, and, if properly understood and harnessed, will be able to deliver better outcomes for almost all imaginable applications. However, the complexity of microbial ecosystems and of the interactions between species has limited their applicability.

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The outcome of co- or sequential inoculation of Lachancea thermotolerans in winemaking remains unpredictable due to a lack of integrated data regarding the impact of grape juice composition on L. thermotolerans fermentation behaviour. Here, we investigate the impact of nitrogen composition on fermentation characteristics and aroma compound production in grape juice sequentially inoculated with commercial L.

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The yeast Lachancea thermotolerans is of significant biotechnological interest, and selected strains of this species have become commonly used starter cultures in wine fermentation. However, the impact of this species on wine is frequently limited by the rapid dominance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains which are better adapted to wine alcoholic fermentation conditions. Previous studies have shown that the major limiting factor for L.

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Spontaneous wine fermentation is characterized by yeast population evolution, modulated by complex physical and metabolic interactions amongst various species. The contribution of any given species to the final wine character and aroma will depend on its numerical persistence during the fermentation process. Studies have primarily evaluated the effect of physical and chemical factors such as osmotic pressure, pH, temperature and nutrient availability on mono- or mixed-cultures comprising 2-3 species, but information about how interspecies ecological interactions in the wine fermentation ecosystem contribute to population dynamics remains scant.

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Article Synopsis
  • The article corrects a previous publication identified by the DOI: 10.3389/fbioe.2018.00169.
  • It addresses specific errors or inaccuracies found in the original paper.
  • The correction ensures that the research findings are accurate and reliable for future references.
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The genus Lachancea, first proposed in 2003, currently comprises 12 valid species, all found to have eight chromosomes. Lachancea spp. occupy a myriad of natural and anthropic habitats, and their geographic as well as ecological origin have been identified as key drivers in the genetic variations amongst strains of several of the species.

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