Publications by authors named "Servais J"

Introduction: Research with transgender and gender-diverse (TGD) young people is essential to understand their experiences and to be able to propose, implement and adapt 'services' in the broadest sense to meet their needs. However, research outside clinical settings on current experiences and needs of youth under the age of 18 is limited which hinders the development of knowledge on TGD, as well as the development of research informed support practices. Acquiring parental consent for participatory research may present ethical and logistical difficulties, as it could jeopardize the safety, well-being, or confidentiality of adolescent participants.

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Background: The current literature highlights a strong link between the poor health outcomes of transgender and gender diverse (TGD) individuals and their negative experiences in various areas of life. Most of these publications rely on adults' memories, lacking a focus on the current experiences and needs of young transgender and gender-diverse individuals. Furthermore, previous studies on support for these young people often solely consider the perspectives of TGD adults or professionals and rarely involve parents' viewpoints.

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SARS-CoV-2 infection and/or vaccination elicit a broad range of neutralizing antibody responses against the different variants of concern (VOC). We established a new variant-adapted surrogate virus neutralization test (sVNT) and assessed the neutralization activity against the ancestral B.1 (WT) and VOC Delta, Omicron BA.

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HIV-1 infection results in the activation of inflammasome that may facilitate viral spread and establishment of viral reservoirs. We evaluated the effects of the caspase-1 inhibitor VX-765 on HIV-1 infection in humanized NSG mice engrafted with human CD34 hematopoietic stem cells. Expression of caspase-1, NLRP3, and IL-1β was increased in lymph nodes and bone marrow between day 1 and 3 after HIV-1 infection (mean fold change (FC) of 2.

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  • The study focuses on establishing international research priorities for monitoring physical fitness among children and adolescents.
  • Using a Delphi method, experts provided input to create a list of top 10 priorities, emphasizing the need for longitudinal studies, informed decision-making through fitness surveillance, and standardized fitness surveys.
  • The outcomes aim to guide future research collaborations and initiatives related to physical fitness for the upcoming decade.
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Objective: This study was conducted to determine whether there is a reliable method for measuring the thickness of the retroauricular skin before, during, and after cochlear implantation, which allows the assessment of the optimal force of the external magnet of the cochlear implant (CI).

Methods: The retroauricular skin thickness of 83 patients who received a CI was measured using three different methods. The thickness was measured on pre- and postoperative CT images, as well as intraoperatively.

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  • SARS-CoV-2 variants, like Omicron, exhibit high transmissibility and can evade antibodies from past infections or vaccinations, raising public health concerns.
  • A study compared neutralizing abilities of antibodies from unvaccinated COVID-19 patients before variants emerged and those from vaccinated individuals who experienced breakthrough infections, revealing variability in antibody responses across different strains.
  • Results showed that patients with moderate disease had stronger overall neutralization abilities compared to those with mild or severe forms, while vaccine-generated antibodies demonstrated a better capability to neutralize variants like Omicron compared to those elicited by natural infection.
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Introduction: Augmented reality can improve planning and execution of surgical procedures. Head-mounted devices such as the HoloLens® (Microsoft, Redmond, WA, USA) are particularly suitable to achieve these aims because they are controlled by hand gestures and enable contactless handling in a sterile environment.

Objectives: So far, these systems have not yet found their way into the operating room for surgery of the parotid gland.

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Background: Prescription medications are used throughout the life course, including among children and youth. Prescribing practices may be influenced by emerging medical conditions, the availability of new medications, changing clinical practices, and evolving knowledge of the safety and effectiveness of medications. The Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) provides national-level information to help monitor the use of prescribed medications in the population.

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Antiretroviral therapy (ART) is not curative as HIV-1 persists in long-lived viral reservoirs. Consequently, patients are dependent on life-long drug adherence with possible side effects. To overcome these limitations strategies of a functional cure aim at ART free viral remission.

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Cochlear implants (CI) improve hearing for the severely hearing impaired. With an extension of implantation candidacy, today many CI listeners use a hearing aid on their contralateral ear, referred to as bimodal listening. It is uncertain, however, whether the brains of bimodal listeners can combine the electrical and acoustical sound information and how much CI experience is needed to achieve an improved performance with bimodal listening.

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Hearing improves significantly with bimodal provision, i.e., a cochlear implant (CI) at one ear and a hearing aid (HA) at the other, but performance shows a high degree of variability resulting in substantial uncertainty about the performance that can be expected by the individual CI user.

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Protoflavones, a rare group of natural flavonoids with a non-aromatic B-ring, are best known for their antitumor properties. The protoflavone B-ring is a versatile moiety that might be explored for various pharmacological purposes, but the common cytotoxicity of these compounds is a limitation to such efforts. Protoapigenone was previously found to be active against the lytic cycle of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV).

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Patterns of prescription drug use may reflect underlying patterns of health conditions and health care access in the population. Polypharmacy, often defined as the simultaneous use of five or more prescription drugs, is more common in an aging population where multiple coexisting chronic conditions often occur; however, safety concerns may arise (1). The United States and Canada share many cultural and historical ties, but with different models for health care delivery (2).

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Background And Objectives: Measurement of HIV-1 viral load (VL) is necessary to monitor treatment efficacy in patients receiving antiretroviral therapy. We evaluated the performance of the cobas® HIV-1 quantitative nucleic acid test for use on the cobas® 4800 system ("cobas 4800 HIV-1").

Methods: Limit of detection, linearity, accuracy, precision, and specificity of cobas 4800 HIV-1, COBAS® AmpliPrep/COBAS® Taqman® HIV-1 version 2.

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Patient-reported outcomes gain importance for the assessment of auditory abilities in cochlear implant users and for the evaluation of auditory rehabilitation. Aims of the study were to explore the interrelation of self-reported improvements in auditory ability with improvements in speech comprehension and to identify factors other than audiological improvement that affect self-reported auditory ability. Explorative prospective analysis using a within-subjects repeated measures design.

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Introduction: Genetic and environmental etiologic factors have been described for maxillary canine impaction, except for the trabecular bone characteristics in the impacted area. The aim of this study was to evaluate the surface area and fractal dimension of the alveolar bone on cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images of patients with maxillary impacted canines.

Methods: The sample comprised preorthodontic treatment CBCT images of 49 participants with maxillary impacted canines (31 unilateral and 18 bilateral).

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Background: Acute tinnitus and its transition to chronic tinnitus are poorly investigated, and factors associated with amelioration exacerbation are largely unknown. Aims of this study were to identify early predictors for the future development of tinnitus severity.

Method: Patients with tinnitus of no longer than 4 weeks presenting at an otolaryngologist filled out questionnaires at inclusion (T1), as well as 3 (T3), and 6 months (T4) after tinnitus onset.

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Background: Social accountability has been emphasised as an important strategy to increase the quality, equity, and responsiveness of health services. In many countries, health facility committees (HFCs) provide the accountability interface between health providers and citizens or users of health services. This article explores the social accountability practices facilitated by HFCs in Benin, Guinea and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Perceptive and receptive aspects of subjective tinnitus like loudness and tinnitus-related distress are partly independent. The high percentage of hearing loss in individuals with tinnitus suggests causality of hearing impairment particularly for the tinnitus percept, leading to the hypothesis that restoration of auditory input has a larger effect on tinnitus loudness than on tinnitus-related distress. Furthermore, it is assumed that high levels of depression or anxiety prevent reductions of tinnitus loudness and distress following restoration of activity in the cochlea.

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The cytoplasmic tail (gp41CT) of the HIV-1 envelope (Env) mediates Env incorporation into virions and regulates Env intracellular trafficking. Little is known about the functional impact of variability in this domain. To address this issue, we compared the replication of recombinant virus pairs carrying the full Env (Env viruses) or the Env ectodomain fused to the gp41CT of NL4.

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Background: Non-B subtypes account for at least 50 % of HIV-1 infections diagnosed in Belgium and Luxembourg. They are considered to be acquired through heterosexual contacts and infect primarily individuals of foreign origin. Information on the extent to which non-B subtypes spread to the local population is incomplete.

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Initially described in 1998, superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome (SCDS) has become a well-studied neurootologic entity in adults by now. Unfortunately, experience with children is limited and a diagnostic and therapeutic algorithm is lacking. The article therefore wants to provide an overview of the existing literature on superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome in children.

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  • The study aimed to assess the feasibility and effectiveness of the video head impulse test (vHIT) for evaluating balance in children, highlighting the need for a standardized diagnostic protocol.
  • Results showed that 75% of the 55 children tested had reproducible results, with significant differences in vestibulo-ocular reflex gains between children with and without balance problems.
  • The testing process took longer in children compared to adults, with younger children (ages 3-5) facing challenges in system calibration, indicating the need for adapting testing protocols for age-specific requirements.
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