Publications by authors named "Sermet B"

Background: This research aimed to evaluate the marginal and internal gaps of crowns, which were produced using both digital and conventional impression techniques and cemented with various types of cement.

Material And Methods: For the full ceramic crown restoration, an anatomically prepared acrylic first molar phantom tooth (Frasaco GmbH, Germany) was scanned with Scanner S600 ARTI (Zirkonzahn). 160 PMMA analogues produced from the milling unit.

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  • Mammals with albinism have impaired visual discrimination and altered retinal cell makeup, affecting how retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) function.
  • The study used a mouse model of oculocutaneous albinism (Tyrc/c) to analyze RGC responses to light and assess differences in their receptive fields compared to normal mice.
  • Results showed similar receptive field sizes between albinism-affected and normal RGCs, but the albinism-affected RGCs exhibited more OFF responses and different polarity changes, indicating unusual adaptations during development due to the lack of eye pigments.
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  • The brain's ability to predict future sensory inputs and signal prediction errors is crucial, and this study focuses on how this occurs in the retina.
  • Researchers discovered that depressing inhibitory synapses affects the timing of responses to stimuli that are omitted during periodic stimulation.
  • Their model suggests that a constant response latency to an omitted stimulus relies on the presence of enough stimulation flashes, highlighting the importance of these synapses in generating accurate predictive responses in the retina and possibly other brain regions.
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Purpose: To compare the masking ability of monolithic CAD/CAM veneers placed over different resin cement shades and substrate colors.

Materials And Methods: Veneers were milled from four different monolithic CAD/CAM restorative materials: feldspathic ceramic (VMII), lithium disilicate ceramic (Emax CAD), zirconiareinforced lithium silicate ceramic (VS), and high-translucency zirconia ceramic (YZ-XT). Veneers were luted on natural tooth-colored (ND1) or discolored substrates (ND3 or ND5) using two different resin cement shades (opaque white or translucent).

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Subdivisions of mouse whisker somatosensory thalamus project to cortex in a region-specific and layer-specific manner. However, a clear anatomical dissection of these pathways and their functional properties during whisker sensation is lacking. Here, we use anterograde trans-synaptic viral vectors to identify three specific thalamic subpopulations based on their connectivity with brainstem.

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Mouse primary somatosensory barrel cortex (wS1) processes whisker sensory information, receiving input from two distinct thalamic nuclei. The first-order ventral posterior medial (VPM) somatosensory thalamic nucleus most densely innervates layer 4 (L4) barrels, whereas the higher-order posterior thalamic nucleus (medial part, POm) most densely innervates L1 and L5A. We optogenetically stimulated VPM or POm axons, and recorded evoked excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) in different cell-types across cortical layers in wS1.

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Purpose: To assess the degree of conversion (DC) and light irradiance delivered to light-cured and dual-cured cements by application of different light sources through various types of monolithic computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) materials.

Materials And Methods: RelyX Ultimate Clicker light-cured and dual-cured resin cement specimens with 1.5-mm thicknesses (n=300, 10/group), were placed under four types of crystalline core structure (Vita Enamic, Vita Suprinity, GC Ceresmart, Degudent Prettau Anterior).

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This study evaluated fabrication techniques of recently introduced all-ceramic copings' marginal adaptation on two different implant abutments with different finish lines. Five different copings were prepared (Casted chrome-cobalt metal coping, Zirkonzahn, Cercon, In Ceram Alumina and IPS e.max Press) on two cementable implant abutments with two marginal designs.

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Sensory processing in neocortex is primarily driven by glutamatergic excitation, which is counterbalanced by GABAergic inhibition, mediated by a diversity of largely local inhibitory interneurons. Here, we trained mice to lick a reward spout in response to whisker deflection, and we recorded from genetically defined GABAergic inhibitory neurons in layer 2/3 of the primary somatosensory barrel cortex. Parvalbumin-expressing (PV), vasoactive intestinal peptide-expressing (VIP), and somatostatin-expressing (SST) neurons displayed distinct action potential firing dynamics during task performance.

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Background: Amelogenesis imperfecta refers a group of hereditary diseases affecting the teeth and can present a variety of clinical forms and appearances, compromising esthetic appearance. Amelogenesis imperfecta variably reduces oral health quality and can result in severe psychological problems.

Case Presentation: We present the management of an amelogenesis imperfecta Angle class III malocclusion case with speech, esthetics and functional problems.

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Purpose: To evaluate the effect of implant position, impression, and tray material on the accuracy of implant impressions of edentulous arches with multiple implants.

Materials And Methods: Four experimental groups were produced; medium-viscosity polyvinyl siloxane (PVS) was used in 3 groups and polyether was used in 1 group. In PVS groups, different tray types were used; metal stock trays, custom acrylic tray, and full-arch perforated plastic trays.

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Statement Of Problem: There is limited information on the visual and instrumental evaluation of color match between a natural tooth and a ceramic crown.

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of 2 shade guides on color match, and to evaluate the relationship between color difference (ΔE) values and examiners' assessments of the color match in ceramic crowns.

Material And Methods: Thirty-three subjects were selected for a ceramic crown restoration of the maxillary central incisor.

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Background: The aim of this study was to compare the accuracy of different direct implant impression techniques for edentulous arches with multiple implants.

Methods: Five experimental groups (n = 5) were assembled. Experimental models were created by a direct splinted technique (EG2 to EG5) and a non-splinted technique (EG1).

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Familial osteodysplasia is a disorder of osteogenesis with an autosomal recessive pattern of inheritance which predominantly affects facial bones. No recent case had been reported, particularly from a dental point of view since the syndrome was first described by Anderson et al (JAMA 1972;220:1687-93). A 23-year-old male with familial osteodysplasia was presented in maxillofacial and dental aspects with clinical and radiological manifestations including malocclusion, abnormal teeth alignment, impacted teeth, shape disturbances including uncompleted coronal formation, root shortening with bulbous form, high angled mandible and elongation of the corpus of mandible.

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