A method for reconstructing surface activity density (SAD) maps based on the solution of the Fredholm equation has been developed and applied. The construction of SAD maps was carried out for the site of the temporary storage (STS) of spent fuel and radioactive waste (RW) in Andreeva Bay using the results of measuring campaign in 2001-2002 and for the sheltering construction of the solid RW using the results of measurements in 2021. The Fredholm equation was solved in two versions: under conditions of a barrier-free environment and taking into account buildings and structures located on the industrial site of the STS Andreeva Bay.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe site of temporary storage for spent fuel and radioactive waste at Andreeva Bay is a largest nuclear legacy site in the Russian Northwest. The radiation situation within the industrial site and in the surrounding health protection zone (HPZ) is characterised by significant local contamination of the topsoil, which is a source of environmental contamination and potential spread of radioactivity within and outside the HPZ, including the adjacent marine environment. The highest levels of radioactive contamination of soil due to manmade radionuclides have been registered around the spent nuclear fuel storage facilities, where the specific activity of Cs-137 reaches 5 × 10Bq kg, and that of Sr-90, 5.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIEEE Trans Image Process
February 2018
Throughout the past few decades, the separable Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), particularly the DCT type II, has been widely used in image and video compression. It is well known that, under first-order stationary Markov conditions, DCT is an efficient approximation of the optimal Karhunen-Loève transform. However, for natural image and video sources, the adaptivity of a single separable transform with fixed core is rather limited for the highly dynamic image statistics, e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSafe management of nuclear legacies arising from past activities is a critical issue in maintaining confidence for the continuing and future use of radioactive materials. Effective and efficient regulatory supervision of nuclear legacy management is a critical part of that process. The Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority plays an active role in bilateral regulatory cooperation projects with sister authorities in the Russian Federation, as part of Norway's Plan of Action to improve radiation and nuclear safety.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntensification ofactivities in the field of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and radioactive waste (RW) management in the Far East region of Russia assumes an increase of the environmental load on the territories adjacent to the enterprise and settlements. To ensure radiation safety during works on SNF and radioactive waste management in the standard mode of operation and during the rehabilitation works in the contaminated territories, there is need for the optimization of the existing system of radiation-hygienic monitoring, aimed at the implementation of complex dynamic observation of parameters of radiation-hygienic situation and radiation amount of the population living in the vicinity of the Far Eastern Center for Radioactive Waste Management (FEC "DALRAO"). To solve this problem there is required a significant amount of total and enough structured information on the character of the formation of the radiation situation, the potential ways of the spread of man-made pollution to the surrounding area, determining the radiation load on the population living in the vicinity of the object.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWithin a framework of national program on elimination of nuclear legacy, State Corporation "Rosatom" is working on rehabilitation at the temporary waste storage facility at Andreeva Bay (Northwest Center for radioactive waste "SEVRAO"--the branch of "RosRAO"), located in the North-West of Russia. In the article there is presented an analysis of the current state of supervision for radiation safety of personnel and population in the context of readiness of the regulator to the implementation of an effective oversight of radiation safety in the process of radiation-hazardous work. Presented in the article results of radiation-hygienic monitoring are an informative indicator of the effectiveness of realized rehabilitation measures and characterize the radiation environment in the surveillance zone as a normal, without the tendency to its deterioration.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn compliance with the fundamentals of the government's policy in the field of nuclear and radiation safety approved by the President of the Russian Federation, Russia has developed a national program for decommissioning of its nuclear legacy. Under this program, the State Atomic Energy Corporation 'Rosatom' is carrying out remediation of a Site for Temporary Storage of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and radioactive waste (RW) at Andreeva Bay located in Northwest Russia. The short term plan includes implementation of the most critical stage of remediation, which involves the recovery of SNF from what have historically been poorly maintained storage facilities.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFZh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova
January 2015
Objective: To study the efficacy and safety of early use of mexidol in the acute stage of severe ischemic stroke (IS).
Material And Methods: A study included 112 patients, aged from 35 to 85 years, with a severe IS. Patients were stratified into two age and sex- matched groups.
In order to assess the radioecological situation created in the area of the location of diversified uranium mining enterprise "Priargunsky Production Mining and Chemical Association" (PIMCU) there was investigated the radioactivity of a number of the compartments of environment, both at the industrial site and beyond it, as well as the volume activity of radon inside the ground and working premises. Radioecological situation in the vicinity of the uranium mines was performed in comparison with the background (fixed reference, control) district, where there is no uranium mining. Performed studies have shown the significant excess content of 226Ra, 232Th, 210Pb, 222Rn in soil, water open water bodies and local foods near uranium mines compared to areas outside the zone of influence of uranium mining that allows to make a conclusion about the significant technogenic pollution of local areas of the plant and adjoining territory.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFor obtaining the integral information about the current radiation situation in the sea offshore waters of the temporary waste storage facility (TWSF) of the Northwest Center for Radioactive Waste Management "SevRAO" in the Andreeva Bay and in the settle Gremikha with a purpose of a comprehensive assessment of its condition there was performed radiation-ecological monitoring of the adjacent sea offshore waters of the TWSF. It was shown that in the territory of industrial sites of the TWSF as a result of industrial activity there are localized areas of pollution by man-made radionuclides. As a result of leaching of radionuclides by tidal stream, snowmelt and rainwater radioactive contamination extends beyond the territory of the sanitary protection zone and to the coastal sea offshore waters.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFActivities related to the rehabilitation of areas and facilities of the temporary storage of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste (SNF and RW) at Andreeva Bay and Gremikha on the Kola Peninsula and in the Primorsky Krai in the Russian Far East is an important component of the regulatory functions of the Federal Medical biological Agency (FMBA of Russia). Technical support to the FMBA of Russia in this activity is provided by A.L Burnazyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center Main research interests include evaluation of radiological threats to determine the priority directions of regulation, a detailed analysis of the radiation situation at areas, territories and in vicinity of temporary waste storage facilities, radiation control and environmental monitoring, the development of digital maps and geoinformation systems, project expertise in the field of rehabilitation of PVC including the management of SNF and RW Implementation of these natural, practical and theoretical works is completed by development a set of regulatory documents ensuring adherence to radiation safety for the stuff population and the environment, and the also documents governing the management of SNF and RW waste in the territories of PVC.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis paper describes the findings of the radiation situation analysis on-site near Sysoeva and Razbojnik Bays. The results of radiation monitoring performed by radiological laboratory of DalRAO and studies performed by the experts from the Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Centre have been used in the course of analysis. On the industrial sites, gamma dose rate reaches 60 µSv h(-1), and the specific activities of man-made radionuclides in soil reach 2.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the 1960s two technical bases for the Northern Fleet were created in the Russian northwest at Andreeva Bay in the Kola Peninsula and Gremikha village on the coast of the Barents Sea. They maintained nuclear submarines, receiving and storing radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel. No further waste was received after 1985, and the technical bases have since been re-categorised as temporary storage sites.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the 1960s, two technical bases of the Northern Fleet were created in Northwest Russia, at Andreeva Bay in the Kola Peninsula and Gremikha village on the coast of the Barents Sea. They maintained nuclear submarines, performing receipt and storage of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel, and are now designated sites of temporary storage (STSs). An analysis of the radiation situation at these sites demonstrates that substantial long-term remediation work will be required after the removal of the waste and spent nuclear fuel.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA dry-etch spark ablation method was used to produce calcium disilicide (CaSi2/Si) layers on silicon surfaces, and their biomineralization under zero bias was followed by means of scanning electron microscopy, X-ray energy dispersive analysis, and Raman spectroscopy. CaSi2/Si wafers are bioinert at 25 degrees C and bioactive at 37 degrees C. Mechanistic insights regarding biomineralization were derived from an analysis of film growth morphology and chemical composition after various soaking periods in standard simulated body fluid (SBF).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBiomaterials
September 2006
The incorporation of CaSi(2) grains within a polycaprolactone (PCL) framework results in bioactive and biodegradable scaffolds which may be used in bone tissue regeneration. Porous PCL scaffolds were prepared via a combination of salt-leaching and microemulsion methods. To provide markedly different structural environments for the inorganic phase, calcium disilicide powder was either added to a mixed-composition porogen during a given scaffold preparation, or alternatively added to pre-formed scaffolds.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA dry-etch spark ablation method was used to produce calcium disilicide (CaSi2/Si) layers on silicon (Si) surfaces for the electrochemical growth of apatitic phosphates (calcium phosphate, CaP). CaSi2/Si composite electrodes readily calcify in vitro under the application of a small electric potential, and with proper treatment, the electrodeposition of CaP is localized to the sparked areas. In addition to increasing the local concentration of calcium, interfacial layers of CaSi2 on Si exhibit exceptional site selectivity towards CaP formation under bias due to the difference in conductivity between Si and CaSi2.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLasers Surg Med
September 1998
Background And Objective: "Minimal treatment strategy" is desirable in certain breast cancer patients. The main objective of the present study is to examine the use of interstitial laser thermotherapy (laserthermia) for this purpose.
Study Design/materials And Methods: Thirty-five patients with primary breast cancer were treated with laserthermia using the Nd:YAG (1,064 nm) pulse-wave laser.
A one-dimensional mathematical model has been developed for the thermal malignant tumor damage caused by Nd:YAG laser infrared radiation through a light guide. The model is based on the transient thermal conduction equation and considers the effects of intratissue blood flow, tissue radiation absorption, phase transition (evaporation) and varying tissue thermal tolerance. Examples of computer-aided numerical calculations are presented.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFKhirurgiia (Mosk)
March 1991
On the basis of clinical observation over 521 patients who underwent operations in the clinic for perforating gastric and duodenal ulcer, the authors determined the frequency of massive gastrointestinal hemorrhage (3.2%) in the early postoperative period and the mortality rate in this complication. It is shown that the performance of radical surgical interventions instead of simple closure of the perforating ulcer with sutures, in the absence of life-threatening concomitant diseases and the terminal phase of peritonitis, may improve the results of operative management of this disease.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVestn Khir Im I I Grek
December 1983
Results of diagnosis and treatment of 1337 patients with esophageal and gastroduodenal hemorrhages were analyzed. The diagnostic and curative endoscopy is recommended. Variants of tactics of the operative and conservative treatment are proposed for the conditions of specialized hospitals of emergency medical service.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFExperiments on rats showed that in chronic uranium poisoning the value of the intrathyroid iodine pool changed and time-dependent radioiodine recirculation relationship between the thyroid and the organism was upset. The process of the thyroid adaptation is a complex one, viz. the hormonal capacity of the organism being kept up through an increase in the mass of the thyroid as well as by a higher rate of iodine exchange.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBiull Eksp Biol Med
August 1976
The exchange of radioactive and stable iodine was studied for 21 days after the I131 injection in the thyroid gland and the blood of rats against the background of chronic uranium intoxication. The latter was accompanied by a decrease in the number of iodine-transport loci of the gland, as well as of the value of the intrathyroid iodine pool and of the stable iodine concentration in the thyroid tissue. The compensatory reaction of the thyroid gland was expressed in the increase of its mass and the rate of the thyroid metabolism as well.
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