Metabolomics refers to the technology for the comprehensive analysis of metabolites and low-molecular-weight compounds in a biological system, such as cells or tissues. Metabolites play an important role in biological phenomena through their direct involvement in the regulation of physiological mechanisms, such as maintaining cell homeostasis or signal transmission through protein-protein interactions. The current review aims provide a framework for how the integrated analysis of metabolites, their functional actions and inherent biological information can be used to understand biological phenomena related to the regulation of metabolites and how this information can be applied to safety assessments of crops created using biotechnology.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe safety of transgenic Bt rice containing bacteria-derived gene from (Bt) was assessed by conducting field trials at two locations for two consecutive years in South Korea, using the near-isogenic line comparator rice cultivar ('Ilmi', non-Bt rice) and four commercial cultivars as references. Compositional analyses included measurement of proximates, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, and antinutrients. Significant differences between Bt rice and non-Bt rice were detected; however, all differences were within the reference range.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: PfFAD3 transgenic soybean expressing omega-3 fatty acid desaturase 3 of Physaria produces increased level of α-linolenic acid in seed. Composition data of non-transgenic conventional varieties is important in the safety assessment of the genetically-modified (GM) crops in the context of the natural variation.
Results: The natural variation was characterized in seed composition of 13 Korean soybean varieties grown in three locations in South Korea for 2 years.
Soybean is a major crop that is used as a source of vegetable oil for human use. To develop transgenic soybean with high α-linolenic acid (ALA; 18:3) content, the gene isolated from lesquerella () was used to construct vectors with two different seed-specific promoters, soybean β-conglycinin (Pβ-con) and kidney bean phaseolin (Pphas), and one constitutive cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter (P35S). The corresponding vectors were used for -mediated transformation of imbibed mature half seeds.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study was investigated to compare the natural variation of nutrients in rice variety by different environmental factors. Fifteen kinds of rices were used, which were cultivated in two locations for 2 years. All data were analyzed by the various statistical tools to identify the nutritional variations of nutrients.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLipophilic bioactive compounds and hydrophilic primary metabolites from potato ( L.) tubers with different-colored flesh (white-, yellow-, red-, and purple) were characterized. The carotenoid content was relatively higher in red-colored potatoes, in which lutein was most plentiful.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study was performed to investigate the effects of Crataegi fructus ethanol extracts (CFEEs) on the differentiation of 3T3-L1 cells, and to evaluate the effects of C. fructus powder (CFP) on lipid metabolism and its antiobesity effect in rats fed a high-fat and high-cholesterol (HFC) diet. Both in vitro and in vivo studies were performed for physiological activity and antiobesity effects on the serum, liver, and adipose tissues in obesity-induced rats.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe determined the phytochemical diversity, including carotenoids, flavonoids, anthocyanins, and phenolic acids, in sweet potatoes ( L.) with distinctive flesh colors (white, orange, and purple) and identified hydrophilic primary metabolites. Carotenoid content was considerably higher in orange-fleshed sweet potatoes, wherein β-carotene was the most plentiful, and anthocyanins were detected only in purple-fleshed sweet potatoes.
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