Publications by authors named "Senih Calikkocaoglu"

Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of Er:YAG laser irradiation on shear-bond strength of self-adhesive resin cements to dentin.

Background Data: Different laser-irradiation settings are used for dentin-surface pretreatment, which may affect the bond strength of resins.

Methods: Fourty-five extracted third molars were selected, sectioned in a mesiodistal direction, and 90 tooth slabs were obtained.

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Background: The authors conducted a study to evaluate the influence of dentists' and nondentists' experience, age, sex, eye color and use of eyeglasses or contact lenses on tooth shade-matching ability.

Methods: The authors included 120 participants in this study conducted in Istanbul (periodontists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, orthodontists, endodontists, pediatric dentists, prosthodontists, restorative dentists, general dentists in private practice, dental technicians, dental assistants, dental assistant students and laypeople). The authors assigned participants to one of three groups: group 1 was composed of prosthodontists, restorative dentists and dental technicians; group 2 consisted of other dental specialists and general dentists; and group 3 included dental assistants, dental assistant students and laypeople.

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In 1942, Stafne was the first to report radiographic findings of "static bone cavities" situated near the angle of the mandible. The typical radiographic appearance of Stafne's mandibular defect is a radiolucency below the inferior alveolar canal, between the mandibular premolars and the angle of the mandible. Stafne's mandibular defect ranges from 10 mm to 30 mm in diameter.

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The looseand unstable lower complete denture is a common problem faced by denture patients. One method used to solve this problem is the neutral zone technique. The neutral zone is the area where the displacing forces of the lips, cheeks and tongue are in balance.

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Sinus tracts are paths of drainage for abscesses and can occur both intraorally and extraorally. It is a fact that sinus tracts can heal with proper endodontic therapy. However, there are those types that are persistent and will not respond to any treatment.

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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine denture cleanliness of a population sample, as well as to investigate denture cleaning habits and attitudes.

Materials And Methods: Two hundred thirty-four denture-wearing patients were surveyed via a questionnaire to identify types and frequency of use of denture cleaning methods. Patients were also clinically examined to determine denture cleanliness.

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