Background: Black heart transplant patients are at higher risk of acute rejection (AR) and death than White patients. We hypothesized that this risk may be associated with higher levels of donor-derived cell-free DNA (dd-cfDNA) and cell-free mitochondrial DNA.
Methods: The Genomic Research Alliance for Transplantation is a multicenter, prospective, longitudinal cohort study.
Background: The benefits of standardized care for cardiogenic shock (CS) across regional care networks are poorly understood.
Objectives: The authors compared the management and outcomes of CS patients initially presenting to hub versus spoke hospitals within a regional care network.
Methods: The authors stratified consecutive patients enrolled in their CS registry (January 2017 to December 2019) by presentation to a spoke versus the hub hospital.
Black patients suffer higher rates of antibody-mediated rejection and have worse long-term graft survival after heart transplantation. Donor-derived cell free DNA (ddcfDNA) is released into the blood following allograft injury. This study analyzed %ddcfDNA in 63 heart transplant recipients categorized by Black and non-Black race, during the first 200 days after transplant.
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January 2022
Although accurate detection of breast cancer still poses significant challenges, deep learning (DL) can support more accurate image interpretation. In this study, we develop a highly robust DL model based on combined B-mode ultrasound (B-mode) and strain elastography ultrasound (SE) images for classifying benign and malignant breast tumors. This study retrospectively included 85 patients, including 42 with benign lesions and 43 with malignancies, all confirmed by biopsy.
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