Publications by authors named "Seffetullah Kuldas"

Children's use of the Internet comes with both risks and opportunities. To minimize risks and maximize opportunities, parents may choose to observe, enable, and/or restrict their children's Internet use. However, parents' high confidence in their children's online safety can itself be a risk factor inhibiting parental awareness of online risks.

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Dublin Anti-Bullying Self-Efficacy Scales aim to measure the effectiveness of school anti-bullying programs in promoting five steps that victims and bystanders take against online and offline bullying behaviors. These steps are anti-bullying self-efficacy beliefs to recognize bullying behaviors, comprehend emergency, take responsibility, know what to do, and intervene. However, when an anti-bullying program is very effective for the majority of participants who give high scores, a considerable number of participants who give low scores are very likely to be detected as outliers.

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Literature on anti-bullying programs shows a growing consensus about promoting victims and bystanders' self-efficacy against bullying, but provides no theoretical model nor measurement scale to assess the extent of achieving this aim. The current research aims to address these theoretical and empirical gaps by proposing the Dublin Anti-Bullying Self-Efficacy Models and Scales, using a convenience sample of 14-year-old students in Ireland ( = 1,100). After establishing both content and face validity, four separate scales were tested to measure anti-bullying self-efficacy beliefs among offline victims (20-item), online victims (20-item), offline bystanders (20-item), and online bystanders (20-item).

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The present research examines how children's time spent online is associated with their perceived life satisfaction accounting for their age, gender, socio-economic status (SES), emotional problems, country, and family environmental factors. This article is based on the data of the large scale cross-sectional survey from 16 European countries with nationally representative samples of children aged 9-17 ( = 11,200, = 13.3, SD = 2.

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Current literature has documented the detrimental effects of cyberbullying which include a range of internalizing and externalizing problems for those involved. Although critical, this research can sometimes ignore social-ecological aspects of a child's life that can potentially 'buffer' the negative psychological effects of such involvement. With this in mind, this cross-sectional investigation of 12-16 year olds [M(SD): 13.

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The adolescence period of life comes along with changes and challenges in terms of physical and cognitive development. In this hectic period, many adolescents may suffer more from various risk factors such as low socioeconomic status, substance abuse, sexual abuse and teenage pregnancy. Findings indicate that such disadvantaged backgrounds of Malaysian adolescent students lead to failure or underachievement in their academic performance.

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The capacity limitation of working memory is a widely recognised determinant of human learning. A cognitive load exceeding the capacity hampers learning. Cognitive load can be controlled by tailoring an instructional design to levels of learner prior knowledge.

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This review aims to provide an insight into human learning processes by examining the role of cognitive and emotional unconscious processing in mentally integrating visual and verbal instructional materials. Reviewed literature shows that conscious mental integration does not happen all the time, nor does it necessarily result in optimal learning. Students of all ages and levels of experience cannot always have conscious awareness, control, and the intention to learn or promptly and continually organize perceptual, cognitive, and emotional processes of learning.

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