Key Clinical Message: Veneer crowns can be used in anterior endodontically-treated teeth with light occlusal force and enamel substrate consideration as a more conservative approach instead of conventional all ceramic crowns.
Abstract: All-ceramic anterior crowns and veneers have been used widely in dentistry with high clinical success rate. The development of new reinforced ceramics in recent years has led to more use of extended defect-oriented preparation designs, that is, extended veneers, instead of full crown preparations which are less invasive.
Objectives: To assess the effect of lactic acid (LA) on microleakage of silorane-based composite restorations and methacrylate-based composites with self-etch and etch-and-rinse bonding systems.
Materials And Methods: Class V cavities were prepared in 120 extracted human teeth, divided into four groups and restored as follows: 1. Silorane-based composite+P90 adhesive system (P90); 2.