Publications by authors named "Sean Boyd"

Introduction: Flexible bronchoscopes have become essential in the operating theatre environment and in critical care. This narrative review compared single-use and reusable flexible bronchoscopes with a focus on safety, efficacy, cost-effectiveness and environmental impact.

Methods: We searched MEDLINE, Embase and PubMed databases for studies related to flexible bronchoscopes for airway management or use in critical care.

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Genetic variation in Arctic species is often influenced by vicariance during the Pleistocene, as ice sheets fragmented the landscape and displaced populations to low- and high-latitude refugia. The formation of secondary contact or suture zones during periods of ice sheet retraction has important consequences on genetic diversity by facilitating genetic connectivity between formerly isolated populations. Brant geese () are a maritime migratory waterfowl (Anseriformes) species that almost exclusively uses coastal habitats.

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COVID pneumonitis can cause patients to become critically ill. They may require intensive care and mechanical ventilation. Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is a concern.

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The rate of venous thromboembolism in COVID-19 patients has been reported to be 30% (deep vein thrombosis 20% and pulmonary embolism 18%). This has been shown to be higher in COVID-19 patients admitted to the ICU. Prophylactic anticoagulation may be sufficient at ward level, but not in intensive care.

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Due to multiple risk factors, the rate of ventilator-associated pneumonia in critically ill COVID-19 patients has been reported in a range of 7.6% to 86%. The rate of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in this cohort has been reported at 4% to 30%.

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Background: COVID-19 is a novel coronavirus that is currently responsible for the global pandemic. It has been reported that up to 25% [1] of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 develop VTE (venous thromboembolism), and this can be as high as 31% in ICU patients with COVID-19 [2].

Aims: To determine VTE rates in ICU patients with COVID compared to those admitted with influenza and a control group.

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Article Synopsis
  • * The Arctic Animal Movement Archive (AAMA) is a new resource that compiles over 200 animal tracking studies from 1991 to now, making it easier to access and analyze this data.
  • * Through AAMA, researchers are studying how climate change affects animal behaviors, including eagle migration timing, caribou reproduction patterns, and movement rates of terrestrial mammals.
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Evolutionary and behavioural ecologists have long been interested in factors shaping the variation in mating behaviour observed in nature. Although much of the research on this topic has focused on the consequences of mate choice and mate change on annual reproductive success, studies of a potential positive link between mate fidelity and adult demographic rates have been comparatively rare. This is particularly true for long-lived birds with multi-year, socially monogamous pair bonds.

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Objective: Vertebral canal haematoma (VCH) complicates 1 in 168,000 obstetric epidurals (Ruppen et al., 2006). This risk is increased in women with inherited bleeding disorders (IBD).

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Estimation of trade-offs between current reproduction and future survival and fecundity of long-lived vertebrates is essential to understanding factors that shape optimal reproductive investment. Black brant geese (Branta bernicla nigricans) fledge more goslings, on average, when their broods are experimentally enlarged to be greater than the most common clutch size of four eggs. Thus, we hypothesized that the lesser frequency of brant clutches exceeding four eggs results, at least partially, from a future reduction in survival, breeding probability, or clutch size for females tending larger broods.

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Marine plastic pollution is an emerging global conservation challenge, potentially impacting organisms at all trophic levels. However, currently it is unclear to what extent plastic pollution is impacting marine organisms at the population, species or multispecies level. In this study, we explore seasonal exposure (i.

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Barrow's goldeneyes are sea ducks that winter throughout coastal British Columbia (BC). Their diet consists primarily of intertidal blue mussels, which can accumulate PAHs; accordingly, goldeneyes may be susceptible to exposure through contaminated prey. In 2014/15, we examined total PAH concentrations in mussels from undeveloped and developed coastal areas of BC.

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Francisella noatunensis is an emerging pathogen of fish that has been isolated from several cultured species worldwide. Here presented is a case involving several hundred marine grunts that were caught near the Florida Keys for display in public aquaria. These fish were maintained in a recirculating system where they began to experience mortalities approximately two weeks post-stocking.

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Ideal free distribution theory predicts that individuals distribute themselves so fitness is equal among patches. In this paper we evaluate all components of adult fitness to assess the hypothesis that individuals distribute themselves among seven brood-rearing areas so that trade-offs among different life history traits result in equal mean fitness among individuals using different areas. We used estimates of vital rates (clutch size, nest survival, pre-fledging survival, post-fledging survival, juvenile survival, and breeding probability) to estimate brood-rearing-area-specific per capita recruitment rates and survival for adult females.

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The distribution of predators is widely recognized to be intimately linked to the distribution of their prey. Foraging theory suggests that predators will modify their behaviors, including movements, to optimize net energy intake when faced with variation in prey attributes or abundance. While many studies have documented changes in movement patterns of animals in response to temporal changes in food, very few have contrasted movements of a single predator species naturally occurring in dramatically different prey landscapes.

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