Publications by authors named "Se-Hoon Moon"

Tuberculosis (TB), an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC), remains one of the leading causes of death in the world. In Korea, the current prevalence of multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) poses a major problem. The most common method for diagnosing TB in developing countries is sputum smear microscopy; however, the sensitivity of this test is relatively low and it usually requires well-trained laboratory staff.

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Pandemic V. cholerae strains in the O1 serogroup have 2 biotypes: classical and El Tor. The classical biotype strains of the sixth pandemic, which encode the classical type cholera toxin (CT), have been replaced by El Tor biotype strains of the seventh pandemic.

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The classical biotype strains of the Vibrio cholerae O1 serogroup harbor the biotype-specific cholera-toxin encoding phage (CTX) CTX(cla), and the El Tor biotype strains contain CTX-1. Although the classical biotype strains have become extinct, a remnant of classical CTX phage is transferred to the El Tor biotype strains. The prototype El Tor strains, which produce the biotype-specific cholera toxin, are now being replaced by atypical El Tor variant strains producing classical biotype cholera toxin.

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Self-assembled GaSb nano structures were grown on GaN/sapphire. GaSb nano triangles as well as quantum dots were obtained under controlled growth conditions. Nano triangles were grown at 580 degrees C due to the growth rate anisotropy among the (1100) planes.

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