Publications by authors named "Schwartzberg E"

Purpose: Apixaban, a direct oral anticoagulant is administered for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation patients. Dosing adjustment is guided by renal function, age, and body weight. However, no data exist on its pharmacokinetics in patients with a body mass index (BMI) ≥ 35 kg/m.

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Scientific integrity is fundamental to evidence-based practice (EBP) and essential in music therapy (MT) research and clinical practice. Researchers conducted an integrative review of approaches and interventions employed by music therapists (MTs) with individuals on the autism spectrum in the context of how studies are analyzed by the National Autism Center (NAC) and National Clearinghouse on Autism Evidence and Practice (NCAEP). Researchers identified 880 database records meeting initial search criteria (i.

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Background: In 2017, we published an article addressing drug shortages (DS) in Israel, exploring regulatory perspectives, challenges, and potential solutions. Since then, DS remain a significant concern for patients, healthcare providers, and policymakers globally. In this updated article, we revisit the topic, providing new insights, data, and analysis on the current DS landscape in Israel, efforts to mitigate them, and propose strategies to combat this escalating issue.

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Drug therapy is a central pillar in the provision of medical care. A significant number of doctor-patient encounters conclude with a prescription for a drug. These are subsequently followed by a pharmacist-patient interaction that ends with the dispensing of prescription drugs and/or a recommendation for an over-the-counter drug and other products.

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Clinical pharmacy is an umbrella of pharmaceutical services that is practiced by clinical pharmacists. Clinical pharmacists improve the quality of drug therapy, minimize the risk for drug related problems, reduce the risk of morbidity and mortality associated with polypharmacy and decrease the overall healthcare expenditure. Consequently, clinical pharmacy is focused on both the needs of the individual patient, as well as of the healthcare system.

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Although information is frequently paired with music to enhance recall, there is a lack of basic research investigating how aspects of recorded music, as well as how it is presented, facilitate working memory. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the effects of visual and aural presentation styles, rhythm, and participant major on working memory as measured by sequential monosyllabic digit recall performance. We isolated visual and aural presentation styles and rhythm conditions during six different treatment stimuli presented on a computer screen in the study: (a) Visual Rhythm; (b) Visual No Rhythm; (c) Aural Rhythm; (d) Aural No Rhythm; (e) Visual + Aural Rhythm; (f) Visual + Aural No Rhythm.

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Background: Undocumented migrants in Israel, mostly originating from HIV endemic countries, are not covered by Israel's universal healthcare coverage. We initiated a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) to handle this public health and humanitarian challenge. The PPP venture included the Ministry of Health (MoH), pharmaceutical companies, pharmacies, and specialized HIV clinics, the Israeli HIV Medical Society (from the Israel Medical Association), and non-governmental organizations.

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The community pharmacy setting is a venue that is readily accessible to the public. In addition, it is staffed by a pharmacist, who is a healthcare provider, trained and capable of delivering comprehensive pharmaceutical care. As such, community pharmacists have a colossal opportunity to serve as key contributors to patients' health by ensuring appropriate use of medications, preventing medication misadventures, identifying drug-therapy needs, as well as by being involved in disease management, screening, and prevention programs.

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Information is often paired with music to facilitate memory and learning. However, there is a lack of basic research investigating how visual and auditory presentation styles and musical elements might facilitate recall. The purpose of this study is to isolate and determine the effects of visual and auditory presentation styles and musical elements on working memory as measured by sequential monosyllabic digit recall performance.

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Background: Current knowledge regarding chronic use of psychotropic medications during breastfeeding is limited. The objective of this study was to evaluate the long-term effects of psychotropic monotherapy use during lactation on the breastfed infant.

Materials And Methods: In this prospective study, we followed 280 infants whose mothers contacted the Drug Consultation Center (DCC) at Assaf Harofeh Medical Center between January 2011 and December 2015, seeking information regarding the chronic use of psychotropic medications during lactation.

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Purpose: The purpose of the study is to assess opioid (morphine, methadone, oxycodone, pethidine, and fentanyl) consumption in Israel during 2009 to 2016 and identify recent trends.

Methods: Data for all treatment settings, private and public, for the years 2009 to 2016, were extracted from the Israel Ministry of Health's Pharmaceutical Administration database. The data were used to calculate defined daily doses (DDD) per 1000 inhabitants per day, of the various drugs.

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Benzathine Penicillin G (BPG) is commonly used for treatment of penicillin-susceptible infections and secondary prevention of rheumatic fever. Death following administration of BPG is extremely rare-only a handful of cases have been described in the literature since the 1950's. In this case series from Israel and Switzerland, we describe nine cases of serious adverse reactions-six fatal reactions and three near-fatalities-occurring within minutes of receiving intramuscular BPG.

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The correct and rational use of medications can have a positive direct impact on disease outcomes, as well on the utilization of the health system resources. Unfortunately, 50% of the patients do not take their medications as prescribed, largely due to lack of patients' understanding of their medical condition, as well as the lack of reliable medicine information.There are multiple strategies implemented in many countries to tackle this challenge including: disease awareness campaigns (DAC) to raise the public awareness to specific diseases, direct-to-consumer advertisement (DTCA) to raise the public awareness to prescription medicines, specific treatments and over-the-counter (OTC) products to improve the accessibility of patients to specific medicines.

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Background: Due to the limited safety data available at the time that a new medication is first marketed, it is essential to continue the collection and monitoring of safety data about adverse drug reactions (ADRs) during the medication's life cycle. This activity, known as pharmacovigilance (PV), is performed worldwide by the pharmaceutical industry as well as by regulatory agencies. In 2012, the Israeli Ministry of Health (MOH) established a Pharmacovigilance and Drug Information Department.

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Background: Pharmaceutical drug shortages (DSs) are a global problem which presents challenges to countries around the world. Shortages of pharmaceutical products may have a direct detrimental impact on public health and patients' wellbeing by causing delayed, or even lack of, treatment. Moreover, DSs may force both patients and caregivers to use unfamiliar drugs, which could lead to medication errors.

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Background: Large amounts of expired and unused medications accumulate in households. This potentially exposes the public to hazards due to uncontrolled use of medications. Most of the expired or unused medications that accumulate in households (household medical waste) is thrown to the garbage or flushed down to the sewage, potentially contaminating waste-water, water resources and even drinking water.

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Background: Although serious mental illneses are treated with both typical and atypical antipsychotic grugs, trends in their use in psychiatric inpatient population in Israel are unrecognized. The aim of this study was to detect trends in the use of typical and atypical antipsychotic drugs in the Israeli inpatient psychiatric population throughout the last decade.

Methods: Data regarding allocation of typical and atypical antipsychotics, over the period 2004 to 2013, were extracted from the electronic records of SAREL, Israel's largest private supplier of drugs to healthcare and medical facilities.

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  • Climate change and insect outbreaks contribute to increased tree mortality, but the effects of temperature on tree-insect interactions are not fully understood.
  • A study using a forest warming experiment showed that higher temperatures changed tree chemistry, impacting the performance of forest tent caterpillars and their host trees (aspen and birch).
  • Findings suggest that elevated temperatures can lead to reduced tree quality, prompting caterpillars to consume more but with little effect on their growth, highlighting the complexity of ecological responses to climate variability.
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Native to China and Korea, the Asian longhorned beetle, Anoplophora glabripennis (Motschulsky) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), is a polyphagous wood-boring pest for which a trapping system would greatly benefit eradication and management programs in both the introduced and native ranges. Over two field seasons, a total of 160 flight intercept panel traps were deployed in Harbin, China, which trapped a total of 65 beetles. In 2012, traps using lures with a 1:1 ratio of the male-produced pheromone components (4-(n-heptyloxy)butanal and 4-(n-heptyloxy)butan-1-ol) designed to release at a rate of 1 or 4 milligram per day per component in conjunction with the plant volatiles (-)-linalool, trans-caryophyllene, and (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol caught significantly more A.

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Background: Information is often paired with music in an attempt to facilitate recall and enhance learning. However, there is a lack of basic research investigating how music carrying information might facilitate recall and subsequent learning.

Objective: The purpose of the current study was to determine the effects of voice timbre and accompaniment on working memory as measured by recall performance on a sequential digit recall task.

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As the world's climate warms, the phenologies of interacting organisms in seasonally cold environments may advance at differing rates, leading to alterations in phenological synchrony that can have important ecological consequences. For temperate and boreal species, the timing of early spring development plays a key role in plant-herbivore interactions and can influence insect performance, outbreak dynamics, and plant damage. We used a field-based, meso-scale free-air forest warming experiment (B4WarmED) to examine the effects of elevated temperature on the phenology and performance of forest tent caterpillar (Malacosoma disstria) in relation to the phenology of two host trees, aspen (Populus tremuloides) and birch (Betula papyrifera).

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  • In the U.S., soybean aphids (Aphis glycines) are often cared for by ants (Lasius neoniger), which influence their population size and health.
  • A study in Kentucky showed that when ants tended to the aphids, their biomass doubled, regardless of whether natural enemies (predators or parasites) were present.
  • This suggests that management practices affecting ant populations could impact the control of soybean aphids, highlighting their importance as a pest in agriculture.
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