The paradigm of chemical activation rates in cellular biology has been shifted from the mean arrival time of a single particle to the mean of the first among many particles to arrive at a small activation site. The activation rate is set by extremely rare events, which have drastically different time scales from the mean times between activations, and depends on different structural parameters. This shift calls for reconsideration of physical processes used in deterministic and stochastic modeling of chemical reactions that are based on the traditional forward rate, especially for fast activation processes in living cells.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCan the cell's perception of time be expressed through the length of the shortest telomere? To address this question, we analyze an asymmetric random walk that models telomere length for each division that can decrease by a fixed length a or, if recognized by a polymerase, it increases by a fixed length b ≫ a. Our analysis of the model reveals two phases, first, a determinist drift of the length toward a quasi-equilibrium state, and second, persistence of the length near an attracting state for the majority of divisions. The measure of stability of the latter phase is the expected number of divisions at the attractor ("lifetime") prior to crossing a threshold T that model senescence.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVoltage and charge distributions in cellular microdomains regulate communications, excitability, and signal transduction. We report here new electrical laws in a biological cell, which follow from a nonlinear electro-diffusion model. These newly discovered laws derive from the geometrical cell-membrane properties, such as membrane curvature, volume, and surface area.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe search by swimmers for a small target in a bounded domain is ubiquitous in cellular biology, where a prominent case is that of the search by spermatozoa for an egg in the uterus. This is one of the severest selection processes in animal reproduction. We present here a mathematical model of the search, its analysis, and numerical simulations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBiophys J
November 2015
A large number (tens of thousands) of single molecular trajectories on a cell membrane can now be collected by superresolution methods. The data contains information about the diffusive motion of molecule, proteins, or receptors and here we review methods for its recovery by statistical analysis of the data. The information includes the forces, organization of the membrane, the diffusion tensor, the long-time behavior of the trajectories, and more.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys
March 2014
Activated escape of a Brownian particle from the domain of attraction of a stable focus over a limit cycle exhibits non-Kramers behavior: it is non-Poissonian. When the attractor is moved closer to the boundary, oscillations can be discerned in the survival probability. We show that these oscillations are due to complex-valued higher-order eigenvalues of the Fokker-Planck operator, which we compute explicitly in the limit of small noise.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCritical biological processes, such as synaptic plasticity and transmission, activation of genes by transcription factors, or double-strained DNA break repair, are controlled by diffusion in structures that have both large and small spatial scales. These may be small binding sites inside or on the surface of the cell, or narrow passages between subcellular compartments. The great disparity in spatial scales is the key to controlling cell function by structure.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys
January 2012
We study the mean turnaround time of a Brownian needle in a narrow planar strip. When the needle is only slightly shorter than the width of the strip, the computation becomes a nonstandard narrow escape problem. We develop a boundary layer method, based on a conformal mapping of cusplike narrow straits, to obtain an explicit asymptotic approximation to the mean turnaround time.
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August 2011
Particles diffusing on a membrane crowded with obstacles have to squeeze between them through funnel-shaped narrow straits. The computation of the mean passage time through the straits is a new narrow escape problem that gives rise to new, hitherto unknown, behavior that we communicate here. The motion through the straits on the coarse scale of the narrow escape time is an effective diffusion with coefficient that varies nonlinearly with the density of obstacles.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDendritic spines are small protrusions on a neuronal dendrite that are the main locus of excitatory synaptic connections. Although their geometry is variable over time and along the dendrite, they typically consist of a relatively large head connected to the dendritic shaft by a narrow cylindrical neck. The surface of the head is connected smoothly by a funnel or non-smoothly to the narrow neck, whose end absorbs the particles at the dendrite.
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November 2008
Questions of flux regulation in biological cells raise a renewed interest in the narrow escape problem. The determination of a higher order asymptotic expansion of the narrow escape time depends on determining the singularity behavior of the Neumann Green's function for the Laplacian in a three-dimensional (3D) domain with a Dirac mass on the boundary. In addition to the usual 3D Coulomb singularity, this Green's function also has an additional weaker logarithmic singularity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhysiol Chem Phys Med NMR
September 2008
Oriental hornet workers, kept in an Artificial Breeding Box (ABB) without a queen, construct within a few days brood combs of hexagonal cells with apertures facing down. These combs possess stems that fasten the former to the roof of the ABB. In an ABB with adult workers (more than 24 h after eclosion), exposed to an AC (50 Hz) magnetic field of a magnitude of B = 50-70 mGauss, the combs and cells are built differently from those of a control ABB, subjected only to the natural terrestrial magnetic field.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFProc Natl Acad Sci U S A
October 2007
The study of the diffusive motion of ions or molecules in confined biological microdomains requires the derivation of the explicit dependence of quantities, such as the decay rate of the population or the forward chemical reaction rate constant on the geometry of the domain. Here, we obtain this explicit dependence for a model of a Brownian particle (ion, molecule, or protein) confined to a bounded domain (a compartment or a cell) by a reflecting boundary, except for a small window through which it can escape. We call the calculation of the mean escape time the narrow escape problem.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe escape of Brownian motion through a narrow absorbing window in an otherwise reflecting boundary of a domain is a rare event. In the presence of a deep potential well, there are two long time scales, the mean escape time from the well and the mean time to reach the absorbing window. We derive a generalized Kramers formula for the mean escape time through the narrow window.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys
September 2005
The problem of diffusion with absorption and trapping sites arises in the theory of molecular signaling inside and on the membranes of biological cells. In particular, this problem arises in the case of spine-dendrite communication, where the number of calcium ions, modeled as random particles, is regulated across the spine microstructure by pumps, which play the role of killing sites, while the end of the dendritic shaft is an absorbing boundary. We develop a general mathematical framework for diffusion in the presence of absorption and killing sites and apply it to the computation of the time-dependent survival probability of ions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA Langevin particle is initiated at the origin with positive velocity. Its trajectory is terminated when it returns to the origin. In 1945, Wang and Uhlenbeck posed the problem of finding the joint probability density function (PDF) of the recurrence time and velocity, naming it "the recurrence time problem".
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe consider the trajectories of particles diffusing between two infinite baths of fixed concentrations connected by a channel, e.g., a protein channel of a biological membrane.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTraditional chemical kinetics may be inappropriate to describe chemical reactions in microdomains involving only a small number of substrate and reactant molecules. Starting with the stochastic dynamics of the molecules, we derive a master-diffusion equation for the joint probability density of a mobile reactant and the number of bound substrate in a confined domain. We use the equation to calculate the fluctuations in the number of bound substrate molecules as a function of initial reactant distribution.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys
February 2005
The prediction of ionic currents in protein channels of biological membranes is one of the central problems of computational molecular biophysics. Existing continuum descriptions of ionic permeation fail to capture the rich phenomenology of the permeation process, so it is therefore necessary to resort to particle simulations. Brownian dynamics (BD) simulations require the connection of a small discrete simulation volume to large baths that are maintained at fixed concentrations and voltages.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys
December 2004
Flux between regions of different concentration occurs in nearly every device involving diffusion, whether an electrochemical cell, a bipolar transistor, or a protein channel in a biological membrane. Diffusion theory has calculated that flux since the time of Fick (1855), and the flux has been known to arise from the stochastic behavior of Brownian trajectories since the time of Einstein (1905), yet the mathematical description of the behavior of trajectories corresponding to different types of boundaries is not complete. We consider the trajectories of noninteracting particles diffusing in a finite region connecting two baths of fixed concentrations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys
November 2004
The ionic current flowing through a protein channel in the membrane of a biological cell depends on the concentration of the permeant ion, as well as on many other variables. As the concentration increases, the rate of arrival of bath ions to the channel's entrance increases, and typically so does the net current. This concentration dependence is part of traditional diffusion and rate models that predict Michaelis-Menten current-concentration relations for a single ion channel.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA dendritic spine is an intracellular compartment in synapses of central neurons. The role of the fast twitching of spines, brought about by a transient rise of internal calcium concentration above that of the parent dendrite, has been hitherto unclear. We propose an explanation of the cause and effect of the twitching and its role in the functioning of the spine as a fast calcium compartment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys
September 2001
Permeation of ions from one electrolytic solution to another, through a protein channel, is a biological process of considerable importance. Permeation occurs on a time scale of micro- to milliseconds, far longer than the femtosecond time scales of atomic motion. Direct simulations of atomic dynamics are not yet possible for such long-time scales; thus, averaging is unavoidable.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhys Rev E Stat Phys Plasmas Fluids Relat Interdiscip Topics
August 1996