The Australian Health Informatics Competency Framework (AHICF) guides the healthcare workforce in identifying the required competencies to perform as a health informatician, and more definitively defines the foundational body of knowledge on which the discipline is based. The aim of this paper is to describe the conceptual foundations in developing the AHICF v1.0, detail the methods used to revise and publish AHICF v2.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFlexible metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) can undergo structural transitions with significant pore volume changes upon guest adsorption or other external triggers while maintaining their porosity. In computational studies of this breathing behavior, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations within periodic boundary conditions (PBCs) are commonly performed. However, to account for the finite size and surface effects affecting the phase transition mechanism, the simulation of non-periodic nanocrystallite (NC) models without the constraint of PBCs is an important alternative.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFlexible porous frameworks are at the forefront of materials research. A unique feature is their ability to open and close their pores in an adaptive manner induced by chemical and physical stimuli. Such enzyme-like selective recognition offers a wide range of functions ranging from gas storage and separation to sensing, actuation, mechanical energy storage and catalysis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFImportance: COVID-19 has highlighted widespread chronic underinvestment in digital health that hampered public health responses to the pandemic. Recognizing this, the Riyadh Declaration on Digital Health, formulated by an international interdisciplinary team of medical, academic, and industry experts at the Riyadh Global Digital Health Summit in August 2020, provided a set of digital health recommendations for the global health community to address the challenges of current and future pandemics. However, guidance is needed on how to implement these recommendations in practice.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInternationally healthcare organisations and governments are grappling with the issue of upskilling healthcare workforces in relation to digital health. Significant research has been undertaken in relation to documenting essential digital health capability requirements for the workforce. In 2019 the Australian Digital Health Agency funded work by the Australasian Institute of Digital Health to develop a National Nursing and Midwifery Digital Health Capability Framework.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCompetencies have emerged as being important in healthcare. AIDH has health informatics competencies and ACHSM has health service management competencies but as health care is rapidly changing, it is important that the required competencies continue to evolve. The aim is to investigate whether postgraduate health care management education in Australian universities facilitates the development of informatics competencies.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOne of the most investigated properties of porous crystalline metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) is their potential flexibility to undergo large changes in unit cell size upon guest adsorption or other stimuli, referred to as "breathing". Computationally, such phase transitions are usually investigated using periodic boundary conditions, where the system's volume can be controlled directly. However, we have recently shown that important aspects like the formation of a moving interface between the open and the closed pore form or the free energy barrier of the first-order phase transition and its size effects can best be investigated using non-periodic nanocrystallite (NC) models [Keupp et al.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnimals inhabiting urban areas often experience elevated disease threats, putatively due to factors such as increased population density and horizontal transmission or decreased immunity (e.g. due to nutrition, pollution, stress).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPrecise characterization and tailoring of the spatial and temporal evolution of plasma density within plasma sources are critical for realizing high-quality accelerated beams in plasma wakefield accelerators. The simultaneous use of two independent diagnostics allowed the temporally and spatially resolved detection of plasma density with unprecedented sensitivity and enabled the characterization of the plasma temperature in discharge capillaries for times later than 0.5 µs after the initiation of the discharge, at which point the plasma is at local thermodynamic equilibrium.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEnergy-efficient plasma-wakefield acceleration of particle bunches with low energy spread is a promising path to realizing compact free-electron lasers and particle colliders. High efficiency and low energy spread can be achieved simultaneously by strong beam loading of plasma wakefields when accelerating bunches with carefully tailored current profiles [M. Tzoufras et al.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPlasma-wakefield accelerators driven by intense particle beams promise to significantly reduce the size of future high-energy facilities. Such applications require particle beams with a well-controlled energy spectrum, which necessitates detailed tailoring of the plasma wakefield. Precise measurements of the effective wakefield structure are therefore essential for optimising the acceleration process.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the absence of international standards, widely differing attitudes and laws, medical and social cultures strongly influence whether and how patients may access their medical records in various settings of care. Reviewing records, including the notes clinicians write, can help shape how people participate in their own care. Aided at times by new technologies, individual patients and care partners are repurposing existing tools and designing innovative, often 'low-tech' ways to collect, sort and interpret their own health information.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThere has been no empirical evidence about the health informatics workforce in Australia produced in the last ten years. This study reports the findings from an analysis of a subset of the 2018 Australian Health Informatics Workforce Census data. Analysing 420 responses that were identified as the occupational group Health Informatics, the results indicate that whilst most of the workforce is classified as aged (>45 years), many respondents are still relatively early in their health informatics careers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhilos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci
August 2019
The FLASHForward experimental facility is a high-performance test-bed for precision plasma wakefield research, aiming to accelerate high-quality electron beams to GeV-levels in a few centimetres of ionized gas. The plasma is created by ionizing gas in a gas cell either by a high-voltage discharge or a high-intensity laser pulse. The electrons to be accelerated will either be injected internally from the plasma background or externally from the FLASH superconducting RF front end.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA tunable plasma-based energy dechirper has been developed at FLASHForward to remove the correlated energy spread of a 681 MeV electron bunch. Through the interaction of the bunch with wakefields excited in plasma the projected energy spread was reduced from a FWHM of 1.31% to 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFActive plasma lensing is a compact technology for strong focusing of charged particle beams, which has gained considerable interest for use in novel accelerator schemes. While providing kT/m focusing gradients, active plasma lenses can have aberrations caused by a radially nonuniform plasma temperature profile, leading to degradation of the beam quality. We present the first direct measurement of this aberration, consistent with theory, and show that it can be fully suppressed by changing from a light gas species (helium) to a heavier gas species (argon).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Certified Health Informatician Australasia (CHIA) program consists of an online exam, which aims to test whether a candidate has the knowledge and skills that are identified in the competencies framework to perform as a health informatics professional. The CHIA Health Informatics Competencies Framework provides the context in which the questions for the exam have been developed. The core competencies for health informatics that are tested in the exam have been developed with reference to similar programs by the American Medical Informatics Association, the International Medical Informatics Association and COACH, Canada's Health Informatics Association, and builds on the previous work done by the Australian Health Informatics Education Council.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: There is a need to develop a national census of the health information workforce to inform the planning and forecasting of the workforce and inform education and training needs. Yet, this raises a number of issues that need to be incorporated into the planning stage. This paper discusses the issues and recommendations for the development of a national health information workforce census and an Expert Panel's recommendations for how we should proceed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Morning symptoms associated with COPD have a negative impact on patients' quality of life. Long-acting bronchodilators with rapid onset may relieve patients' symptoms. In the Symptoms and Pulmonary function in the moRnING study, we prospectively compared the rapid onset bronchodilator profile of glycopyrronium (GLY) and tiotropium (TIO) during the first few hours after dosing in patients with moderate-to-severe COPD.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStud Health Technol Inform
December 2016