Background: Public safety personnel (PSP) are exposed to traumatic events due to their work environments, which increases the risk of mental health challenges. Providing effective and evidence-based interventions, such as SMS text messaging programs, can improve PSP's overall mental well-being with high user satisfaction rates.
Objective: This study aims to evaluate users' satisfaction, receptiveness, and perceptions of a cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)-based supportive SMS text messaging intervention (Text4PTSI).
Background: Public safety personnel experience various mental health conditions due to their work's complex and demanding nature. There are barriers to seeking support and treatment; hence, providing innovative and cost-effective interventions can help improve mental health symptoms in public safety personnel.
Objective: The study aimed to evaluate the impact of Text4PTSI on depression, anxiety, trauma, and stress-related symptoms, and the resilience of public safety personnel after six months of providing supportive text message intervention.