Publications by authors named "Sayegh Hachem El"

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  • * A 41-year-old male with chronic left scrotal swelling was diagnosed with testicular tuberculosis after imaging and histopathology revealed caseating granulomas and acid-fast bacilli.
  • * The patient had surgery to remove the affected testicle and received a standard four-drug TB treatment, but follow-up showed he had permanent fertility impairment due to azoospermia.
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Wilms' tumor (nephroblastoma) is rare in adults, comprising less than 5 % of renal cancers. This report details a 48-year-old male with persistent abdominal pain, weight loss, and fatigue, whose imaging showed a large, heterogeneous left renal mass with regional lymph node involvement. Post-nephrectomy histology confirmed nephroblastoma with a triphasic pattern.

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  • An intravesical ureterocele is an uncommon condition where the end of the ureter forms a cyst in the bladder, causing urinary issues.
  • A 42-year-old female experienced irritative urinary symptoms and left lower back pain, leading to a diagnosis through CT urography that showed ureteral duplication and a ureterocele causing obstruction.
  • Treatment was performed via endoscopic ureterocelotomy, which effectively alleviated her symptoms and fixed the upper urinary tract blockage.
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A spontaneous intraperitoneal bladder rupture is a rare, serious and life-threatening surgical emergency of various etiologies, with unspecific clinical presentation, and difficult diagnosis. Surgical treatment is the standard therapy for intraperitoneal bladder rupture; however, there is an increasing tendency toward conservative management in selected patients with favorable characteristics. Herein, we report a rare case of a 65-year-old male patient presented to the emergency department with intraperitoneal bladder rupture following an episode of acute urinary retention due to benign prostatic hyperplasia, and which was successfully managed conservatively with urinary bladder catheterization and antibiotic therapy, without any complication.

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In this case report, we are reporting the case of a 68-year-old male patient who was admitted in our hospital for unintended weight loss, asthenia, and anorexia. Physical examination showed clinical signs of anemia such as pallor of skin and mucous membranes; hemodynamic parameters were normal. Complete blood count (CBC) analysis showed a pancytopenia with anemia, thrombocytopenia, and leukopenia.

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Squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder is a rare form of bladder tumor, accounting for less than 5% of bladder cancers. Sex ratio is balanced and the black population is more affected by this disease. It manifests with non-specific clinical symptoms and it is dominated by haematuria.

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Sarcomatoid carcinomas of the bladder represent a tiny part of bladder tumors and are characterized by a high potential for malignancy. Very aggressive and affecting mainly men, these tumors present both a urothelial and sarcomatoid contingent. The treatment of these tumors is not well codified given the rarity of cases reported in the literature, however, it seems that the treatment is essentially based on radical cystectomy with extensive pelvic lymph node dissection.

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Severe renal trauma is a particular entity, although rare, but most often involves the risk of short-term death from hemorrhagic shock and long-term death from infectious complications or secondary renal dysfunction, exceptionally post-renal vascular hypertension. Which is generally a late complication, we will report the case of a patient suffering from grade v renal trauma with early post-traumatic renal vascular hypertension, suppressed by medical treatment, then the surgical indication was kept in the second phase in front of a mute kidney.

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Introduction: Splenogonadal fusion is a rare congenital anomaly, defined by the presence of ectopic splenic tissue caused by an abnormal connection between the spleen and the gonad or mesonephrotic derivatives during the embryonic period.

Materials And Methods: By reporting an observational case and performing a review of the literature according to the CARE guidelines (using the PubMed database and guidelines from urology, general surgery, and pediatric learned societies), we present the embryological genesis of the splenogonadal fusion, the associated anatomical anomalies, and the diagnostic procedure. .

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Incidence of firearm injuries generally and scrotal injuries specifically varies between regions and countries. Patients admitted to the emergency department for gunshot wounds to external genitalia require a thorough assessment. We report the case of a 33-year-old patient who was shot in the thigh and scrotum resulting in a unilateral orchidectomy.

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Introduction: Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. Cutaneous metastasis from prostate cancer is an unusual clinical finding. Scrotal skin metastasis revealing a prostate adenocarcinoma is even rarer.

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This study aims to discuss the role of open surgery in the treatment of renal lithiasis, including coralliform stones, with the advent of new less invasive techniques. We report a series of 53 cases of coralliform stones whose data were collected in our Hospital during a period of 7 years, from January 2011 to January 2018. The patients underwent open nephrolithotomy by lombotomy.

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We report the dramatic case of a 18-year old patient with immediately metastatic round cells paratesticular liposarcoma. It is a rare tumor that develops in the fatty tissue surrounding the testicle and the spermatic cord. Clinical and radiological signs are nonspecific and diagnosis is usually based on surgical specimen examination.

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Neuroendocrine carcinoma of the bladder is a rare histological entity, characterized by the ability to metastasize quickly and associated with a poor prognosis. The purpose of this study was to analyze the clinical, histological, therapeutic and prognostic characteristics of neuroendocrine carcinoma of the bladder. We conducted a retrospective study collecting data from the medical records of 5 patients in the Department of Urology, at the Ibn Sina University Hospital during the period between January 2008 and June 2015.

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Botulinum toxin (BT) was first used in urology for the treatment of neuro-urological disorders such as bladder sphincter dyssynergia and incontinence due to neuropathic detrusor overactivity. Its action is now clearly demonstrated and it is now widely used in treating neurogenic neuropathic detrusor overactivity. May the botulinic toxin constitute an effective treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)? Intraprostatic BT injection has recently been investigated as a treatment for BPH.

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