Publications by authors named "Sayed Zafar"

Background: Psoriasis, a chronic inflammatory disease affecting the skin, joints, and nails (2-3% worldwide), significantly affects quality of life. Genetic and environmental factors also play key roles. Topical corticosteroids, calcineurin inhibitors, and oral corticosteroids help to manage plaque psoriasis symptoms, but combination therapies might offer greater effectiveness and improved safety profiles.

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With the rate of oropharyngeal cancer on the rise, appropriate surgical management is an increasingly important consideration. Much debate currently exists regarding the necessary extent of neck dissections when performing curative surgery for primary oropharyngeal malignancies. Here, we present the case of a 64-year-old patient with p16+ T1N1M0 squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the right tonsil.

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Objectives: In the resection of oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma (OCSCC), an intraoperative positive surgical margin (SM) communicated to the head and neck surgeon necessitates further resection of the area of identified involvement to achieve a final negative SM. The prognostic implication of initial positive SM when the final SM is negative is understudied.

Materials And Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 249 patients with non-metastatic (stage I-IVB) OCSCC who underwent a resection from 2010 to 2019 to assess the prognostic impact of an initial positive SM.

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Despite preclinical success, monotherapies targeting EGFR or cyclin D1-CDK4/6 in Head and Neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) have shown a limited clinical outcome. Here, we aimed to determine the combined effect of palbociclib (CDK4/6) and afatinib (panEGFR) inhibitors as an effective strategy to target HNSCC. Using TCGA-HNSCC co-expression analysis, we found that patients with high EGFR and cyclin D1 expression showed enrichment of gene clusters associated with cell-growth, glycolysis, and epithelial to mesenchymal transition processes.

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African Americans (AA) with Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC) have a worse disease prognosis than White patients despite adjusting for socio-economic factors, suggesting the potential biological contribution. Therefore, we investigated the genomic and immunological components that drive the differential tumor biology among race. We utilized the cancer genome atlas and cancer digital archive of HNSCC patients (1992-2013) for our study.

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Background: Thyroid lobectomy is performed for symptomatic benign nodules, indeterminate nodules, or low-risk well-differentiated thyroid cancer. We aimed to determine factors associated with need for thyroid hormone supplementation following thyroid lobectomy.

Methods: We performed a retrospective single-institution cohort study of patients undergoing thyroid lobectomy from January 2016 to December 2017.

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Background: Thyroid lobectomy is performed for symptomatic benign nodules, indeterminate nodules, or low-risk well differentiated thyroid cancer. We aimed to determine factors associated with thyroid stimulating hormone over goal (TH) following lobectomy.

Methods: We performed a retrospective single-institution cohort study of patients undergoing thyroid lobectomy from January 2016 to December 2017.

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The diagnosis of carcinoma of unknown primary in the head and neck is made when there is a metastasis but no primary lesion is identified after physical exam and diagnostic CT or MR imaging. PET/CT is the first step in searching for a primary lesion, followed by more invasive techniques such as endoscopy and surgery. Knowledge of the different tumor histologic types, preferential locations of nodal spread, imaging pitfalls, and other special considerations such as cystic metastases can be helpful in the ultimate identification of primary tumors, which leads to improved overall patient survival.

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An abscess of the deep parotid lobe is an uncommon complication of acute parotitis. Characterized by warm erythematous facial skin and ipsilateral cheek swelling, parotid abscesses have often been associated with decreased saliva production and immunodeficiency. We offer a case of a large deep parotid lobe abscess presenting similarly to a peritonsillar mass, causing significant odynophagia and difficulty swallowing.

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Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is the sixth most common cancer, with high morbidity and mortality. Racial disparity in HNSCC is observed between African Americans (AAs) and whites, effecting both overall and 5-year survival, with worse prognosis for AAs. In addition to socio-economic status and demographic factors, many epidemiological studies have also identified factors including coexisting human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, primary tumor location, and a variety of somatic mutations that contribute to the prognostic incongruities in HNSCC patients among AAs and whites.

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Cancer remains a leading cause of death in the USA and around the world. Although the current synthetic inhibitors used in targeted therapies have improved patient prognosis, toxicity and development of resistance to these agents remain a challenge. Plant-derived natural products and their derivatives have historically been used to treat various diseases, including cancer.

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The use of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) for regeneration of the spiral ganglion will require techniques for promoting otic neuronal progenitor (ONP) differentiation, anchoring of cells to anatomically appropriate and specific niches, and long-term cell survival after transplantation. In this study, we used self-assembling peptide amphiphile (PA) molecules that display an IKVAV epitope (IKVAV-PA) to create a niche for hESC-derived ONPs that supported neuronal differentiation and survival both in vitro and in vivo after transplantation into rodent inner ears. A feature of the IKVAV-PA gel is its ability to form organized nanofibers that promote directed neurite growth.

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Importance: Sinonasal mucosal melanoma (SMM) is a rare malignant neoplasm characterized by a poor prognosis despite aggressive intervention including wide surgical resection. Margin status has previously been cited as an important prognostic factor for local control and overall survival (OS) in patients who undergo either an open or endoscopic surgical approach. No comparisons have been made, however, in patients who have undergone gross total resection with or without positive margins.

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A young adult presented with acute weakness of right side of body and slurring of speech. An initial brain CT scan showed a pontine haemorrhage, however MRI done a few days later revealed a mass in the left parapharyngeal space. Histopathology of the mass revealed that it was a chondrosarcoma.

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Object: The object of this study was to investigate the effects of iatrogenic pedicle perforations from screw misplacement on the mean pullout strength of thoracic pedicle screws.

Methods: Forty human thoracic vertebrae (T6-11) from human cadavers were studied. Before pedicle screws were inserted, the specimens were separated into 4 groups according to the type of screw used: 1) standard pedicle screw (no cortical perforation); 2) screw with medial cortical perforation; 3) screw with lateral cortical perforation; and 4) "airball" screw (a screw that completely missed the vertebral body).

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Moyamoya disease (MMD) is a progressive, occlusive disease of the distal internal carotid arteries associated with secondary stenosis of the circle of Willis. Symptoms include ischemic infarcts in children and hemorrhages in adults. Bypass of the stenotic vessel(s) is the primary surgical treatment modality for MMD.

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